September 22, 2004

The Forgotten Reviews

forgotten2.jpgI am sad this morning my good readership. One of the few films that I've truly been looking forward to post summer was The Forgotten. Solid cast, interesting trailer without giving ANYTHING away, and a cool title all worked together to build my hopes up for seeing it this Friday. But alas, even with Julianne Moore, Gary Sinise and Anthony Edwards this one is getting negative shouts from the critic community. They're not all bad... but most of them are. Check it out:

"Frightening and enthralling, and quite often, but the film's consummate thematic missteps cripple the project beyond repair."

"Car chases, special-effects jolts, and a socially irrelevant sci-fi story line lifted whole from The X-Files."

"Folks are inhaled into the sky like a line of coke up a producer's nose. If ever there was a movie where the cast should be sucked into the stratosphere, this would be it."
Mark Ramsey, MOVIEJUICE!

"...a serviceable thriller...even though it feels an awful lot like a mediocre 'X-Files' episode at times."

Well, I'll still be in line to see it this weekend and judge for myself. To check out more reviews of The Forgotten, head over to Rotten Tomatoes. To see the trailer for The Forgotten, go here.

Posted by John Campea at September 22, 2004 12:55 PM



i still can't wait to see it.

critics told me hero was going to great, and it was terrible.

they told me RE:apocolyse was going to be terrible and it was great.

I am confident this will be worht seeing at the least.

also, I thought the first trailer I saw (before collateral - which was a pleasant suprise, i liked it alot and expected to hate it -) was the best trailer I have ever seen as far as pacing, music and what it gave away, it just made me really want to see the movie.

Posted by: miles at September 22, 2004 01:34 PM

UFO kidnappings are so 1990s.

Posted by: Mark at September 22, 2004 05:43 PM

Oh wow Miles... I usually agree with you on a lot of stuff... BUT DID YOU JUST SAY "HERO" WAS TERRIBLE?!?! Are you INSANE!?!?!?!

What more did you want from a movie? Beautiful visuals, classic story telling, a fairy tale like tale... what exactly was wrong with it?!?!

Oh well... like I always say: The most beautiful thing about movies is the pure subjectivity of them. Cheers.

Posted by: John Campea at September 22, 2004 06:45 PM

well, i wanted to like it so much, i was so excited about it, when io finally got to it i was in such a good mood.

then, it was sooooo slow, and i really liked crouching tiger hidden dragon.

and it bugged me, because it had so many great elements, the art directiona and cinematography were fantastic, the story was so interesting, it was one of my favourite plots ever.

but, man oh man, did it ever drag!

i hate slow motion flying, and the scene on the lake where they batted the drop of water bvack and forth, and then it landed on her face.

I mean, i can appreciate an art film, but it was just to much for me.

maybe terrible is a strong word, because, I can see how peope could enjkoy, and i really wanted to enjoy it. I just couldn't.

Posted by: miles at September 23, 2004 01:51 PM

I too was really looking forward to The Forgotten. I thought the trailer looked great. I got to see it last night. Unfortunately, I was very dissapointed. It's not horrible, but not really very good. It starts out pretty interesting, but then the story ends up not really being very good. I agree with the critics who said it was like an X-Files episode. It's the type of movie you would have expected 15 years ago maybe. It just doesn't really have any new ideas.

Posted by: Phil at September 23, 2004 04:05 PM

Well, I've got mixed feelings about reading this post. The good, I've finally found a decent blog for movie fans. The bad, I was really looking forward to The Forgotten. I'll still see it, but some of the excitement has faded :( .


Posted by: Marc at September 23, 2004 04:46 PM

I went to see The Forgotten and I really enjoyed the story, pretty twisted to think your whole memory could be erased. However, I am not sure what was going on because we could actually see the microphone in most scenes and in a few scenes you could actually see it moving around the room with the actors. I don't know if they got a copy they weren't supposed to, or if it was intentional. I have never seen anything like that before. Did anyone else see this in the movie?

Posted by: Maria at September 26, 2004 09:09 AM

The Forgotten will be quickly forgotten, except for the 7 bucks which I spent on this piece of crap movie. I will fondly remember those 2 singles and five that did nothing to be brought into the travesty of this waste of time. This was a real junky movie and I wished everybody in it got sucked away so I wouldn't have to see there stupid faces trying to act like they were in anything except a piece of crap.

Posted by: jimmy at September 27, 2004 10:15 PM

This was the most horrible movie I've ever seen. Total waste of money, DON'T SEE IT!!

Posted by: Brett at October 2, 2004 10:58 AM

This was the most horrible movie I've ever seen. Total waste of money, DON'T SEE IT!!

Posted by: Brett at October 2, 2004 10:58 AM

This was the most horrible movie I've ever seen. Total waste of money, DON'T SEE IT!!

Posted by: Brett at October 2, 2004 10:58 AM

This was the most horrible movie I've ever seen. Total waste of money, DON'T SEE IT!!

Posted by: Brett at October 2, 2004 10:58 AM

This was the most horrible movie I've ever seen. Total waste of money, DON'T SEE IT!!

Posted by: Brett at October 2, 2004 10:58 AM

right, call me crazy, but i liked this movie. I'm not arguing that there are better episodes of The X-Files in the sci-fi genre, but I think that it was the story that really hooked me. I was prepared to see a mediocre end-of-summer movie, but found myslef sucked into the story of a mother who's son had been killed, and then forgotten by the world. There were only a few twists, but the concept was novel, and the movie was not a total failure. In fact, I think it was quite good. Am I the ONLY one who liked it enough to buy the DVD in 6 months?

Posted by: Robert at October 2, 2004 08:17 PM

I really really liked this movie. I don't know why you all thought it was horrible! I would go see it again! No other movie has kept me questioning like that and it really scared me at some points! The beginning was a little boring but when the two singles met it got so much better! It was very jumpy and I like stuff like that. I dunno but I plan to buy the dvd and probably see it again with other friends! Most people I asked about it also like the movie.

Posted by: Samantha at October 10, 2004 11:06 AM

Oh my god can that last girl be serious? That was perhaps the worst film I've ever had to sit through in my life (the worst being the interminable Cabin Fever), and I had to sit through it - it was at a press screening, and I had to review it. In fact it was so bad that I couldn't wrack my brain for a mere 250 words to write about it...nearly cracked me up!!! Please Hollywood never give Ruben a movie again, this was pap of the highest order

Posted by: Damo at October 13, 2004 12:01 PM

So, was it an alien abduction or a psychotic house wife with a red volvo?

Posted by: kmama at October 17, 2004 12:13 AM

mofo's!!!!! That was a good movie. Sure the movie started out slow, but it ended up being a good film that I spent my money on. I think you all need yor heads examined because you all stupid asses.

Posted by: Tami at October 17, 2004 05:02 PM

mofo's!!!!! That was a good movie. Sure the movie started out slow, but it ended up being a good film that I spent my money on. I think you all need yor heads examined because you all stupid a$$es.

Posted by: Tami at October 17, 2004 05:03 PM

Well, I personally am getting sick of movies where they come up with some storyline and develop it...only to realize they can't end it. So, what do they do? They just don't end it. A mysterious "you figure it out yourself" ending. So why the hell would a shrink know about it and no one else? And those NSA guys should be fired if they can't chase down a housewife and an alcoholic.

Posted by: MGB at October 17, 2004 09:15 PM

thanks alot to the losers who ruined the ending of the film for me i really appreciated that!!
i was looking forward to seeing the movie
damn you!!

Posted by: cary at October 28, 2004 09:50 PM

Hello there everyone.

I went to see this movie yesterday. To be honest I didn't LOVE it but I also didn't hate it. I think that the movie's story is well made but there are serious script errors that could not be "repaired" during it.

There are so many unexplicable things all along that at some point the movie gets too many doors open for us to conclude what we want. Comparing it to X-Files can be possible, however I think that it isn't the only plausible explanation for the end we got.
Have anyone ever thought if... by any chance, that heroine was really sick and imagined all about her son's trip?
At the end she presents herself to the Baseball guy as if she never had met him personally. She did know him because her son loved all about him.

I really think that at the end this movies lets too many doors open. What did the director meant with it? No one will ever know for sure, just him. :)

Posted by: Paulo Teixeira at December 5, 2004 12:01 PM