September 24, 2004

Terminator 4 Without Arnold

terminator_silver.jpgIt's hard to imagine a Terminator flick without Arnold Schwarzenegger, but that may be exactly what we're getting. According to Variety, Warner Bros. has put the gears in motion to get another Terminator film out there. The plan has filming beginning in 2005... when Arnie is still the Govenator of California. You've gotta believe he'll at least put in a cameo appearance.. but that'll probably be about it.

I know I'm in the minority here... but I really enjoyed T3. I realize it wasn't in the same spirit as the first 2, but it was a lot of fun with big explosions... what else can a man ask for? Having said that, I think this is a bad idea. There is no place else for this "story" to go. It's done. They were great... but it's time to put Terminator to bed folks. And without Arnlod?!?! No way this will work. Just my opinion. Who knows, maybe WB will make me eat my words. What do you think?

Posted by John Campea at September 24, 2004 01:26 PM


well, you're right about the plot. especially if they have clare danes etc., as it will just be about the war.

the only logical place to end the series is to have an older lead actor and let it be about the fall of the machines. (the scenario we all thought that we were gonna get with the 2 matrix sequels in a way)

the one thing that always boggled me about the terminator films that was just taken for granted and ignored as a plot point, was where even in the 2nd film with the scientist going " wow, i can't believe it - a cyborg!" rather than "holy cow, when did they invent time travel?"
which i would have thought would have been the real jaw dropper myself ;)

so in all likelihood it could be back to the 1 terminator basics of a plot set in the 1930's or something no doubt, with grandpa furlong (aged 19) running for his little life.

Posted by: steevo meevo at September 24, 2004 02:13 PM

A T4 could easily be done and with success, but it would take courage and balls, which are quite sparse entities around Hollywood producers.

Arnie would be great, but not neccesary. They shold get back to basic, try to make John Conner look like a man, not a wuzz. Not let Mostow, Harlin, McTiernan or other boring directors have a go for it. It just gets so foresay-able.

Mamoru Oshii
Christopher Nolan
Guillermo Del Toro

Three different directors. Three different approaches. It would be three completely different T4's, I would like to see 'em all. Do Hollywood have the balls or will they call in The Rock or Vin Diesel to make it hilarious?

Posted by: Bruce at September 26, 2004 03:45 PM

Btw. Like Steevo's approach with the 1930's a lot! Could be really fun :)

Posted by: Bruce at September 26, 2004 03:47 PM

I loved T3.

Actually the end was paramount.

Posted by: John Lamar at September 26, 2004 06:14 PM

T3 was kickass... but I'm gonna have to go with T2 as legendary. I first saw T3 in German... amusing how they handled arnie's accent. Unfortunately, I hate Clare Danes. She really put a damper on my T3 excitement. Please tell me there isn't going to be some warm fuzzy "we're the only humans alive so lets make babies" crap in the next one...

Posted by: lorilei at September 27, 2004 09:57 PM

I dig all the "T" movies. And it's astounding how each movie is the EXACT same story and we still watch them.

Posted by: Crystal at October 19, 2004 07:58 PM

T4 HAS to be made because of the anal raping T3 has done to the story as a whole...Skynet has to be fixed.Skynet as a virus?Ok I can go for that,Skynet as EVERY computer on the internet?Ok yea sure...just look at SETI@home and Folding@home(distributed computing),But what happened to Skynet after the nukes fell?All unshielded electronic devices would cease to function...Skynet would have to have found its way into a closed(and shielded) network such as NORAD or the supercomputers at NSA...Maybe even NAVAL research labs.

Skynet has to be fixed or the man vs. machine story ends with the nuclear war,This is a MAJOR plot hole in T3.

Posted by: drainbread at December 14, 2004 03:04 PM

i think the first and second were great and so was the third, but the third seemed a little different from the others. I hope the make terminator 4, but i wont be the same with out arnold, he is the main person you think of when you think of terminator.

Posted by: craig at January 7, 2005 12:24 PM

It is quite easy to explain how skynet survived. It escaped to the satelites in space.

Posted by: Paul at January 13, 2005 04:28 AM

i am a big fan of arnie and i could cry for hours if i was band from waching his movies but i hope he will come back and do a nother terminator because i cryed on all of them on how exiting it was so get that robot back here now. please

Posted by: barry gill at January 23, 2005 02:12 PM

i think it will shot beter in calafornya and if you could i would like you to phone to 01980 591107 so i can assk you to give me moor info on terminator 4 because i have all ways wanted to star in one of the terminator movies and this messege is manly for w.B

Posted by: barry gill at January 24, 2005 02:36 PM

But what happened to Skynet after the nukes fell? Are you kidding me ?! Obviously not a true terminator fan. The skynet headquarters are located in an underground bomb proof bunker in Colorado. John Connor and his men, including Kyle Reese reach the bunker in 2029. Where the first movie begins when Reese is sent back to 1984. Get a clue!!

Posted by: ScotchTECH at March 26, 2005 11:08 AM

HOLY FUCKING COW!!!!!!!!....URE A FUCKING QUEER...ID HAVE NEVA HAVE GUESSED....also t1 was the had the lowest cost yet it still kicked ass....kyle reese was the best actor along with arni in the terminator films....and i loved the theme tune...t3 sucked cos they killed off sarah conner.....t4 wont be any good with out arni and reese will have to be in will be kwl...but hard.....u have to bring all the termianators into this one aswell...not fogeting the t 100000

Posted by: chris at April 26, 2005 12:56 PM

IF Arnold makes the T4, I will be much happy.
It is unimaginable, T4 without Arnold.He must come in T4 to teach John how to blow Skynet.

Posted by: Abhik at October 1, 2005 02:39 AM