September 17, 2004

Tekken The Movie In Development

tekken.jpgThe man who brought us Drumline and the freshly released Mr. 3000, Charles Stone III, is developing yet another �video game to movie� adaptation� this time it�s Tekken. I know I recently complained about video game movies and how they all are generally terrible, but I have to admit the idea of a Tekken film intrigues me. I always thought the game itself (especially the opening and ending cinematics) suggested a larger story with some pretty interesting characters that could be developed. Sci-Fi Wire sat down with Stone to chat, here�s an excerpt:

Charles Stone III, director of the upcoming SF action movie Tekken, told SCI FI Wire that the video-game adaptation is in early stages of development and that he wants to do more research before locking down the script. "We got the writers going on it," Stone said in an interview. "But I do want to investigate K-1 fighting�it's out of Japan�and then the ultimate fighting competitions that are sprouting up all over the place. I want to investigate those and just look at the history of the gladiator world through the past."
Based on the best-selling Namco video game, Tekken is an action movie about a young man who discovers he holds a great power and must battle a team of elite fighters who will stop at nothing in order to get it from him.
Yes, like every Video game film this one has some cheese potential� but it may have a chance to be something kinda fun. Lets keep our eyes on this one and see how it evolves.

Posted by John Campea at September 17, 2004 01:59 PM


Hey. What happened to the links section?

Posted by: Mantiss at September 17, 2004 07:48 PM

As long as the movie turns out better than AVENGING FIST, then I'll give it a chance.

Posted by: Michael Rittenberry at September 17, 2004 10:56 PM

Is the movie staring Jin? I hope so, i've always wanted to know more about the Mishima history and such. Or maybe it stars Jin's son 0.0?
Xiaoyu and Jin looked pretty good at the end of Tekken 4....

Posted by: Yancha at December 1, 2004 06:53 PM

I think it will be about Kazuya and Jun, and Jin might be in a sequel.

Posted by: Joe at December 4, 2004 11:05 AM

I think this is an awesome idea. I am extremely thrilled to finally see that my hope for a movie version of Tekken would come true. I sure hope Charles Stone follows through with it cuz I would love to try out for Jin's role if he is the main character of the movie. My resemblance of Jin is about 95 percent except for the hair but that can be easily fixed. I've always wanted to play his role eversince I played the game for the first time. He looks so cool with that fatal lightning tattoo and I must admit his body is as close to perfection as you can get. It'd be an honor if I can portray him on the silver screen. The only fear I have is that this would be a CGI movie , which would be a huge dissapointment to me. With the success of Resident Evil and its sequel, I'm extremely confident that a real acting cast of Tekken would be a sure hit at the box office. Well I've been babbling long enough already, to sum it up I'm totally spyched about a potential Tekken movie with real live actors. I would do everything I can to get an audition for Jin's role if thats ever possible. Signing out Jin's biggest fan Brandon.

Posted by: Brandon Le at December 21, 2004 12:07 AM

I think this will be an excellent movie. I cannot wait till it begins.

Posted by: Maria, Designer at January 31, 2005 11:09 AM

I say that Charles Stone III
wouldn't know JACK-SHIT

about the devil gene whether it'd crawl up his noise or in through in his ass-HELL I bet this guy
doesn't even know anything about Tekken. From when
Hiehachi through Kazuya off a cliff at a young age
or when Jin inherts the possession of the devil gene. He probably doesn't know why Hiehachi is
obsessed whit aqiuring the devel gene from (his
grandson) Jin. In other words Charles Stone SUX

Posted by: Matthew Cisneros at February 26, 2005 03:27 AM

i think one of the creators of the tekken video games series should make the movie because they know most about the storyline and all of the characters. Charles Stone better make this movie good. He better know what he's up against or he'll be in a massive amount of trouble! ALTO KRAAN!

Posted by: Punishing Fists at March 7, 2005 10:50 PM

IS Jun in this movie

Posted by: pat ruane at March 9, 2005 06:51 PM

The last time they made a Tekken movie, Tekken: The Motion Picture, it was an anime and was based on the first King of Iron Fist Tournament, with the second tournament mixed in. It skipped most of the events of the second tournament, but had Jun and Kazuya's "relationship" in it, as well as Jin at the end. It kept hinting to the existence of Devil (including very brief pictures of his face), but never showed him. It featured Jin at the end as a kid, also. It seemed to miss waay to much of the second tournament to put Jin in at the end, and has some of the story contradicting the game story. I hope this movie follows the game storyline, and that if it's based in Tekken 3 or 4, at least shows some flashbacks or something to show some of the mass amount of story lost from the previous tekken games.

Posted by: Robert Myth at April 4, 2005 09:20 AM

I'm a huge tekken fan and this movie is an awesome idea.
Charles tone is not going to just jump right in and start making the movie he's probably going to do research on the games and story line.
and i hope talk of him sucking doesn't discourage him from making the film.

Posted by: tekken fan at April 15, 2005 06:33 AM


The ideas for the Tekken movie which it will have a music soundtrack with a bit of techno to pump up the fight scenes in the movie just like in Mortal Kombat films.Plus the music will also have a hip hop and some rock music in the movie.
Brain J White is starring in the film but why in the lead role,it should be focus on asian cast with Yune Will Lee for Kazuya Misima and Cary Tagawa as Heihachi,White would play Bruce Irwin.
Lets hope that Charles Stone will work on the asian cast to appear in Tekken news soon
Thank You.

Posted by: Bruce Darren Acosta at April 24, 2005 11:17 PM

i think that the tekken movie is a good idea. i would definetly go and see it. a lot of people i asked were excited to hear it. i played all the games and loved the games and cant wait for tekken 5 to come out. choose the cast wisely!

Posted by: pd at May 3, 2005 07:30 AM

Kristanna Loken who was the cast of Mortal Kombat Conquest (the t.v series) and the assassin robot in Terminator 3. Anyway, I think Loken would make a great Nina Williams. People are thinking about Uma Thurman = Nina...I don't think so.....

Posted by: Unkown at May 3, 2005 07:41 PM

Yeah, that's what I thought, she would make the perfect Nina. Except she might not want to take the assassin role again... I think Vin Diesel should play Craig Marduk (at least for a sequel, if this one's focusing on Tekken 2). I get the feeling it's gonna be shit but I still want to see this movie!

Posted by: Muah at May 15, 2005 11:53 PM

I think this is going to be the best movie ever!!!!!!!
I can't wait to see bryan and eddy.
I hope they cast the right people for the right person.

Posted by: shaukat at May 24, 2005 10:03 PM

THERE are a ton of tekken fans out there so that director better not change the story entirely. Hollywood always does!! And please at least pick people that know how to act and actually look like the character. cause i saw the person that plays kazuya and he's freakin ugly!! and that just ruined it! but the good thing is that Jun is pretty. (to bad she has to act w/ that guy)

Posted by: someone at June 4, 2005 01:44 PM

I don't know if this message will ever be seen by the movie creators, but I'll post it aniway. I know that milions of tekken fans will be disapointed by the movie. It allways happend. And I know many gamers think the way i do. All we need is a movie that respects the story, and played by actors looking as much as posible with the characters. And if it's posible, they should be specialized on the martial arts of the characters they play. Since tekken 3 I play with Hwoarang, and it would be depressing to see a ass-face actor with no ideas about taekwondo spectaculat kicks is this role. Still, I think it's a bad isea calling super actors like Jackie or Jet li. Young fighters with actor skills will be easyer to find. Make it identical after the story!!! Or better.... LET THE NAMKO/TEKKEN DEPARTAMENT EMPLOYEES WRITE THE SCENARIO STEP BY STEP. THE FIGHTING SCENES ALSO. TY!

Posted by: I D at June 8, 2005 09:40 AM

Yo damn, this would kick ass. I've been waiting for this for so long. I'd love to be Hwoarang plus I do Taekwondo so I'd be perfect for the role. The storyline would be sick, but then again hollywood always fucks up shit when it comes to sticking to the plot, so make sure this ain't a flop. And, make sure it'z real martial arts, not effects and shit. Anyway, sounds like a cool idea. Looking 4ward to it. Peace

Posted by: Hwoarang at July 25, 2005 07:39 PM

tell me how i pick devilkazuya in tekken5

Posted by: usman at August 13, 2005 04:56 AM

For one the game kicks ass for a few reasons, Yoshimitsu, the fichting Panda bear and tree, and kangaroo, i would say dinosaur but i'm being realistic here. another few reasons is the king, Eddy/tiger, and gun jack is pretty fresh, also what about soul Callibur

Posted by: Stitchxface at August 22, 2005 08:07 PM

tell me how i pick devilkazuya in tekken5 i need this cheat cause devilkazuya is very strong no body beat him in vs mode so plz be hurry tell me about this cheat i want to pick devilkazuya in arcade mode when highilights appears plz tell me about this how i pick devilkazuya in tekken5 if any body read my mail how know how to pick devilkazuya plz tell me about this tip my email is [email protected] and my telephone number is +92544650966

Posted by: USMAN (telephone number +92544650966 ) at August 23, 2005 06:36 AM

hollywood has to stick to the plot, im not ready to see a get story fucked up by some idiot that doesnt think to movie has enough explosions in it! myself and other tekken fans would be happy with a film that explains the story and a decent ending, tekken is renown for the fighting but the movie that is being made isnt about fighting. it is about jin kazama discovering the power of the devil gene......anyway, it isnt just jin and his family fighting in the tournaments there are other people fighting too....... like steve would be a great story line or yoshi and bryan or king! they all have potential. the only thing that bothers me is if they try to throw in a gimmic charater rodger or gon or kuma......... i will live with kuma but the other two are a big no. a fighting kangaroo, lets be realistic. even if i am told the movie is shit i will watch it anyway and most probably buy it coz i love the story, so dont fuck this up or you will have alot of people to worry about......... apart from that, good luck

Posted by: fargo at August 31, 2005 04:21 PM

Do They Really going to make the movie about Tekken?????
If so,somebody that knows a lot about it can e-mail me at [email protected]

THANKS VERY MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Posted by: Yuna-Julia at September 13, 2005 09:55 PM

This movie is going out 2 be a DISASTER but anyways i am still going 2 watch it as m crazy bout d game n its hot charachter Nina Williams.. I think Kristanna Loken (TX IN T3) would make d purrfect NINA, Jolie as Julia, DIAZ as Anna and Lastly Halle Berry as Christie... HOT!!!!!

Posted by: Ash at September 19, 2005 01:23 AM