September 10, 2004

Super Size Me Getting Ready to Open In the UK

supersizeme4.jpgI really have no business saying anything about this, because to be honest I still haven't seen Super Size Me (Although i really want to). But CNN has an interesting little article on how MacDonalds is handling the publicity the film is raising in London:

Ahead of Friday's UK release, McDonald's fought back -- on the Web and in newspapers -- promoting its salads and organic milk sales.

To the delight of the film's UK distributor, McDonald's also says it agrees with the film's major point: No one should eat only McDonald's. "I just want to thank McDonald's for helping us along in our campaign for a film which raises some really quite serious issues, but also in a very witty and funny way," says Laura Decasto of Tartan Films.

The UK is one of McDonald's biggest markets. McDonald's also holds the record for the longest English legal battle. It sued two London-based activists in 1990 for libel and won the so-called "McLibel Trial" in 1997. However, an appeal is still pending, and critics say the trial was a public relations disaster that exposed an unhealthy side to McDonald's food.

Posted by John Campea at September 10, 2004 08:18 AM

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supersize me was one long ass marathon. i walked out of it 5 times just to answer my cell phone. and i have never in my life walked out of a movie before even when i had to take a 5 min. piss...

faranheit 911 was so much better. michael moore is masterful at documentary film-making. he was born to do that.

i see spurlock as capitalizing on a corporate giant. that's all.

Posted by: Arch at September 10, 2004 11:31 AM

As opposed to Michael Moore capitalizing on a huge tragedy.


Posted by: Screen Rant at September 10, 2004 12:26 PM

well, if you compare both movies, you will find michael moore's was better made than spurlock's.

Posted by: Arch at September 11, 2004 04:45 AM