September 10, 2004

Subscribe To The Movie Blog

Hey there folks. Due to popular demand (ok, about 3 people asked for this) you'll notice on the right hand side there is now a place for you to subscribe to The Movie Blog. By putting in your email address (no you won't get any spam) every morning you'll receive an email showing you the latest posts with the first 20 words or so. So there you go. Knock yourselves out. Cheers!

Posted by John Campea at September 10, 2004 06:56 AM


I currently subscribe to your site via
It's billed as a weblog for people who don't know what a weblog is. Essentially it shows recently published posts from and weblog type sites that you dictate. My personal kinja feed can be found here:

Posted by: Chris at September 10, 2004 08:25 AM

RSS rocks

Posted by: Brian at September 10, 2004 11:33 AM