September 15, 2004

Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow Reviews

I�ve been excited about this film for over a year and a half since a studio I worked in was sent some initial footage with the actors in front of the green screen. The concept of this film looks just beautiful, and I�ve been anxious to see how well they can pull it off. Well, the early reviews are in and they look awfully good!.

"An Art Deco fantasia imagined by a gadget-obsessed 12-year-old, Sky Captain scarcely bothers with plot, instead streaking straight into the atmosphere."
-- Chris Barsanti, SLANT MAGAZINE

"So perfectly captures the sci-fi wonder of '30s serials...that watching it doesn't arouse a modern reaction of "wow!" or "cool!" -- it garners a genuine, awe-struck "golly!""
-- Rob Blackwelder, SPLICEDWIRE

"The mythology of �Star Wars� with the stylized flair of 1940s film noir, digitally dreamed and superbly acted. Say hello to what could be the best film of 2004."
-- David Foucher, EDGE BOSTON

"...this movie entertained me from beginning until the end..."

I�m completely pumped. Many thanks to the good folks at Rotten Tomatoes for the review quote.

Posted by John Campea at September 15, 2004 01:21 PM


cool. i thought this movie would be duff but if people are persuaded otherwise i might pay �3.85 to see it one sunday morning in october... could be great. could be craptacular...

Posted by: logboy at September 15, 2004 01:37 PM


Posted by: Marla Singer at September 15, 2004 02:42 PM

i see lots and lots of video games!!

Posted by: Marla Singer at September 16, 2004 12:23 AM

Anyone read the Empire review ?
Two out of five...
This film looks pretty shallow. I hope I'm wrong.

Posted by: Scruff at September 16, 2004 04:46 PM

I haven't seen the movie yet, but I'm very interested in it, and I've been looking at the reviews. When I heard about the movie, I immediately thought of Indiana Jones, which of course also evokes the 30's. Some reviews say that the Indy movies are better because they are more witty. What I'm curious about is, what did the reviewers say about Indy/Lost Ark when it came out? Did everybody say it was witty?

I can say this: I watched a trailer which has Polly 'navigating' (really back-seat driving, in the part I saw), as Law guides his P-40 between NY skyscrapers. Law must be an incredibly confident and skillful pilot, because under those circumstances, I don't think I would be turning around to look at Polly and react to the advice she was giving. I think I'd concentrating on avoiding running into anything.

Posted by: Richard Maheu at September 17, 2004 03:52 AM

I saw that same trailer -- and while the movie looks interesting -- that scene was hardly on the level of Raiders. When Raiders first came out, it absolutely blew people away.

Raiders is quite possibly one of the best action-adventure movies made in recent times -- from its writing to its acting and directing. It would be a tall order for any action-adventure to equal it. Nonetheless, Sky Captain doesn't have to be as good as Raiders to still be enjoyable.

Posted by: Hollywood Liberation Army at September 17, 2004 04:27 AM

I just got back from the movies...It was'nt that good. The special effects were fine but the mood of a 1930's Flash Gorden serial made me want to walk out after a while. The shadows were a bad effect (even though they did capture the mood of the 1930's) you couldnt see anything half the time, when I go to the movies I like to be able to see what was going on. I felt like I was at the old drive-ins on a foggy night saying to myself what was that and who is that. Without giving anything away the ending didnt work at all. I kept waiting for it to get better and hopefuly changeing to a new style like the Wizard of Oz, but never happened.

Posted by: Crimsonflea at September 17, 2004 03:50 PM