September 29, 2004

Should there be another Hannibal Lecter Movie?

Lecter2.jpgI still remember the first time I watched Silence of the Lambs. Its one of those movies that freaks the life out of you... but you really can't explain why, other than the fact that Hannibal is one of the most brilliant film villains of all time. There's just something so suave about him, so brilliant, so frightening... and so darn cool. All brought to life by one of the best individual performances of all time courtesy of Anthony Hopkins.

Then came news of the sequel, Hannibal. Sadly, the film had a strike against it before day one of shooting began, Jodie Foster had decided not to reprise her role as Clarice. Julianne Moore did a great job filling in... but the character already belonged to Foster and seeing someone else in the part never felt right. Not to mention, the movie didn't live up to it's predecessor at all. It was a half decent film (I will always remember Ray Liotta getting his brains eaten), but no where near as special as Lambs.

Last night, before going to bed, I sat back and watched the third installment again. I had forgotten just how good Red Dragon was. I'd go so far as to say that I LOVED it. Unfortunately, I think the general movie going audience had already made up it's mind that the Hannibal franchise was in decline and that the third one would be a bust. Red Dragon never did do all that well at the Box Office (although it was certainly no bust) and I'm still surprised at how many people I talk to that have never seen it.

After seeing it again, I began thinking to myself "There's still gas in this tank. I hope they do another one". The fact of the matter is that Hannibal is just too damn cool a character to not explore further. No, I don't think another "prequel" is the way to go (I still want to know if Lecter cut off his own hand or not!!!). Get Foster back on board and I think there is still another good story to be told. Look, I'm not one who thinks you should make a sequel just for the sake of making one... but there's just too much story still to tell, and I for one would like to see it told. Not to mention, I don't think Hopkins has come across a role that's truly been worthy of him since Lecter that's allowed him to really show off his talent (except perhaps Shadowlands).

Posted by John Campea at September 29, 2004 07:46 AM


well...lector is an awfully wicked character, but, I mean, what else is there left to do?

Maybe if it was Hannibal goes to the moon or some crazy out to lunch premise they could amke another movie...but, i mean, how many, films can you make about this guy?

I mean, if it was a horror genre, 10 would be enough, but that is because people don't care about feasability or plot, thye just want to see people get killed.

a drama is a whole different breed, and I think 3 is enough.

also, weren't these based on books, and I thought there was only three....might be wrong there....

Posted by: miles at September 29, 2004 07:57 AM

Never been a fan of the Lector films. Silence is still the most over-rated film of the past 20 years. Cut out all the hopkins/foster scenes (which add to less than 15 minutes) and there is nothing there but smoke and mirrors. Hannibal was garbage from start to finish (I'm a huge Julienne Moore fan, but her performance...blaaaaaaaah). Never bothered with Red Dragon despite stellar cast.

Posted by: Triflic at September 29, 2004 08:33 AM

Ermmm...Red Dragon? No one looked at Manhunter, the original filming of the Red Dragon book by Michael Mann? That was a superb film and much better than the Red Dragon of late. Plus Hannibal was really good in this movie, Brian Cox played him. Excellent.

Posted by: RichardB at September 29, 2004 09:23 AM

This is like the idea of Jurassic Park III. It's a sequel to a movie based on a series of novels. Like JP3, it may be a surprisingly good film, but also like JP3, it is an unnecessary addition. It's another case of Hollywood claiming a series or character as their own and attempting to market on it. I happened with James Bond, it happened with Winnie the Pooh (and many other "Disney" characters), it's happening with The Terminator (I was shocked to find out that James Cameron had nothing to do with the sequel to a movie he conceived, wrote, and directed), and I fear with AvP that it's about to happen to Alien.

On a remotely related issue, what's with Hollywood making sequels to five-, ten- or more year-old movies? Dumb & Dumberer? Come on! Not only was that movie a long time ago, if the Farrelly (sp.?) Brothers wanted a prequel, they would have made it themselves, after the success of the first one.

I guess I'm just bitter, but I think another Hannibal Lector movie should only be made if Thomas Harris is on board as a writer, or creative consultant, or if it's based on a novel he is either writing or has already written.

Posted by: Justin at September 29, 2004 09:49 AM

Come on you guys, get with the franchise cash-ins ;)

Clealy the next movie would be Hannibal Vs Predator.
Or Hannibal Vs Exorcist perhaps.

Alternatively The League of Extraordinary Serial Killers is surely an option ?

"A group of the world's deadliest reformed serial killers do battle with supernatural evil forces around the world. "

Posted by: dave at September 29, 2004 10:14 AM

Actually, I'm kind of liking the "League of Extraordinary Serial Killers" idea. Not as a superhero movie, though. Just have a team of serial killers doing their thing.

Anyway, I think there's an important point to be made about the Hannibal series of movies. "Silence of the Lambs" and "Red Dragon" were both written just as books, and they became really good movies. "Hannibal" was a sequel that the guy wrote, basically because "Silence of the Lambs" did so well as a movie...and it was crap. Harris would probably deny that he was just trying to cash in, but I'm not buying it. For that reason, I would have serious reservations about any sequel that came out now.

I'd probably still watch it, though.

Posted by: Mojo at September 29, 2004 12:46 PM

Ed Norton and Ralph Fiennes were both excellent in Red Dragon. I personally liked this film the most out of the 4 hannibal movies.

Posted by: cybermike at September 29, 2004 12:57 PM

yes, I actually read the book hannibal before the film came out and while it started ok it descended slowly into mud. I don't think any film could have rescued it. It just shouldn't have been made.

kinda mirrors the matrix films. That feeling that I think we all could have come up with better storylines for films 2 and 3, hence the feeliing of being cheated.

Manhunter was the best of the bunch for me. Genuinely creepy film.

Posted by: dave at September 29, 2004 01:02 PM

Yep, I agree with RichardB when it comes to the oversight of MANHUNTER, starring a Pre-CSI William Peterson.....Now THAT one was pretty good too....Red Dragon was alright but Manhunter is most definitely worth a viewing...

Posted by: dmiller23462 at September 29, 2004 03:54 PM

Hannibal, the novel, was essentially "forced upon" Harris by Dino De Laurentis. The Dino wanted to cash in on the success of the Silence of the Lambs movie (which he had nothing to do with, other than signing off on the movie rights, which he owned). He wined and dined Harris at his private chateau in Rome, to "help" Harris write the novel. That's why the novel is so... how should I put it kindly?... fru-fru as fuck.

Also, Harris didn't like Jodie Foster, for some reason. She just rubbed him the wrong way. So in Hannibal, he purposely put Starling "in her place". (Hey, how about that moment in the novel when Lecter sucks Clarice's tit? It's like Harris was telling Foster this is what Sir Anthony is gonna do to you, you uppidity bitch. It didn't surprise me one lick when Foster turned down cold starring in the sequel.)

I really lost a lot of respect for both Harris and De Laurentis because of Hannibal. The two were being totally exploitive, crass, and, frankly, misygonistic.

Posted by: Mark at September 29, 2004 06:41 PM

Julianne Moore played Jodie Foster, and is currently playing Gillian Anderson in "The Forgotten". Dang she has range!

Posted by: SirSmith at September 29, 2004 06:48 PM

I've never been a fan of Anthony Hopkins' over-the-top portrayal of Hannibal. The exaggerated "sniffing" in Silence of the Lambs through the holes in his cell to determine what kind of soap Clarice uses springs to mind. Compare that to Brian Cox portraying Hannibal in Manhunter and you can't help but see that Cox's performance wins out. The scene where Graham first comes to see him in his cell where Hannibal is laying on his side, away from the cell door is a great one. Lecter doesn't turn to see who just came in. He doesn't start sniffing the air. He just flatly says, "that's the same attrocious aftershave that you wore in court. The one with a ship on the bottle."

Manhunter truly is the best Hannibal film, but I don't know if the general public will ever appreciate it.

Marc Bowker

Posted by: Marc at September 30, 2004 03:15 PM

I absolutely love all the Hannibal movies. I would go for another one. I had Red Dragon and loved it but a friend borrowed it. Well that friend's house burned down and along with it went his big screen and all the dvds. Didn't really hurt any of the rest of the house. Anyway, great flicks!


Posted by: Kim at October 1, 2004 12:45 PM

I must agree with RichardB on this, Red Dragon was a disappointment for me. Oh sure, great acting, a beautiful photography, and a nice script by the screenwriter of Lambs and based on the book from Harris which made a superior Manhunter. My problem was that the movie didn't tell me anything more. Compare to the other films, they all had strong viewpoints. Red Dragon didn't know where to go or who to please. It felt like it didn't had any personality.

Posted by: Brandon at October 3, 2004 12:05 PM

Manhunter is the worst thriller I've ever seen. It's a sloppy, bland, horribly-acted, unatmospheric, unscary 2-hour Miami Vice episode. Red Dragon is better in every way, especially Ralph Fiennes awesome performance as Dolarhyde.

Posted by: Dr. Zoidberg at February 26, 2005 01:36 AM

Hmm love Hannibal movies, didn't want the francise to end but it has to for a good reason, or they can just do it like James Bond, a same character on different situation and era, sequels and prequels could destroy a good francise, maybe the last Hannibal movie should show Hannibal Lecter die in a cell old and shaggy, or he's old sitting in his mansion waiting to die and a new young breed of serial killer ate him so that they become him, people get old, but not James Bond :P

But it's sad Anthony Hopkins won't be in any future Hannibal movies, i guess it's not right when he's aging, but I would love to see one last one, probably not a sequel but a prequel, from his childhood till the beginning of red dragon, not much action from the man himself, wanna see him do his work, how he become what he is, how is he when he's a teenager, stuff like the character, wanna know more about him. I heard they are plnning to do so, Young Hannibal? The Lecter Variation?

Check out the story, beware, could contain spoilers:

Posted by: Notorious at September 8, 2005 04:17 AM