September 22, 2004

Rosamund Pike Joins the Cast of Doom

It's just been announced that Rosamund Pike has been singed up to appear in the upcoming DOOM movie. I like (not love) this choice for a couple of reasons. First of all the movie already has all the "name" power it needs (with The Rock and Karl Urban already on board), secondly I thought she did a fine job with her role in Die Another Day , and thirdly I think she's got the look for an action film heroine (ok that last one is pretty subjective and weak, but hey, that's my opinion).

My biggest fear with this picture is that they rush it into theaters to try to capitalize on the remaining buzz from the release of the third installment of the video game series. If they take their time, focus on making a good sci-fi action film instead of a cheap ass video game cinematic, then they have a shot at making something pretty enjoyable. I already like the cast. The good folks over at Cinescape give us this little synopsis of the project:

Pike will play a scientist named Samantha in the action flick, working with special ops soldier John Grimm (to be played by Karl Urban) as they try to fight a seemingly limitless army of demons unleashed through a portal. Swayne "The Rock" Johnson also co-stars in the movie. Shooting is still on track to start next month for a summer 2005 release.
Despite what I said I'm not actually naive enough to think this is going to be a cinematic masterpiece... but I am holding out a little hope that it could be half entertaining. If you'd like to read the whole Cinescape article go here.

Posted by John Campea at September 22, 2004 06:39 PM


I already stated this before but it bears repeating.

This will be PG-13. It'll be more like the original RE in violence, not even as decent as Hellboy.

John Carmack will probably have a cameo. He'll appear briefly on a video monitor as some tech guy or something like that.

At some point in the movie, Dwayne (AKA The Rock) will say: "Let's give them HELL!"

This is all so predictable. An army of monkeys sitting at typewriters aren't even necessary anymore to write these things.

Posted by: Mark at September 22, 2004 09:46 PM

I've heard a lot about this movie and the production work for years now. Seems thought that ID have been very clever with their rights over the script and, although they aren't film makers, might just ensure that we get something with a bit more bite and substance than has gone before.

Or...a really good cinematic version of a Doom game. Fingers crossed.

Posted by: Richard at September 23, 2004 03:28 AM

Rosa-whatever-her-name (a cold fish that one) is was put in there for you guys. I know of no heterosexual woman that will not go see a flick with Karl Urban AND the Rock in it no matter how much you tell them the movie sucks. I am first in line. god I can't wait for this movie!

Posted by: Crystal at October 19, 2004 08:15 PM

A girl who likes doom.....ok, I saw on a traler that the Doom movie will be rated R.

Posted by: Agent george at October 14, 2005 08:04 PM