September 05, 2004

Pulp Fiction 2?


Pulp Fiction, the Prequel? John Travolta, who played hit man Vincent Vega in director Quentin Tarantino's blood-drenched 1994 film, said Tarantino has been considering another episode of the drama.

"Every six months he calls me to talk about a project on the story of the Vega brothers — a type of prequel to 'Pulp Fiction,'" he said in an interview, La Repubblica newspaper reported in Friday's editions. "Then, it all remains in his mind."

I love this idea. Vincent was a fantastic character and I'd jump at the chance to see more of his story to understand what made him who he was. However... Travolta in a prequel... over 10 years AFTER the original? The question is can an audience buy into the idea that Travolta is supposed to be 15 years younger? It might be a stretch... but I'd put down $12 to check it out. Read the Yahoo News article here.

Posted by John Campea at September 5, 2004 10:58 AM


sounds like blah.It will fit right in with the terrible idea of making Clerks 2.
Does anyone remember the Indie directors of the 90's?
Making a sequel to an cult movie is nothing new.
Its certainly nothing new to the hollywood money machine.
Its just really boring to hear both of these directors could be creating new things and are choosing not to.

1. Still may be rumor.

2.John Travolta hasn't been in a better movie since Pulp Fiction.

3.Any word on Inglorious Bastards?

Posted by: thesecretsafe at September 5, 2004 11:44 AM

Now I am not the biggest Travolta fan, but I do like him. He has been in some good movies since Pulp Fiction, and considering taste for genre, many would argue that Pulp simply put him back on the map so that he could do a variety of good films.

Just because in your opinion, Travolta hasn't been able to do anything as good as Pulp Fiction (I thought Face Off was great) doesnt mean he cant still do it.

Granted in the last few years he hasnt done much that has turned my head. Punisher ..shudder

Posted by: Rodney at September 5, 2004 01:45 PM

The supposed project is called the Vega Brothers and would revolve around Travolta's character from Pulp and Michael Madsen's from Reservoir Dogs. This rumor's been around forever, and the film's not going to happen. Madsen's been pretty clear on that, to the point that he's asked Tarantino to stop talking about it in public because he's sick of answering the questions.

Posted by: Bubba at September 5, 2004 03:47 PM

Well, Madsen may change his mind if the money is good enough. It wouldn't be the first time an actor says he want take that role, and then all of a sudden he changes his mind. I am pretty sure there is a recent example, but I just can't think who it was...

Posted by: PlutoNick at September 5, 2004 06:02 PM

If he was gonna change his mind it would've happened well before now. This was first raised immediately after Pulp Fiction. Everybody was available, but it didn't get made. It hasn't been written, nobody's agreed to be involved, nothing. Tarantino's notorious for running his mouth about things he think would be cool to do without every actually doing them, and this is a prime example. In my opinion, the Vega Brothers movie has as much chance of getting made as the Brosnan starring remake of Casino Royale that Quentin was talking up a while ago, i.e. none.

If nothing else we're now ten years down the road from Pulp Fiction, twelve from Reservoir Dogs, and Madsen and Travolta have both aged visibly enough to make a prequel pretty much impossible with the two of them reprising their roles.

Look at the source of the rumor: Travolta's been in a string of bad films, his reputation has taken a huge beating - he's not quite back to the Look Who's Talking level, but he's getting there fast - and he knows it. He needs some hype around his name so he's floating a rumor around the character that revived his career last time he was in a slump regardless of the fact that Tarantino's already at work on Inglorious Bastards and Madsen doesn't want to make the Vega Brothers. He's just doing a bit of PR work for himself, same as Jackman did floating those Bond rumors about himself and Kingsley is currently doing floating the Bond villain rumors. He needs a good film so he's throwing something out there hoping to generate enough media buzz that the other people needed will latch on to it and move forward. But they won't. Quentin's got his big war film, plus the proposed Kill Bill sequel and prequel anime to worry about already.

Posted by: Bubba at September 5, 2004 09:59 PM

I dont think that Travolta's ageing has anything to do with the possibility of a Vegas Brother prequel. I've been hearing the same arguement for Red Dragon and Hopkins for years.

Posted by: PlutoNick at September 6, 2004 08:17 AM

This probably isn't the best example to use but Alien Vs. Predator was a rumor (almost an urban legend) for about a dozen years before it got made. It took a while and the results were... meh... but it did get made.

That said, I agree with Bubba. Swordfish and the like have taken a big chunk out of Travolta's cred. Let's see how Ladder 49 (aka Backdraft 2: Back in the Draft) works out for him.

Posted by: DrVenkman at September 6, 2004 07:29 PM

Travolta's just never struck me as an "actual" person in his movies. He always seems like a charicature, a little too big. I can always tell that he's acting and that's always bothered me about him. The only movie I've seen him in that I really liked was Basic. Face off was ok but again, he was waaay over the top in that one.

Posted by: Mantiss at September 6, 2004 11:26 PM

You said it Bubba, Travolta wants to rekindle his career. And unlike, say Bruce Willis who's done great work since his role in Pulp Fiction, Travolta's just become a reason not to see a film.

I was driving along Sunset Boulevard back in April where a film crew was set up. A cop stopped traffic so Travolta could cross the street. He was in full makeup and it was ORANGE. Not kinda orange 'cause they're going for a tan look. ORANGE. I thought it was a wax figure was walking by. And he was smug as ever. He's aged badly. A prequel to Pulp Fiction won't work.

Posted by: Crystal at October 22, 2004 10:38 PM

wooo pulp fiction 2!!!! more male rape please!!!!!

Posted by: ben and alex at January 20, 2005 04:44 AM

pulp fiction was an awesome movie and im sure as hell i would like to see more of the story

Posted by: bubba at February 18, 2005 05:35 PM

this is the first i've heard of any of the above but as for the idea that Travolta is too old, do you really believe that he can't be made to look younger? if they could make charlize theron look like her Monster character they can certainly make Travolta look younger. As for good movies that he's made, what about Phenomenon? Just because it's a movie with a touch of intellect it never gets a mention. Face off he did well but i thought it was a pretty mediocre film. On the whole i think he's talented and has made some classic movies. It doesn't get much better than Pulp Fiction and I don't see how he can be expected to top that. Can't think of a movie that does.

Posted by: holly at May 19, 2005 01:04 AM

well im young and didnt see the movie when it first came out but i stil consider it a movie masterpiecs if a prequel was consider i wuld like to see wallas and bruce willis in it and of course samuel.l.jackson as I think they themselves meka a the film great. I dont know about you but i would like to see whats in the case or at least why they wanted it so badly. Also this may surprise you bout i'm 14 and write this a day after seeing the movie that is how eager i am 4 a prequel

Posted by: bridget at June 3, 2005 09:00 PM

The best idea for a sequel would be to do a Marcellus wallace and/or Butch story. Introducing some other new stories using great actors (Liam Neeson, Antonio Banderas, even laurence Fishbourne.) would be a good idea. Samuel L. Jackson would also need to make an appearance. Another good story would be another pair of hitmen for Marcellus. As for John Travolta, he's been in too many solidly great movies to have some bad movies ruin his rep. Completely different stories loosely connected to the original would be an ideal concept.

Posted by: AROD at October 19, 2005 12:16 AM