September 29, 2004

Oh Nuts! Sean Connery Pulls out of Josiah's Canon

connery_cannon.jpgThe good folks over at Coming Soon are reporting that Sean Connery has up and left the Josiah's Canon project. This is a real shame. Connery is universally thought to be one of the best actors out there (even with his share of lemons), and he hasn't been in a good flick since Finding Forrester over 4 years ago.

"Canon" is a dramatic heist story about a Holocaust survivor who leads the world's foremost team of bank robbers. The criminal mastermind sets his sights on an supposedly impenetrable bank in Switzerland, which holds special appeal: It purportedly houses gelt deposited by Jews prior to the Holocaust.
See!!! Now THIS is a film I was dying to see. To be honest I'm still looking forward to it... but with Connery attached to it, Josiah's Canon had the pieces in place to be really classic (then again so did League of Extraordinary Gentlemen and look how awful that turned out). It'll be interesting to see who they get to fill in for Sean... but no matter who it is this is a blow for the production... and the film just lost about 20 million in Box Office even before it started shooting. Oh yeah, Connery also walked away from a reported 17.5 million bucks for the movie!!!! Umm... I don't think I'd walk away from castration if I had 17.5 million coming to me for it. Oh well... to each their own. Good grief... the man is practically 100 years old and he still looks like he could kick my ass.

Posted by John Campea at September 29, 2004 07:33 AM

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Be careful what you wish for!

Posted by: Juan at September 30, 2004 03:55 AM