September 17, 2004

Oh Damn! Sigourney Weaver was going to be in X-Men 3!

Sigourney Weaver is the kind of woman that can still carry herself like very few actresses in the same age range can. I’ve always though this lady was dynamite. Now this little blurb comes up at Dark Horizons that gives me yet another reason to lament the exodus of Singer and gang from the X-projects. How sad for us. How sad for us all. Weaver would have made a fantastic White Queen!

Harris says "We were going to do X-Men 3 for a little while and our big secret or coup was - and it's not going to happen so it's OK - we wanted to have a character that was Emma Frost, a famous X-Men character. She's called the white queen. We were going to ask Sigourney to be it.
Sigh… oh well. I still have hope that Whedon will be able to make this franchise roll right along, but I would have loved to have seen this.

Posted by John Campea at September 17, 2004 01:38 PM