September 12, 2004

New Seed Of Chucky Poster

seedofchuckyposter.jpgThere are some films that get made where you just collectively slap your heads as a society in trying to figure out why. Seed Of Chucky is such a film. I don't know folks, I just don't get it. I thought the first one was kinda novel (since my favorite Twilight Zone of all time is the one where the little girl's doll comes to life and kills her abusive dad... I still can't watch that one alone at night), but I thought all the rest since then have pretty much reeked of yuck. And correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't recall them doing so hot at the box office either. So what's the motivation here? Am I just on some other planet? Are there a ton of you out there actually planning on plopping down your $10+ bucks to see this?

Coming Soon (Great Site) provides us with this new poster of the upcoming film, and this little synopsis:

The fifth film in the popular Chucky series introduces Glen (voiced by Billy Boyd - AKA Pippin from Lord Of the Rings), the orphan doll offspring of the irrepressible devilish-doll-come-to-life Chucky (voiced by Brad Dourif) and his equally twisted bride Tiffany (voiced by Jennifer Tilly). When production starts on a movie detailing the urban legend of his parents' lethal exploits, Glen heads for Hollywood where he brings his bloodthirsty parents back from the dead. But can Chucky and Tiffany convince Glen to take up the gory family business?
Ummm... ok... after reading that I'm still not any closer to understanding why this movie exists. But oh well, who knows, maybe it'll surprise me. To read the whole Coming Soon post and see a larger version of the poster, go here.

Posted by John Campea at September 12, 2004 12:42 PM


Bride of Chucky was the only money maker for Universal the year it was released. Now I don't know if you saw Bride but it was kick ass both critically and at the box office so of course they are going to make more. Makes perfect sense.

Posted by: Omar Swarez at September 13, 2004 08:55 AM

... because audiences were clamoring for more after "Bride of Chucky."

I think this atricle says it all.

Posted by: Mojo at September 16, 2004 11:02 AM

chucky...u scared the jezzy out of me

Posted by: CS at October 21, 2004 12:44 PM