September 27, 2004

Natalie Portman "Closer" Pics

portman_steamy.jpgI've liked Natalie Portman ever since her young role in The Professional (thank you Tran and Rod for being the first people to introduce me to that flick). Then she became a religious Icon to me snagging a role in the new Star Wars films... but it wasn't until I saw Anywhere But Here and Where the Heart Is that I became a major fan of hers as an actress. This woman can act. Still so young, and yet she's been handed, and rocked in, some really diverse roles. It looks like her diversity is now being stretched even more with her role in the film Closer. The IMDB describes closer like this:

An intriguing story of passion, drama, love, and abandonment involving two couples, which only gets more complicated when the man from the first couple gets acquainted with the woman from the second coupling.
The good folks over at Cinema Eye have posted a couple of rather steamy pictures of Portman in the film (the picture on the left is just a small teaser to get you over there to see the full versions yourself). If you'd like to check out the trailer you can go here. Ummm.... yeah. I'll see it.

Posted by John Campea at September 27, 2004 07:13 AM


Sadly, the full frontal shot was taken out of the movie because it "didn't work"...Really meaning that were it in there the theatre would have been filled with guys just there for that..

Posted by: Gravy at December 4, 2004 09:53 AM

I am also a big fan of Natalie Portman. I took a look at the pics you have from Cinema Eye and must say she is looking very good. I was not planning on seeing the movie but I may have to re-think that now...

Posted by: jason at December 4, 2004 06:10 PM

How do you think she's shaved?

Posted by: Ray Zor at December 15, 2004 05:23 PM

Where wud u get ur hands on the pics that were taken out? they must b online somewhere!

Posted by: Johnny Connelly at January 11, 2005 07:18 AM

In the dark but decent. Needs BitTorrent, and room for a 70 meg clip.

Posted by: mentennent at January 16, 2005 12:01 AM

hie my name SADIK.I'am From very,very, veryyyyyyy good. I love YOU NATALiE

Posted by: SADIK KARABULUT at January 23, 2005 04:25 AM

That's hot. Sweet nectar.

Posted by: Paris Hilton at April 25, 2005 10:44 AM

netalie,you are so beautyfull,but what happend with"GAEL"
so you are my favorite actress
!viva mexico!

Posted by: eduardo at May 29, 2005 08:25 PM