September 15, 2004

Mr. 3000 Reviews

I don�t like Bernie Mac� not even a little bit. He was slightly tolerable in Ocean�s 11, but other than that I�ve never liked him in anything. I thought for sure this �Mr. 3000� flick was going to 1) Suck and 2) Bomb. It looks like I�ll be wrong on both counts. A couple of critics are already saying it�s quite good� which just baffles me (not a difficult thing to do). But oh well, I guess I�ll check it out on Friday and give it it�s fair shake. Here�s what�s being said:

"The success of the film falls squarely on the shoulders of its star, Bernie Mac, . . . [who] brings a palpable and infectious sense of how much he enjoys being himself"

"(Director) Stone and his star honor to the heart of the game and provide enough comedy curve balls to stay above the fray of the encroaching clich�s."
-- Rob Blackwelder, SPLICEDWIRE

Let me just throw this in for good measure: One of the reasons I disliked this film already was the fact that it has one of those trailers that just seen to give everything away! I hate that! Review quotes via Rotten Tomatoes.

Posted by John Campea at September 15, 2004 01:37 PM


pffft...who says that critics are right...i mean they gave lost in translation perfect revues and it totally sucks anus. and then they give all the good movies crappy revues so dont listen to them at all, mr.3000 is going to flop u know y? because i dont think i've seen one commercial for it, bernie mac is in it and come on, soooooo predictable...check it out: basebal player makes it big, baseball player retires, baseball player has huge ego and want to be awarded with the mr. 3000 title, baseball player has to get back in shape, heavy wieght falls on bernie macs foot, audience will chuckle at that for a while, baseball player really get is hopes up then has troubles succeeding easily so he gets down on himself. baseball player quits. everybody misses him, then miraculously the baseball player decides to give it another go and hit that baseball out of this world every one cheers, and he marrys the barely dressed groupy thats been watching every single game since he started...probably some undercover reporter too so that probably created some tension in the relationship too at some point in the movie. "u lied to me!" and then the girl always turns the tables around to make it into the guys fault "well u play too much baseball" or something like that.

Posted by: Marla Singer at September 15, 2004 02:38 PM

pffft...who says that critics are right...i mean they gave lost in translation perfect revues and it totally sucks anus. and then they give all the good movies crappy revues so dont listen to them at all, mr.3000 is going to flop u know y? because i dont think i've seen one commercial for it, bernie mac is in it and come on, soooooo predictable...check it out: basebal player makes it big, baseball player retires, baseball player has huge ego and want to be awarded with the mr. 3000 title, baseball player has to get back in shape, heavy wieght falls on bernie macs foot, audience will chuckle at that for a while, baseball player really get is hopes up then has troubles succeeding easily so he gets down on himself. baseball player quits. everybody misses him, then miraculously the baseball player decides to give it another go and hit that baseball out of this world every one cheers, and he marrys the barely dressed groupy thats been watching every single game since he started...probably some undercover reporter too so that probably created some tension in the relationship too at some point in the movie. "u lied to me!" and then the girl always turns the tables around to make it into the guys fault "well u play too much baseball" or something like that.

Posted by: Marla Singer at September 15, 2004 02:39 PM

i on the other hand think this movie will bomb, but hey if someone like me that went to miller park to be in the movie, go see it

Posted by: john z. at September 17, 2004 11:11 AM

Just saw it. Surprisingly good.

Looks like the rest of you idiots don't know what you're talking about, but that should go without saying.

Keep on eating.

Posted by: John Z at December 28, 2004 02:17 PM