September 22, 2004

Michael Moore's next film "Sicko"

I'm a big Michael Moore fan. His "Roger and Me" documentary got me hooked on the genre at an early age and I've loved his stuff ever since. I'm not saying I necessarily agree with all his politics, but the man knows how to make a compelling and well thought out documentary. It looks like his next project isn't going to wade into the political arena (as much). "Sicko" is going to be a look at the American Health Care system. This should be great since I've already seen him do a couple of smaller bits attacking the way the system works right now (and he usually props the Canadian system at the same time!). I'll be keeping an eye on this one.

Posted by John Campea at September 22, 2004 01:14 PM


The piece he did for his Awful Truth series that got a poor schmo's HMO to pay for a kidney transplant was nothing short of brilliant.

As an american with no real health care...I'm truly looking forward to this film, in hopes it'll spark new reform or at least some discussion on a continually neglected topic.

Posted by: Christopher at September 22, 2004 01:30 PM

A compelling documentary? I disagree. A documentary is rooted and based on facts. Not twisted distortions of them. I'll give credit where due however, the can can make people believe what he wants them to. After watching Columbine, I lost all respect for him as a documentarian. The half truths and blatant lies were too much. If you are interested, I can point out the lies.

Posted by: Cory at September 22, 2004 02:33 PM

eh, since when did a 'documentary' have to be rooted in fact ?

Capturing the Friedmans was a fantastic documentary, but you'd be hard pressed to know what the facts were.

Moore is a great polemicist and satarist. it's irrelevant whether you agree with him or not. He's there to look at society from his own point of view. And he's successful because a lot of people agree with him.

Posted by: davey at September 23, 2004 08:34 AM

You're kidding right? Just so we're on the same page.....
From Websters:
doc·u·men·ta·ry -Pronunciation Key (dky-mnt-r)
Consisting of, concerning, or based on documents.
Presenting facts objectively without editorializing or inserting fictional matter, as in a book or film.

n. pl. doc·u·men·ta·ries
A work, such as a film or television program, presenting political, social, or historical subject matter in a factual and informative manner and often consisting of actual news films or interviews accompanied by narration.

I must have missed something. How exactly is it a documentary?

Posted by: Cory at September 23, 2004 09:04 AM

last time I saw a documentary about a document was.... actually I don't think I ever have :)

dang, must stop my subscription to national geographic and discovery channel...

Posted by: brillo at September 23, 2004 10:24 AM

hey you guys are lucky because at least you had the option to watch Fahrenheit. i am currently living in a south east asian country and our govt is such pro-republican white house friend that they have not allowed this movie to be shown in our country.
now me and millions others have to wait for people to smuggled this movie to us.
is it any wonder why piracy is doing good business here, they get us things that are banned from us.

you guys are lucky.

Posted by: monk at September 24, 2004 02:21 PM

I'm a Democratic Committeman, active in the local political scene, yet I find Mr. Moore's work to be very biased and counterproductive. He would do better to keep to the facts and not give the opposition ammunition to besmirch his product. Barring that, he should promote his work as satire or such.

Posted by: Jay at September 27, 2004 04:19 PM

Well I know he is starting to film in the philadelphia area. great one of the most screwed up healthcare area in the country probably :-P And on top of that he is hiring actors and actreses to pretend they are pharma. company sales reps at doctor offices.

Its going to be as biased and full of more lies like all his olast film. I hope it blows up in his face this time.

Posted by: Paul at October 1, 2004 03:06 PM

Well, with Fahrenheit he has been criticised for being one sided in his views, what else are you going to expect from a film in which its sole purpose is to remove George Bush from presidency.
Michael Moore simply uses the same techniques that the republican (and other right wing parties) use to blatantly push propaganda into the faces of the public. plus these "lies", jeez guys, George Bush lies to the world on a daily basis, knowingly!

Posted by: Joey at October 7, 2004 09:47 AM

I wonder if Moore will get into the policy of the FDA to supress low cost unpatentable remedies to avoid impacting the profits of big pharma. Herbs and the like with strong anecdotal evidence of effectiveness against cancer will never even be tested. American Cancer Society doesn't seem to want to test them either.

Posted by: Les at October 16, 2004 07:45 PM

Teh biggest qualm I have with his movie making politic is that he uses half-truths and skewed evidence to criticize the government's use of half-truths and skewed evidence. It's like the leader of AA owning a bar.

Posted by: Dan-O at October 17, 2004 01:02 AM

Even if Moore uses half-truths. the facts are the same. I mean Bush waiting two months before going after bin ladden or James Ar Bath. they cant deny those. Bush cant even deny the relations he had with the ladden family.

Posted by: anti-bush at October 23, 2004 01:08 AM

Holy Crap you guys are downers. Moore is about the only leftist voice we have in the mainstream media, he is all we have. Nobody knows who Noam Chomsky is. What are you doing to get the truth out to mass audiences? Nothing! Moore could make a documentary full of boring facts but fortunately he has a sense of humour which I don't sense in this post. Should he have cut out the amusing cartoon in "Bowling" because it wasn't factual? Should he cut out any sign of opinion and pretend he has none so you don't get "brainwashed"? Everyone is so eager to jump on a "I-hate-so-and-so" bandwagon, they forget that Moore is the only easily recognizable figure doing a damn thing about all this corruption. Go ahead and look for all the oopsies or exagerations in his films, waste your time pointing out people's faults instead of doing anything with your life, you're just helping to tear him to pieces so we have nothing left. The media and government lies to us every day and you're too pre-occupied with trying to look clever by dissecting every little thing Moore spits out to bother looking into that. Too big and intimidating of a task I guess - it's easier to pick on someone like back in elementary. Here's some choice names to call him - Michael Moron (tee-hee!), Might-eat More, Micholesterol Moore, Michael(I'm a big fat stupid white man)Moore. Wow I feel like I'm eight again. Everyone has faults and screws up at things, it's obvious you're not interested in social flaws or you'd be complaining about Martha Stewart or Michael Jackson or your neighbour or whatever other bandwagon you can hop on. Your real interest is in looking smarter than this highly regarded figure and spreading a message to not believe anything Michael Moore says so we can all get back to enjoying a set of money-hungry politicians who kill for their God without fear of someone screwing up the utopia of the rich. -Sept. 12th 1984

Posted by: HolyShiite! at November 5, 2004 12:17 AM

Moore's a great film maker, and I *really* enjoyed Bowling for Columbine and Farenheit. However, I'm a bit nervous about what actions Sicko may prompt. As an American living in England for a year, I miss our (over the top) health care system. We may be paying out the wazoo, but at least I know I'll be treated with care & knowledge. I honestly can't say the same for the hospital I went to here. Very curious to see how things are presented, and hope this doesn't form a major social-healthcare reform.

Posted by: Katie at November 12, 2004 11:15 AM

yo man wtf mike more sucks ass amn goerge w gaave us taxe cut man. fuck that fat fuck more man he just makin da movie for his own big fatass taxe brake man.

Posted by: tom at November 14, 2004 09:31 PM

Dear Tom,

Thanks so much not only for your compelling argument but your amazing skills with the keyboard and forming intelligent arguments.

You make the right seem so ... smart.


Furthermore, Michael Moore is not only an amazing muckraker and comedian, but a HUMAN BEING!!! Agree or disagree be a little bit respectful or at least funny about ripping him.

And I thought Democrats were assholes.


Posted by: Luke at January 18, 2005 06:29 PM

Wow, Tom! With that sort of grammar, I suspect you were in the tax bracket that received no tax break at all. In such case, you would be supporting someone who gave away money to the rich who probably wouldn't even give you a ride if you stranded on a desolate highway. But at least we can rest assure that Michael Moore would spend years of his life jumping through hoops to produce a controversial film just to enjoy the tax break he received from King W. It all is so clear. That's the liberal conspiracy. Make liberal hollywood films so they can get tax breaks without guilt. The perfect crime...

Posted by: J Owen at April 9, 2005 01:25 PM


I saw about everything Moore ever came out with ... anyway, I just wanted to tell this after i have read the above discussion, Michael Moore doesn't make domcumentaries, he sais that himself, he maes films, you can do whatever you want with it ... it's brought out in America ... they say it's the land of the free ... but how come it was so difficult to bring out the movie in the US Farenheit 9/11)? They worked against him ... where some people afraid of the truth?


Posted by: Belgian Guy at August 20, 2005 08:02 AM