September 29, 2004

Mel Gibson given Producer of the Year Honors

Hmmm... well it looks like all those people who said Mel Gibson would be destroyed for making a religious film are eating huge doses of crow these days. Not only was Passion of the Christ a HUGE Box Office success, but Gibson himself is going to be given the Hollywood Film Festival's Producer of the Year award as well. Rope of Silicon gives us this:

"Mel Gibson's career exemplifies extraordinary ability, craftsmanship, and determination. He is an excellent example of a highly talented filmmaker whose work and creative vision are to be honored," festival founder Carlos de Abreu said.
I couldn't agree more. Boy this guys has come a long way from Mad Max. Good on ya Mel.

Posted by John Campea at September 29, 2004 07:45 AM


Kudos to Mel Gibson! He has remained a constant force to be reckoned with in Hollywood for many years, and, while he has made some turkeys, his work in recent years has been steady and sure.

Marc Bowker

Posted by: Marc at September 30, 2004 03:08 PM

Is it just me or are you an empty headed moron? Mel gibson is an actor of little to no talent who made his name in the mad max series of movies (possibly some of the worst or funniest movies ever made depending upon your perspective). He then went on to star in the lethal weapon series where he treated us to his 'tour de force' portrayal of a 'crazy' person (hey, I was convinced), slapping his head and doing a 'bug eyed' look to wonderful effect.

Lots of other quality work followed all of which I currently forget, (I wonder why), until he bought us the wonderful passion of the christ where we get a glimspe of what's going in the gibson mind (it aint pretty).

I prefered to hold to my image of gibson as a talentless, vacuous 'non' personality, but now we are given a disturbing insight into the disturbing world view of Mr Gibson.

It's not surprising that his vision/version of christianity and christs story went down so well with the fundermentalist looney tune nutters who are now dominating and running your country. It played into the 'self pitying',self aggrandising 'the world is against us' mindset of these fundermentalist bigots.

The conflagration scenes shot with such glee must have filled them with a sense of righteous indignation serving in their minds as a symbolic representation of their plight in this 'heathen' society.

The 'villians' of the piece would have sat well with the world view of many of them, confirming the 'untrustworthyness' of 'them there jews'.

To praise this piece of tripe is to display a level of ignorance that is hard to fathom.

As a film it's narrative is trite and full of 'over wrought' set piece events bought together with no convincing effect.
And as a piece of 'historical' documentation it is full of inaccuracies.
It even fails as a film from a religious prespective documenting christs last moments. Without showing any proper regard to the teachings and life of christ, his death loses all context.

Mel gibson producer of the year! Mickey mouse for president more like... no wait sorry you've already got him as president.

Posted by: michael at May 20, 2005 07:48 AM