September 03, 2004

McCain Keeps Giving Moore Exactly What He Wants

John McCain made a huge mistake. I mean a really really massive mistake. As attention was finally starting to focus on the election and the Republican convention and fade away from Michael Moore and his Fahrenheit 9/11, John McCain did Moore the biggest favour in the world... he drew attention back to Fahrenheit 9/11 and has brought the attention back to Moore. Something I'm sure Moore is thrilled about.

The incident continues... while on David Letterman this week, Michael Moore pointed out that McCain has never seen Fahrenheit 9/11 and made a public offer to personally take him to see it. Moore then said that if McCain didn't like the film, then after seeing it "I'll let him pummel me ". McCain later took the low road again and said "I admire his skills as a movie maker and certainly admire his success at making money. Seems like he could afford a shave and a haircut!" What a surprise! If you can't poke holes in Moore's position, then take personal shots at him and hope people are too stupid to tell the difference. I have a lot of respect for John McCain... but this is really below him.

Posted by John Campea at September 3, 2004 07:34 AM


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