September 10, 2004

Mark Hamill Spills Some Dirt on Star Wars Episodes 7, 8 and 9

Luke4.jpgFirst and foremost, head and shoulders above all other things, I am a Star Wars Geek. A New Hope was the first film that my mother ever took me too as a kid and it has stuck with me ever since. Don't ask me to sit down and justify why I feel so connected to the films... I just do (Yes, even Episodes 1 and 2). Anyone else feel like a hug?

Anyway, came across this little story. Apparently Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker) was participating on one of the Star Wars DVD promotional tours when some people started asking him about the possibilities of Episodes VII, VIII and IX. His answers were pretty interesting:

“You know when I first did this, it was four trilogies. 12 movies! And out on the desert, any time between setups… lots of free time. And George was talking about this whole thing. I said, ‘Why are you starting with IV, V and VI? It’s crazy.’ [Imitating Lucas grumble,] ‘It’s the most commercial section of the movie.’ He said the first trilogy’s darker, more serious. And the impression I got, he said, ‘Um, how’d you like to be in Episode IX?’ This is 1976. ‘When is that going to be?’ ‘2011.’ I defy anyone to add 36 years to their lives and not be stunned. Even an eight year old is like, ‘No, I’ll never be 47.’ So I did the math and figured out how old I’d be. I said, ‘Well, what do you want me to do?’ He said, ‘You’ll just be like a cameo. You’ll be like Obi Wan handing the lightsaber down to the next new hope.’
The fact of the matter is that no matter how good or bad Episode III is gonig to be, people will want the story to continue. I do. Let's see what George thinks after all the Revenge of the Sith hoopla is over and done with. BUT I STILL WANT INDY IV!!! Read the whole article with Mark Hamil here.

Posted by John Campea at September 10, 2004 06:40 AM


Its all true about the STAR WARS: SEQUEL TRILOGY. STAR WARS Episodes VII,VIII,IX already have titles.


All this is true according to George Lucas himself.

Posted by: Cory Morrel at March 31, 2005 07:13 PM

This 3 titles SUCKS!!!

This 3 sounds better to me!

EPISODE VII : Dark Revelation
EPISODE VIII : The New Jedi Order
EPISODE IX : Balance Of The Force

In ep7 the ghost of Palpatin strikes back with powers beyond imagination.

In ep8 the new jedi order lead by Luke and the new republic strikes back against the palpatin ghost and his new dark army.

In ep9 the ghost of Anakin skywalker and master jedi Luke destroys the ghost of Palpatin and the dark side once and for all and brings balance to the force!

Posted by: Master! at April 13, 2005 11:02 PM

No matter how much the you hate the titles those will be the offical titles to the 3 sequels. GL chose them so that what they will be called upon his true vision of Star Wars. GL is not going to make 7,8,9, he is done after Episode III, however; he will chose a director and and a crew worthy of making the sequels.

Posted by: Cory at April 14, 2005 04:48 PM

Oh, I really hope it doesnt get done.

Posted by: Simone at April 14, 2005 05:49 PM

GL hasen't said anything about the titles for episode 7-9, and where have you got the offical titles from? GL himself or what? Do you know him or what? (I don't thinks so) And the internet site that deals with the storys of EPISODE VII : THE FALLEN HERO / EPISODE VIII : THE REPUBLIC IN CRISIS / EPISODE IX : VICTORY OF THE FORCE must be made by someone with a bad fantasy! I have read them myself and they must be writen by a child, GL would never write anything like it, and he wouldn't EVER come up with titels that sounds like a bad scream in the ear! / All this is true according to George Lucas himself you said, yea sure! And GL also said he would made 'Willow 8 : The 8th dwarf was stoopid' / But I believe GL will do Episode 7-9, there is no doubt about it! But the last will be BALANCE OF THE FORCE, because it was Anakins destiny, and we don't know if Palpatin died or if his Ghost can do the same thing as Obi-Wan from the oter side, we haven't seen it yet! But we will, and why did GL change Anakins Ghost in the end of ROTJ from the old actor to the new? HUH!!! I can tell you why, because Anakin will return in the sequel trilogy ans a ghost caracter to help Luke to destroy the dar side forever! It will be the FINAL balance of the force, the prophecy of the boy Anakin, he will stop people from dying! He will bring balance to the force! And he did not do it in ROTJ! We only believe so until the sequel trilogy will reveal the truth!

Posted by: Master! at April 22, 2005 08:57 PM

Lucas has publicly stated that there were never any plans, or are there for another three.

Frankly I was surprised because I'd heard about the episode IV chat with Hamill before, from Hamill himself in an interview.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at April 23, 2005 07:15 AM

No the titles to VII,VIII,IX are


Thats the offical titles to VII,VIII,IX all written by George Lucas. GL said to some of the fans on Supershadow if REVENGE OF THE SITH is the biggest money making movie of 2005 he will make one more trilogy which of course is the Sequel Trilogy 7,8,9. In 2012 George Lucas will give Supershadow the plot scripts to Episodes X,XI,XII. Prey and hope that Episode III is the biggest movie of 2005 so the Star Wars saga can continue. If Episode III-ROTS isn't that great and doesn't do real well, GL said there will be no Episodes VII,VIII,IX ever in his life time.

Posted by: Cory at April 24, 2005 06:57 PM

Dude! Supershadow should be drug out in the street and shot... that or play in traffic. He is nothing but a fruad, some lonely fucker who is unfortunately from my homestate of NC.

I am a huge fan of Star Wars, and would personaly love to see Ep. 7 - 9 made. Something that I can share with my children (when I have them). I think that they will be made. GL is king of controdicting himself, and doesn't want to announce the production of the sequels, because of Ep III's thunder it's bringing in.

I personally would like to see more info on these NDA's that everyone has been signing on Ep 7 - 9. And I would love to see on the news here in the south that supershadow was lynched for spreading false information.

Keep up the good reporting y'all!

Posted by: Shinzon at April 28, 2005 11:14 AM

I have read the plot scripts to Episode VII,VIII,IX and there are other websites, not just that has GL'S plot scripts to Episodes VII,VIII,IX. George Lucas have been answering the fans question of he told some of the fans if STAR WARS: EPISODE III-REVENGE OF THE SITH in the biggest movie of the summer and makes alot of money more then Episodes I,II,IV,V,VI then he will make VII,VIII,IX. If not then VI,VII,IX will never be made in his life time. It up to fans to make sure Episode III goes well in the movies in order for VII,VIII,IX to happen. I wish people would just stop calling supershadow a liar and fake. Just leave the guy alone.

Posted by: cory at April 28, 2005 02:12 PM

How about all you idiots who don't want Episodes VII, VIII, or IX made, don't go and see them. This way those who want them made can see them, and those that don't can still complain about them. I beleive that this is a great compromise.

Posted by: Richard at May 5, 2005 11:34 AM

Youre right you know, if it does get donw, I am sure I will watch it anyway, who am I kidding? LOL

Long time ago now since somebody called me an idiot. *laughs*

Posted by: Simone at May 6, 2005 07:20 AM

the saga must continue it is too popular to stop at 6 episodes. beyond the movies they say luke makes a new order of jedi. so after reading in books and on the computer there must be more episodes. so the fans cans see the caracters on film in action not just picturing in their minds what could happen if these movies aren't made. we the fans say the saga MUST go on.

Posted by: jonathan at May 6, 2005 03:08 PM

Starwars is one of the biggest trilogies ever made. GL would never leave us hanging on what happens after the end of Episode 6. He will make the movies or he will prob have the guy that made LOTR, Peter something make them. I do believe in what the title are named for 7,8,9. The one fact u guys dont have right thou is that Emperior Palpatine is still alive at the end of 6. He regroups the emperials and starts counter attacking on the repulic. Luke finds an anchient Jedi temple were he revives the old ways of the jedi and creates a new coulnsal.Leia learns how to use the force herself, she then has luke train her kids there.
As far as what i know beyond that we will just have to wait and see what he does. But if u go by how the books go it should get really interesting on what happens.

Posted by: Matt at May 6, 2005 07:01 PM

Supershadow IS a fake, a fraud, and a liar. And now, as of yesterday, Lucasfilm Ltd. knows about his website and the fake Lucas interviews, and the things he has been writing that make it look like Lucas is insulting and ridiculing his fans. Go here:

and here:

Have a nice day.

Posted by: Kevin at May 6, 2005 11:14 PM

Just leave Supershadow alone. Give the guy a break. The interviews with George Lucas on his site are real. I swear it. GL said its all up to the fans to make sure EPISODE III-ROTS goes well in order to VII,VIII,IX to happen. Lucas said that there are 4 trilogies to the STAR WARS saga. There are suppose to be 12 Star Wars movies. Lucas already did the first 6 movies and Episodes VII,VIII,IX will begin the Proproduction stage with STAR WARS: EPISODE VII-THE FALLEN HERO with in 10 to 15 years. STAR WARS: EPISODES X,XI,XII will happen with in 30 years or after GL dies. GL's kids will make X,XI,XII with Supershadow's help. I do I have to convince people to hold on and trust in faith that the STAR WARS: SEQUEL TRILOGY is going to happen. Mark Hamill(Luke Skywalker) has already mention that VII,VIII,IX will happen. I want to see VII,VIII,IX happen. I want to see the battle between the Jedi and Dark Jedi, the battle of the Mandelorians in STAR WARS: EPISODE VIII-THE REPUBLIC IN CRISIS, and the defeat of the dark side of the force forever in STAR WARS: EPISODE IX-VICTORY OF THE FORCE. GL said that when he dies Episodes X,XI,XII will be much different from the Skywalker family. Episodes X,XI,XII take place 1,000 years after EPISODE IX-VICTORY OF THE FORCE.

Posted by: Cory at May 7, 2005 02:24 PM

This may seem pretty ignorant to say but i have no clue if super shadow is a fake or if he really knows George Lucas, i have been to and when "GL" insults his fans that is pretty hard to believe. Still it might be the real GL and is there a place in any official site of starwars that says if supershadow is GL's Friend and a place in the official site that says episodes 7,8,and 9 are coming out?

Posted by: James at May 8, 2005 02:57 AM

Ok James ok. I will take your word. George Lucas is done with Star Wars but I believe the saga will continue with out him. Don't forget Lucas never directed THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK nor RETURN OF THE JEDI. Maybe Something inside of Lucas's head will snap and with in 10 years if he is still eager to go back to Star Wars and make 1 more trilogy it will be VII,VIII,IX. It all depends on how well STAR WARS: EPISODE III-REVENGE OF THE SITH goes at the box-office. If it does well then we can all bet there will be a final trilogy. Heck! Maybe STAR WARS: EPISODES X,XI,XII after Lucas dies. You never can tell.

Posted by: Cory at May 8, 2005 11:49 PM

I see, but that doesn't really answer my question does super shadow know GL? And if he does is there an official starwars site that says he does?

Posted by: James at May 9, 2005 12:15 AM

I don't really know james. Maybe Lucas does know Supershadow. I wish I knew but I don't, Sorry.

Posted by: Cory at May 9, 2005 11:33 PM

I Can't belive that someone actually beliefs in S.S. just pay attention in what that guy is saying and you can tell that is a hughe fraud.

Posted by: Sandro at May 13, 2005 01:53 PM

Sandro, I read the 'supposed' script for ROTS. Very interesting, to me it seems legit, I will reveiw the script, and see if it's plot is exactly parallel to the movie's plot. This will decide SuperShadow's credibilaty. If the movie doesn't match the supposed script, then Kevin and sandro are right S.S is a fraud, but vice versa, Kev and sandro have to admit they were wrong about S.S.. It's ON!

Posted by: Constantine at May 13, 2005 06:58 PM

this is an interview lucas had with "60 minutes" YESTERDAY..

"What if someone else beside you came to you and said, 'I want to make episode seven.' Could you see this happening," asks Stahl.

"No," says Lucas. "There is no episode seven."

Posted by: Brian at May 14, 2005 01:18 AM

The guy is a complete fraud. Do you SS believers really think George Lucas has a couple of hours free each day to write his Q&A; respnses this close to ROTS release date, the guy was inn cannes while SS claims he was writing for his site?? I doubt the rela GL is as money motivated as SS claims with comments like "I will only do another trilogy if ROTS breaks box office records"etc. George Lucas had made these movies as they are his lifes passion and couldn't give a toss about revenue at this stage. I also emailed Mickey Suttle (supershadow's real name) and asked for a photo of him and GL to prove it once and for all. All I got back was a photo of GL and a guy in a bobafett outfit.

Wake up folks, the guy is peddling you false dreams and needs to be exposed.

Posted by: SuperNashwan at May 16, 2005 07:49 AM

I totally agree with you. SS needs to be shot.

Posted by: Brian at May 16, 2005 09:49 AM

Wow. I had no idea that there were people so AMAZINGLY stupid to believe that a person who goes by an Internet name, as a twelve-year-old would, that probably comes from the Sonic the Hedgehog video game series, would be in ANY WAY connected to a man who values his privacy. The only people who could possibly believe in this would have to be under thirteen years old.

Posted by: Steve at May 16, 2005 11:52 AM

Let's get some stuff straight. Lucas has said since the beginning that the Star Wars saga was 9 episodes long and that he filmed 4-6 first because they were the most "entertaining" cinematically speaking. Now GL is 60 and I can't believe that he would trust too many people with continuing the storyline when he's dead. Plus the dude's not stupid...if he waits about 5-10 years and starts up ep 7 it will build all the hype again and land him some more serious cash.

Posted by: Prophecy at May 16, 2005 01:59 PM

I'm telling you people its all up to the success of STAR WARS: EPISODE III-REVENGE OF THE SITH that determines the fate of STAR WARS: EPISODE VII,VIII,IX,X,XI,XII. George Lucas has said that he intended to be 4 STAR WARS TRILOGIES. He didn't know which STAR WARS would be the biggest and didn't know where to star so he first started with the STAR WARS TRILOGY, EPISODE IV,V,VI. Then when when computer Tecnology would evolve he decided to go back and do the back story in the STAR WARS: PREQUEL TRILOGY, EPISODE I,II,III. Now all the saga needs is the front end that supports it. The STAR WARS: SEQUEL TRILOGY, EPISODE VII,VIII,IX. GL will probably let someone else direct the Sequels give GL a few years to gather up Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Harrison Ford, Billy Dee Williams. They have to be old in VII,VIII,IX because THE FALLEN HERO(7) takes place 30 years after STAR WARS: EPISODE VI-RETURN OF THE JEDI. So it will work out nice for Lucas. Mark Hamill already said at the 2004 STAR WARS TRILOGY DVD convention that there is a STAR WARS: EPISODE VII,VIII,IX and what they are about. They are about the battle between the Jedi and the Dark Jedi, the Mandalorians, and 2 clones of Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker. Have patients fans its going to take Lucas quit sometime.

Posted by: Cory at May 16, 2005 10:59 PM

There are very few things that are certain in life. Don't fret over whether SS is legit or not. If he is, then we can blame him for the prequels.(he supposedly gave Lucas alot input) If he isn't legit...he's the biggest loser that has his own website making 200,000 unique hits a day. Whoop. Judge SS by whether the scripts he got from GL for Episode 3 are accurate and other things of that nature.

Which one of you idiots was like, "George lucas isnt that greedy in real life,". How the hell do you know. People say alot of things in private to their buddies that would not idealize what they act like in public. Note ***Everyone is a greedy. Greed is the motivation behind every human act. It is a virtue****

Furthermore, SS's supposed girlfriend...omg.IF he is legit...that bastard.

Posted by: Josh at May 17, 2005 04:52 AM

I don't know this SS dude, but I'm pretty certain he's a fraud and this is why.

I have a cottage friend who happens to be a VP at Warner Bros and I see him every year and we sit back and have beers. Last summer he finished working on Ocean's 12 and I asked him what it was about. All he would tell me is that they did something cute with Julia Roberts character....that's all he spilled...not a word more. He did go on to tell me about Clooney's villa in Italy, etc, etc. So based on that I don't see how GL is gushing super secret info to some dude who then posts it on the net.....very very sketchy!

Posted by: Prophecy at May 17, 2005 08:22 AM


Posted by: hahaha at May 17, 2005 09:35 PM

And once again, to Cory, I say

"What if someone else beside you came to you and said, 'I want to make episode seven.' Could you see this happening," asks Stahl."

"No," says Lucas. "There is no episode seven."

This is from an interview with "60 freakin' Minuntes". One of the most prestige news reporting companies EVER. This qoute is straight from the man's mouth. In my opinion, this should end the arguement right here. But of course, it won't.

Cory, do research and find a LEGIT interview where GL talks about making more Star Wars movies. I said LEGIT, not something off that stupid site.

Besides, those plots (Fallen Hero, etc.) suck. I hope to God they aren't legit.

Posted by: Brian at May 17, 2005 10:39 PM

well this is all very interesting i must put my two cents in here i know that episode 7-12 exist because i remember them and their detals being published in a very credible peridicle although i am not trying to start another argument because i do not have concrete facts on that source i know personally that they exist. by the way in my opinion it isnt necisarilly a greed issue that motivates George it is simply practicality. why make several multi million dollar movies if there is no good return to be expected. he cant make these movies for free people! why would he pay to make them! this is his passion (seen the interwiews with leanord maltin listen to how he talks) he owes it to his faithful fans to make these movies and he knows that. he will make them. and to all you naysayers out there who dont like star wars! get the hell out of my galaxy because even if you dont like them you should atleast be able to repect to creative energy that went into making these timeless and ingeniously written stories! thank you!

Posted by: iwantalightsaber at May 17, 2005 10:50 PM

(stupid dane here)
I've just seen Revenge of the Sith, and it was a great movie, but still I want more hehe.
when i read all these arguments, I just gotta know!: Is the next 3 episodes for real?.. Or is it still possible that G.L and Star wars have ended?

Posted by: Mick Tannert at May 18, 2005 08:51 PM

I hate to say it but GL isn't really the one to decide whether 7, 8, and 9 are made. The fans are. It's simple supply/demand. If GL won't make it then the fans will. It is becoming easier and easier to make your own films and with the rabid fans that the Star Wars universe has, it will happen. Look at "Star Wars: Revelations" for instance. A 40-minute film made by fans for fans. GL has said he has no problem with fan films as long as they non-profit and are in the spirit of Star Wars. So what's to stop fans from making "THE FALLEN HERO" or any other sequel.

Think about it...

Posted by: Chris at May 19, 2005 11:57 AM

I'm starting to become very sceptical of Supershadow lately as well. But I always thought the guy just had a chip on his shoulder

It scares me to believe, if he is a fraud then I have wasted numerous hours on his site.
Oh man I feel duped

Posted by: PeaceFire at May 19, 2005 01:10 PM

Even if the fans created STAR WARS: EPISODE VII-THE FALLEN HERO, STAR WARS: EPISODE VIII-THE REPUBLIC IN CRISIS, STAR WARS: EPISODE IX-VICTORY OF THE FORCE, fans need to be licensed by Lucasfilm and ILM and fans need to figure out if Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Harrison Ford, Billy Dee Williams would indeed return of the Sequels.

Posted by: Cory at May 19, 2005 02:38 PM

Even if the fans created STAR WARS: EPISODE VII-THE FALLEN HERO, STAR WARS: EPISODE VIII-THE REPUBLIC IN CRISIS, STAR WARS: EPISODE IX-VICTORY OF THE FORCE, fans need to be licensed by Lucasfilm and ILM and fans need to figure out if Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Harrison Ford, Billy Dee Williams would indeed return for the Sequels.

Posted by: Cory at May 19, 2005 02:40 PM


George said that HE is not doing any more Star Wars films. It would just be stupid for anyone else to do them. Everyone is just going to have to live with I-VI. George will put all the talk away when the trilogy DVD set comes out in December.

Posted by: Adam at May 19, 2005 03:27 PM

George may say hes done but we say it never done. There is continuation at the end of STAR WARS: EPISODE VI-RETURN OF THE JEDI A..D..A..M!!!!!!!!. The Sequel Trilogy is going to happen yes it is. We Star Wars fans won't have EPISODE VII,VIII,IX doubters like you rouning the future for us.

Posted by: Cory at May 19, 2005 09:39 PM

"MARK HAMILLS comments at the STAR WARS TRILOGY: DVD CONVENTION really got everyone's attention when he mentions STAR WARS 7,8,9 and what they are about." Give Lucas 5-10 years and he will redeem himself. Hopefully GL hasn't turned to the Darkside himself.



I have faith in VII,VIII,IX and X,XI,XII as I do in god.

Posted by: Cory at May 19, 2005 09:59 PM

thank you adam. finally, someone with some sense.

Posted by: Brian at May 20, 2005 08:39 AM

Interview with Entertainment Weekly
George Lucas Talks about Episodes 7, 8, and 9
In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, George Lucas puts the smackdown on rumors of "Star Wars" sequels beyond next year's "Revenge of the Sith."
Recent reports of Industrial Light and Magic employees being asked to sign non-disclosure agreements for Episodes 7, 8 and 9 sparked intense fanboy conjecture about additional "Star Wars" installments. Lucas, it appears, will have none of that.

When asked by EW about Episodes 7-9, Lucas says: "I'm not going to do it. I'm too old. I've got other movies I want to do. And I don't want anybody else to do it, so I've locked it up so nobody can ever do it."

Lucas goes on to say that future TV "offshoots" may be possible but "the saga itself, the story of the Skywalker family, is over."

So how about the Solo family then?

For more "Star Wars" news visit our spotlight page. -- Mac Slocum

Posted by: Brian at May 20, 2005 08:46 AM

Lucas says on Supershadow that if REVENGE OF THE SITH is the biggest box office of the year he will make more STAR WARS: TRILOGY and that is the STAR WARS: SEQUEL TRILOGY(7,8,9). It going to happen trust me. Lucas says "no sequels" now but not in 10 to 15 years or less to come.

Posted by: Cory at May 20, 2005 11:02 AM

Cory, stop relying on SS as your source of information.

Look up REAL interviews of GL for a change. From REAL, accredited news sources.

Sorry to burst your bubble but SS is a FAKE. Some dumbass sitting at his computer in his underwear at 3am getting off on people believing the total bullshit he feeds you.

You really think that this guy had a hand in the making of ROTS, or any SW movie for that matter?

Like I said before, find me ONE interview from GL where he talks about SS or "Fallen Hero" (which is a horrible, horrible story).

Posted by: Brian at May 20, 2005 12:47 PM

George Lucas Talks On 'Star Wars' Sequels 7, 8 & 9
[Monday, September 13th, 2004]
George Lucas talked to MTV about the recent rumors of three more sequels, heres what he had to say to them.
Don't expect any more "Star Wars" flicks after "Revenge of the Sith" — George Lucas says he's done.

"This was never planned as a nine-episode work," Lucas said. "The media [pounced when] I made an offhand comment, 'It might be fun to come back when everyone's 80 and do another one of these.' But I never had any intention of doing that."

Lucas said he only decided to do the back-story trilogy — which "Sith," due next May, will cap — because he realized he had already written it in order to tell the story in the first "Star Wars" films. "The original 'Star Wars' was only three films, and that was what it was meant to be," he said. "After a lot of pondering and thought, I went back to do the back story, but that pretty much tells the story. Episode six is the end. There isn't any more to it."

"Sith" may mark the end on an emotional level, too. "All the good guys die," he said, laughing. "And you know, it's pretty dark. It's pretty intense. I'm not sure this one is going to end up a PG like the others were."

That apparently doesn't have so much to do with actual violence — like previous "Star Wars" films, this one will have lots of battles and space action — as with what happens to Padme and the children borne from her union with Anakin Skywalker following their escape and separation. "It's a happy story," Lucas joked.

Posted by: Brian at May 20, 2005 12:51 PM

Supershadow is the best. I don't know what fans would do without him. Him and GL have really worked hard at Skywalker Ranch putting together all the final pieces of REVENGE OF THE SITH. We will see what the future holds for more STAR WARS movies. GL says no but I know he will pick someone else to make the Sequels. Have faith people because faith is all we have in this world we live in. Well mine as well wait for the first Sequel in 10-15 years. That would be...


Posted by: Cory at May 20, 2005 03:19 PM

Roger Ebert says there will be more Star Wars VII,VIII,IX.

Posted by: Cory at May 20, 2005 03:33 PM

I don't think I can comment on this anymore. I'll end up blowing my brains out.

Posted by: Brian at May 20, 2005 04:05 PM

well, i was watching E!'s show Behind the scenes: Stars wars revenge of the sith last night, and at the end of the show some of the cast members who were interviewed gave hints to the the saga continuing after ROTJ. well i hopes their hints meant something because id like to see the saga continue. i hope this adds fuel to the fire.

Posted by: Rick at May 20, 2005 04:52 PM

you guys need a life, it is a movie and that is it! so stop floating around the cinemas and stroking your light sabers waiting for another star wars movie!! (it is a movie!!!!!)

Posted by: ilduce at May 21, 2005 03:53 PM

why do u bother posting or even looking if u have a problem with this disscusen. i would enjoy a new movie doesnt have to be 3 but at least a new one

Posted by: justin at May 21, 2005 07:08 PM

In regards to the bickering about "Episode IX: Balance of the Force", if you watch Episode I - VI and pay attention, Anakin's destiny was 'thought' to be to bring balance to the force. It was also mentioned that the prophecy could have been misread. This would mean his destiny was to destroy the Jedi and raise the Sith to power. Which he does in Episode III. I am part owner of a production company based and IF any further episodes are made, they do NOT have titles or stories yet. The most likely scenerio is using a trilogy from the books written during the 1990's.

Posted by: archangel1974 at May 21, 2005 10:04 PM

STAR WARS: EPISODE VII I bet will definitly be titled,"THE FALLEN HERO." I like that title.

Posted by: cory at May 22, 2005 12:15 AM

After a long wait having seen the final key ( episode III ) locking I - III & IV - VI together they are the best I have ever watched out of any trilogy or series. Let the saga stand for what they are a great story between good and evil. Additional episodes ( VII -IX ) would be a treat, I was 8 years old when episode I first began in 77 my 11 year old son is also overwhelmed by the story, be happy with what we have. Don't taint the possibility of future episodes with all of this negetive commentary floating about.

Posted by: Pat at May 22, 2005 12:28 AM

Constantine wrote:

"Sandro, I read the 'supposed' script for ROTS. Very interesting, to me it seems legit, I will reveiw the script, and see if it's plot is exactly parallel to the movie's plot. This will decide SuperShadow's credibilaty. If the movie doesn't match the supposed script, then Kevin and sandro are right S.S is a fraud, but vice versa, Kev and sandro have to admit they were wrong about S.S.. It's ON!"

It was vice versa... If he's a fake, then he's gonna get his ass sued for stealing and publishing the script.

Posted by: Kevin Xder at May 22, 2005 03:06 AM

It seems to me Cory is just that nerd known as "supershadow" I cannot see someone so blindly following the lies from the site. Want proof they are lies? Read the supposed G.L. Interviews. They made me laugh until I felt someone might possibly believe this. Now I am furious that he is still on-line.

Posted by: Bill at May 22, 2005 05:55 AM

i know the truth. iv been on the net all nite and all morning without sleep and i found it i have the truth. who cares? i have ep 7 pics. no lie. curious? contact me at [email protected]

Posted by: Darth Milk at May 22, 2005 08:30 AM

i want to it true or is not true about star wars 7,8,9...i`m a very curious 13 year old

Posted by: Robert at May 22, 2005 10:45 AM

No... it is NOT true. George Lucas has said publically and repeatedly that he has no intention of doing any more Star Wars Movies.

Maybe in 10 or 20 years when his son or someone else is running Lucas Film it might happen.

Posted by: John Campea at May 22, 2005 10:53 AM

you daft daft tits. how can anyone possibly believe supershadow is real, when he is cleary the biggest fake ever. Why cant you see that George Lucas said that he was not goin to make 7 8 or 9 on 60 minutes. 60 MINUTES FOR CHRISTS SAKE!! STOP DREAMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: Tom at May 22, 2005 01:01 PM

Thank you.

Posted by: Brian at May 22, 2005 01:08 PM

This supershadow guy seems to have a lot of people tricked... lol he doesn't seem very credible to me. You shouldn't trust anything on the internet like that, its common sense. GL must have better things to do with his time than talk to a guy who cannot stop 'scoring'... ;)

Anyway... It seems to me that GL might have had some ideas about what happens after episode VI, hence offhand comments to reporters and Mark Hammill. However, doesn't seem like he is actually planning to make any sequels at all. But Star Wars is his baby... sooner or later his fingers will probably be itching to work with it again. Lets hope he lives a long, happy life! (with very itchy fingers)

Posted by: pap at May 23, 2005 06:24 PM

Does 7 8 9 interfere with Timothy Zahn Novels?

Posted by: james at May 23, 2005 07:32 PM

Does ep. 7 8 9 interfere with Timothy Zhan's Novels?

Posted by: james at May 23, 2005 07:38 PM

With regard to the prophecy, I believe that Anakin/Vader does indeed bring balance to the force... The time is not stipulated as to WHEN the balance shall be brought about... Darth Vader eventually is brought back from the dark side, and it is HE who destroys the Emperor... Was that not an action of bringing balance to the force and destroying the Sith?

Posted by: Andrakis at May 24, 2005 12:56 AM

Hey Everyone! Ok I think there is going to be a 7,8,and 9! But does anyone have any information like who would be in it? Who would play the sons of Han Solo and Luke Skywalker? Who would play the wife of Luck Skywalker? Also the girlfriend of Ben Skywalker (luke's son) if U have any info plz post on here thanks for your time!

Posted by: PadmeChick at May 24, 2005 05:27 PM

Well, at least he can release the scripts or something.. I don't want to read all of those spin-off continuous crappy books that you see in the freaking supermarket. That wouldn't make enough money though... seriously, though, one day, I do believe the movies will release.
patience must you have.

Posted by: Jerry at May 24, 2005 05:47 PM

Okay, he has publically stated NO MORE STAR WARS!! However, the DVD Trilogy, and in the Featurettes on both TPM and AOTC he stated that there was more to the story after ROTJ. However, I don't think he'll make them in his life time, he is too old. Plus, we know what happens from the books. From the Timothy Zahn novels, to the "Jedi Acadamy" Trilogy by Kevin J Anderson, all the way to the "New Jedi Order" series (god what a joke. too much stuff going down). There's really no need for Lucas to make any more movies. It still would be nice.

As for someone bringing up the prophecy, it wasn't misread. Anakin DID bring balance to the force. At the end of ROTS there are only 2 Jedi and 2 Sith that we know about. Obi-Wan, Yoda, Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine. That's a balance. 2 = 2. It doesn't get any clearer than that. It just didn't happen in the way the Jedi thought it would happen. Cause really, how are thousands of Jedi compared to 2 Sith all that balanced anyway. Equal parts light and dark. 2 = 2 again.

Anyway, in short, leave the movies as they are. If Lucas makes the Sequels he will. If not, we have a humongous amount of literature to read on what happens after ROTJ.

Posted by: Jedi Jiboom Vai at May 25, 2005 01:42 AM

While he has said that there will be no new trilogy(s), I wouldn't be too surprised if he went back on his word down the road and did one. It wouldn't be any different than, say, Hideo Kojima saying that he wasn't going to do a sequel to Metal Gear, and then making Metal Gear 2 (refering to the original 8-bit games). Then saying that he wasn't going to work on any Metal Gear Solids after Sons of Liberty and then going on to doing Snake Eater (and, again, claimed he was done, yet he is now working on MGS4).

At any rate, the plots for 7-9 on Super Shadow's site aren't really that believable on retrospect, so even if GL did really chose to do another trilogy, it sure as heck won't be those.

Posted by: Allen at May 25, 2005 03:04 PM

It's also worth noting that Super Shadow's site has been hacked by some random group. I guess there'll be no more bull from him for the time being.

Posted by: Allen at May 25, 2005 03:12 PM

I would like to know if there will be more episodes? Eposode III was the best movie ever George did a great idea becausewe all know what will happen on episode IV.. Now since episode III did so excellent it will now push George to do episode VI, VII & IX..

Posted by: Amidala021 at May 25, 2005 03:14 PM


I just seen SuperShadow's site. That's so hilarious. I'm glad someone finally put him in his place.

Seriously, that makes me so damn happy.

Posted by: Brian at May 25, 2005 03:20 PM

Hey, I've been visiting Supershadows website for some time now, yet today I visited to see that some group is calling him a fraud. I don't know what the truth is, considering that everything he has said this far is true to the films. Does anyone have any information on this?

Posted by: Ug at May 25, 2005 04:21 PM

3 new episodes sound pretty good, but as you may well no, episodes 1,2,3 were boring slow and had bad plots, the only thing that saved them was the special effects, to make another 3 you will need really good storylines fantastic fight scenes and need to be rapid (not to a pint where its confused but alot faster)

Posted by: ollie` at May 25, 2005 05:09 PM

Episode IV's the worst of 'em all dude, so stop being a "prequel hater"...

I've never heard of this jackass but once I saw what this hacker pulled off with his site, I'm sure he deserved it... Just another doofus who wanted to be famous thanks to Star Wars a la "The Star Wars Kid"...

I believe he can kiss his 200,000 daily hits goodbye once and for all...

Posted by: DarthVicc at May 25, 2005 08:48 PM

no force i sense in you

there will be epi 7,8 and 9, honestly i tell you all

but it wont come no where near this future

i sense it will come another 5-6 perhaps 8 years from now

the first epi 4,5 and 6, then later it sleeps for years until epi 1, 2 and 3 awaken. then it needs some sleep for years until the 7, 8 and 9 awaken. by that time, maybe some of us quite nearly forgotten about star wars and by reviving it, makes a whole new star wars movie again.

believe in the force. it surrounds you. this is no luck but this is a cause. the fate is, another star wars movie will happen!

Posted by: Sinis at May 26, 2005 04:51 AM

whoa!!!when i visited supershdow and read the 7,8 and 9 more episodes, i was really excited..wahahahaha..i love all episodes and George Lucas has a very fantastic imagination...i just love him..STARWARS...woohhooo...i cant wait to watch these episodes in the big screen soon...MAY THE FORCE BE WITH US ALL

Posted by: deedee skywalker at May 26, 2005 02:38 PM


George has said this many times in several REAL interviews. Not the fake shit on Stop getting your information from that SuperShadow jackass.
Find me ONE account of Lucas talking to an accredited news reporter, magazine writer, movie critic.. ANYBODY respected in the news industry.
He said on '60 Minutes' that there was no more episodes. 60 MINUTES!!! Not to mention the many, many other interviews where he has said there is no more.
Hell, I can find a dozen interviews where GL has told accredited news agencies that SW is no more. I can't find a damn one where he has said otherwise. Well, other than on, of course.
I guess that's all that matters, right? I mean SS is GL's bestfriend. Not to mention he basically wrote half of ROTS. Hell, SS probably came up with the entire SW story. Gosh, he's such a genius.
Give me a freakin' break.

Posted by: When will you jackasses accept it? at May 27, 2005 10:28 AM


I just realized something....
These are 2 quotes from
This is from the latest fake ass "interview with George Lucas"..
"Hi Mr Lucas, I was wondering why you wouldn't place the Millennium Falcon somewhere in the final chapter?.."
"George Lucas: I don’t agree with your assessment. There is no need for the Millennium Falcon in Revenge of the Sith. I’ve given Chewbacca a role in Revenge of the Sith so there is no need for the Millennium Falcon. The Star Wars galaxy would seem like an awfully small place if we saw the Millennium Falcon."
and this is from the SS homepage..
"For example , today I was able to see THE MILLENNIUM FALCON in Episode 3! It was a super cool detail. I loved it. (SuperShadow: You didn‘t see THE Millennium Falcon. You just saw a Corellian bulk freighter that looks like the legendary Falcon.)
But get this.. there is a list of Easter Eggs on the OFFICIAL Star Wars website (
One of the easter eggs is in fact THE Millennium Falcon.
"It's tiny, but visible enough to send a warm fuzzy through the hearts of original trilogy fans. In the establishing shot of the expansive Senate docking bays, there's a tiny Millennium Falcon easing into frame. And it's not just a non-descript Corellian freighter; it's on good authority -- namely George Lucas -- that this is the infamous hunk-of-junk before it came into the ownership of either Lando Calrissian or Han Solo."
Go there and see it yourself.
Sorry to break all of your hearts, SS worshipers.
Go to hell, SuperShadow.

Posted by: Brian at May 27, 2005 10:59 AM

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL I am having a fit over here.

I just read the "supposed" GL interview, and I'll be damned!

First rate fraud this one. If I want legit Star Wars gossip, I'd subscribe to or Where did this guy came from anyway?


Posted by: Simone at May 27, 2005 12:33 PM











STAR WARS: SEQUEL TRILOGY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





There is all your proof.

Posted by: Cory at May 27, 2005 12:56 PM

Well Cory, George Lucas is saying the exact OPPOSITE, so who should we actually believe, you or him? That is the proof we need.

I better use a Star Wars line here quick.

"Who's more foolish, the fool, or the one who follows him?" - Obi Wan Kenobi

Posted by: Simone at May 27, 2005 01:02 PM

probably the fool who follows him.

Posted by: Cory at May 27, 2005 03:35 PM

Cory, that is not proof.
Proof is defined as "any factual evidence that helps to establish the truth of something".
What evidence are you providing? None at all. All you're basically doing is the samething you've done in every single one of your other posts. Saying, "well, this is what's going to happen. Why? Um, because I said it is."
I've provided evidence after evidence to back up what I say, where as you have provided nothing other than what you've heard or read on SS.

Posted by: Brian at May 27, 2005 05:47 PM

I heard somewhere (don't remember where) that there originally were 9 or 12 episodes and they were all supposed to be one big movie, no idea if that is true or not, but whatever. o and Corey, you are a big dipshit for actually believing what is on SS. Anyone who has GL saying he thinks hitler and stalin, the two most evil people who have ever lived so far, were misunderstood is a complete fake. o and saying the fool who follows him basically makes fun of yourself since i think SS is the fool, and you are the one who follows him, so good job mocking yourself

Posted by: SuperShadowneedstobelitonfire at May 27, 2005 09:19 PM

Cory Morrel, Angie Girl, darlin'...

Can you please answer this?

You started this LONG thread by stating that GL already had defined the "official & definitive" titles for Episode VII, VII and IX. And I bet you believe THIS happened around 1976 just because Mark Hamill has stated that too. Well, I hope you have read the "more official than official can get" SCRIPT for THE FALLEN HERO this SuperShadow fake helped distributing, I really do, because here's my question to you...


Maybe a "synched-with-the-Force" GL foresaw the Star Wars EU would include a Mara Jade character, right?
Oooohhh sorry, my mistake, maybe Mr. GL decided rewriting it a couple of years ago just to please fans and Timothy Zahn once more (as with the "Coruscant" thing, ya'know...)!!!

Have a nice life Cory.

Darth Vicc
Signing off of these posts for good...

Posted by: DarthVicc at May 28, 2005 12:03 PM

I hear all you people talk about the final destruction of the dark side by Anakin bringing final balance to the force, when will you people realize that he brought the balance already. After episode III there were two jedi and two sith thus BALANCE.

Posted by: lesserfan at May 28, 2005 05:22 PM

Hey lesserfan, that is not "how" Anakin brought balance to the Force, try again!

Posted by: Simone at May 28, 2005 05:44 PM

All of you can go to hell or for that matter I hope you all ROTS in Mustafar. Dipshits

Posted by: Cory at May 28, 2005 06:35 PM

I don't appreciate you asshole Star Wars fans calling me a fake. I post 90% accurate Star Wars related news on my Website. I am the real deal and if it wasn't for me working with George Lucas then Episode III would be a great natural big hit. Leave my fans alone. I am warning each and every one of you.

Posted by: Mickey Suttle at May 28, 2005 06:43 PM

Is that the best argument you can come up with? How very smart.

What a con artist.

Posted by: Simone at May 28, 2005 08:30 PM


And Cory, if I offended you with anything I said, I apologize. That was not my intention.
I never said anything offensive, only tried to hold up my end of the debate.

Posted by: Brian at May 28, 2005 09:05 PM

I accept your apologie. I wrote that Mickey Suttle statement.



Posted by: Cory at May 28, 2005 09:42 PM

I accept your apologie. I wrote that Mickey Suttle statement.



Posted by: Cory at May 28, 2005 09:44 PM

Hey guys what about STAR WARS: EPISODE 0-THE BEGINNING? GL might consider a prequel to STAR WARS: EPISODE I-THE PHANTOM MENACE.

Posted by: Cory at May 28, 2005 09:57 PM

i am not a star wars fanatic but i do love the movies i grew up with them . and after seeing ROTS i think that george lucas or someone else for that matter should definatley make the sequal 3 or 6 or however the story is supposed to continue. because lets be honest it is a story that generations already love and have made a shit load of money why the fuck would u stop . i mean lets be for real about this u know. peace.

Posted by: jarod graves at May 29, 2005 12:50 PM

Well, don't take my arguement the wrong way. I love Star Wars just as much as anyone here. And if there were movies, I'd be extremely happy. But I just don't think it'll happen. Hopefully, I can one day admit that I was wrong. But for now, I'm gonna be happy with what Lucas has given us. And if there are no more movies, I'll still be just as grateful.

Posted by: Brian at May 29, 2005 01:27 PM

I must say, these arguments have been very entertaining; almost as entertaining as SuperShadow's obviously fabricated interviews. I really don't hate Shadow. I think his interviews are actually quite funny. I don't know why people get so bent out of shape about his website. All that matters is if you know the truth, yourself. If you don't like his website, don't go. It's that simple. It IS a bit hard to believe (not to mention, hilarious) that people actually think he has any credibilty whatsoever, but I'll give him props for that at least. I think a good example of his fictitious ways was a question from a fan regarding Carrie Fisher's involvement in any future films; to which GL (allegedly) answered something like (not verbatim), "Carrie Fisher is old and fat now, the only way I would ever use her again is if she lost some weight and had surgery". GL would never say something like that about Carrie Fisher. ANYways, keep up the fight!

Posted by: Fat Phrank at May 29, 2005 04:08 PM is reporting George Lucas is considering a STAR WARS prequel STAR WARS: EPISODE I-THE PHANTOM MENACE. Real news not phony.
Possibly and EPISODE-0.

Posted by: Cory at May 30, 2005 12:43 AM

Whats up Brian? I really bad mouthed Supershadow saying if he doesn't stop the lies then legal action will be taken and will stop him.

Hey Brian I was giving it some thought and what I'm going to do is write to Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher's agencies asking them if they ever reprise there roles and Princess Leia and Luke Skywalker in the possability star Wars: Sequel Trilogy(Episodes VII,VIII,IX). Now I know Lucas said he is calling quits on Star Wars and Episode III-Revenge of the Sith is the last movie but maybe the actors would return for one more trilogy. It a shot but you can't hang to hope.

Posted by: Cory at May 30, 2005 12:51 AM


Posted by: andrew at June 2, 2005 07:48 PM

Supershadow seems like a fake to me, but really, it's not all that important. If George ever decides to make another Trilogy (and we all change our minds sometimes) I'm sure we'll hear about it...

...if not, we've got 6 movies already.

There's no need to get greedy.

Posted by: Stayover at June 3, 2005 11:32 AM

First and foremost, I first visited about 3 days ago. Sadly enough, at first I was intrigued with the information on his site, and I believed it. After I read a few of his "interviews" with Mr. Lucas, however, I just about kicked myself for believing that this guy was legitimately connected to the genius storywriter of the Star Wars saga. I now believe that this guy is a fraud, and not a very good one at that. The subtle inconsistencies in this guy’s sight at first amused me, and then made me think about what was going on inside of his head. The most amusing part about his interviews is how much “GL” praises “SuperShadow,” saying how great he is, and how Star Wars wouldn’t be anything without him and other praises to that extent. Then how his so called cameo character, a jedi knight called Nebar Foxis, was the “best looking male jedi of his time.” I came to the conclusion that this man, “SuperShadow” (or Michael Suttle, or whatever his real name is), is a pathological liar with extremely low self-esteem. He most likely created this website as a joke, but became addicted to the attention he was getting. Now he tries to boost his self-esteem by complimenting himself every chance he gets in his website and in his fabricated interviews with his idol. The man is psychologically unstable, and needs to get himself some help.

Another noteworthy inconsistency I find is how much SuperShadow claims to be a factor in the creation and storyline of the prequel trilogy. If this man really was a close, personal friend of Mr. Lucas, and he really did contribute as much as he claims to the first three episodes, wouldn’t George Lucas have made “SuperShadow” an assistant director or one of the writers? If this man contributed so much, wouldn’t “Shadow” himself have wanted some credit? Or surely wouldn’t Mr. Lucas have wanted to give him some sort of credit at the end of one of the movies? It does not make logical sense.

Sadly I have to say that I do not believe what “Shadow” is doing is illegal. While it may be in bad taste, it is no different from what the writers of the Hollywood hot page magazines do to celebrities everyday. They make up false stories and quotes, and publish them for the public to swallow. The only thing I can say is, if you are dumb enough to believe the celebrity propaganda, and the propaganda spewed out from the mind of this “SuperShadow” character… then God help us.

Now that I have made my thoughts known about the issue of “SuperShadow,” I would like to talk about the possibilities of an episode VII, VIII, and IX. First off, it is obviously that Mr. Lucas has ingeniously intertwined a couple of the most important events in human history into his saga. Mainly the story of Julius Caesar and how he single handedly destroyed the Roman Republic, and created the Roman Empire; and of course the story of Jesus Christ. The way Mr. Lucas connects these two historic figures while still creating an entertaining and believable story is extraordinary and well beyond my own (and I’m sure most others’) storytelling abilities. Here are just a few of the obvious links:

1. Anakin was born of a virgin mother, just as Jesus.
2. Anakin was believed to be “the one who will bring balance to The Force,” just as Jesus was believed to be “The Messiah,” who would free the Jews.
3. Senator Palpatine was elected Supreme Chancellor of the Senate of the Republic in the time of military need, just as Caesar was elected Dictator of Rome in their time of military need.
4. Chancellor Palpatine promised to relinquish his power after it was not needed, just Julius Caesar promised. Neither of them relinquished their power.
5. Both Anakin and Jesus were the true saviors that were prophesized, although neither of them fulfilled their prophesies in the way that it was believed they would.
6. Anakin turned to the Dark Side, and returned to the Light Side again at the end, just as Jesus died a rose again at the end of his life.
7. Emperor Palpatine was killed by his most trusted apprentice and servant, Darth Vader, just as Julius Caesar was killed by his most trusted friend, Brutus.

These are only a few of the connections that Lucas obviously used in the telling of his story. It is also obvious that his story is only loosely based upon these historic figures and their own stories. Most of the storyline came directly from the mind of Mr. Lucas himself. However, seeing that at the end of the Star Wars saga, it showed the fall of Palpatine and the heroic end of Anakin, it does not seem logical that Mr. Lucas would continue the story; mainly because there really is no more of the story to tell. Creating a new trilogy would only create a bumpy transition between episodes I-VI and episodes VII-IX. For those first six episodes he already had the loose historic storyline to base them after, but for three new episodes he would not have any historic accounts to base them after. The transition between episodes VI and VII wouldn’t have the same smoothness as the transitions between all of the first six episodes. While dark jedis on jetpacks and clone Vaders may be entertaining enough to please most Star Wars fans, I just don’t believe it would have the same epic flair that was seen in Mr. Lucas’s first six episodes.

These are just some of my thoughts and opinions on the topic of SuperShadow and any new Star Wars episodes. Again I reiterate that these are my opinions, I have no factual basis to back these statements up. These are only my beliefs about how things are. If anyone has any comments, complaints, or petty insults, please send them to my email: [email protected]. Thank you.

Posted by: The Wisdom of The Force at June 5, 2005 01:33 AM

I have to agree with The Wisdom of the Force in all aspects but the smoothness in transition. As you said yourself GL is an astounding writer, he'd find a way. The stuff SuperShadow writes sounds nothing like what GL what write. It holds true to the original story, but lacks the same feel as the originals. GL leaves a bunch of questions left unanswered. Why do they constantly go on about there being another? Would Leia have held some significant part in the future of Star Wars if he continued it? He left a cliffhanger kind of. I'm one of those people who will look into every little aspect of a movie. Why would it show Anakin, Yoda, and Obi Wan together? Is there a point to this? It leaves many questions unanswered. An ending answers your questions. He hints that there is still more to happen. At least that's what I believe from when I've watched the movies.

Posted by: AnakinSkywalkerLivesOn at June 5, 2005 08:51 PM

Does ep. 7 8 9 interfere with Timothy Zahn's Novels?

Posted by: James at June 6, 2005 04:48 AM

Wisdom of the Force, I'm not sure how much you know about history, but the Emperor taking over the Republic is more historically parallel to Hitler and the rising to power of the Nazis... does the word Blitzkrieger mean anything to you? (It means Stormtrooper in German)... Even a friend of mine who is by no means a Star Wars fan, but knows something of German history picked this element up. Basically Hitler was granted special 'emergency' powers and so gained more and more power and influence. Hitler didn't give back this power, and out-stayed his tenure, but there was nothing to be done. So the Nazi regime developed. Even the word Chancellor is still used (Kanzler, or in this case Bundeskanzler/Supreme Chancellor) in the movie... Though I can see some resemblance to Caesar, it is predominantly about Hitler and the Nazis...

Also, I don't see how the episode plots 7-9 can at all be plausible. Why would Lucas take certain characters made up by authors, and change them completely (especially when it would be clear to fans that this has been done)... For instance Anakin Solo and Ben Skywalker... If this so-called SS knew anything about those characters, he would know that Anakin Solo dies before Ben Skywalker is even born (according to the novels, where these characters are from), yet in the plot drafts on, they fight along side one another against the Dark Jedi. I never pay much heed to, but I still enjoy reading the site out of interest (I only discovered it about a month ago). Also, have any of you read the fanfic on that site?? Some of the worst fanfic I have ever read. There are some really good fanfics around (anyone heard of a short fanfic called Shadow Sith... an interesting and good read)... but jesus

And to the guy who said 'balance of the force' namely 2 Sith and 2 Jedi left in the galaxy... that is too literal and too stupid... I am under the firm belief that there were more Jedi who survived after ROTS... they simply stayed in hiding and weren't featured in the other films (it is a large galaxy after all, and the plotline can include only so many characters so as to retain a coherent and relevant plot). In ROTS Obiwan reconfigures the coded message to warn all Jedi to stay away from the temple. Just some thoughts

Posted by: Andrakis at June 7, 2005 10:35 AM

I think Star Wars is the best thing ever and that George Lucas should make the next trilogy, it would be sooo cool!! But I think there should be parts of the movei where the ghost of Anakin and the other Jedi get revived as well as Padme and help take down the ghost of Darth Sidious(Palatine), that would be the sweetest thing ever.

Posted by: Steven at June 13, 2005 08:40 PM

I can remember hearing back in the 80s that Star Wars is a 9 part series. GL seems to be the Jedi master of saying one thing and doing the opposite, so I don’t know what to believe. As a fan of the series I would love to see 7-9 go into production but I’m not going to lose any sleep over it. When you consider ticket sales, DVDs, action figures, t-shirts, video games, product royalties, etc., George would be stupid not to make three more movies. He proved with EP II that he could defecate on a movie reel and let ILM add some cool effects to it and make millions, so why not appease the fans since so many of them want to hand him more money.

Posted by: Darth Valag at June 14, 2005 04:20 AM

george lucas is losing his touch. he can write a really good script but he cant cast and he cant direct to good either. I think it's time he handed down his lightsaber to his apprentice and let him make the next 3

Posted by: snake eater at June 14, 2005 11:04 AM

I remember when Return of the Jedi came out, George Lucas said he was done with Star Wars, that he had other movies he wanted to make, and yada yada yada. Here we are and GL has made three more Star Wars movies.

I also remember - about the same time - Lucas describing why he started with Episode IV. It wasn't his decision. The studio declined to let him start with The Phantom Menace because they thought it was too boring and not commercial enough. Guess they were right! But in that interview, George said he had written the entire story back in the late 1960s - all 12 parts. Then again, if you listen to enough of George's interviews, he contradicts himself constantly...and purposefully: he doesn't want the details of what he's doing to be revealed publicly.

So, to Bogus. Star Wars movies have the tightest security of any films. The plot lines just don't get leaked (at least until production has begun). So, SS has the plotlines to the next three movies...and they're that bad?!? No way. And he helped write at least some of the Prequel Trilogy without any writing/story credits? No way.

But, that hardly means there won't be another trilogy. The Mark Hamill interview is too close to a smoking gun. Besides, GL is definitely driven by profit: Industrial Light and Magic invented Pixar and sold it. ILM does the fx for nearly every sci-fi/action movie out there (or at least it seems like it). GL doesn't keep this stuff for himself; he sells it. And what better product does he have, what product is closer to his heart, than Star Wars? He'll go back to it - just as soon as Indiana Jones 4 is set to go.

And as for 60 Minutes and everyone's reverence for it, remember people, 60 Minutes is just CBS News, and we all know what little emphasis they place on accuracy and truth.

Posted by: Mike at June 15, 2005 11:43 AM

Alright people. SS has written lies and doesn't even have proof of being with GL. He made up the script of Episode I and still lies on his website. If your smart, you won't go to his website.

Posted by: SSisastupiedfake at June 15, 2005 10:19 PM

I once believed the false bullshit Supershadow posted on his website. That was a long time ago and since then I have noticed how he is so full of shit. He lies about damn near everything he puts up on his website. There will not be any more Star Wars movies, THE MAN GEORGE LUCAS SAID IT HIMSELF!

Also why would you believe someone on the internet that doesn't give any real proof that he is real. For those of you that follow that sack of shit what proof has he given you that he is real? Did he post a picture of himself and George Lucas seating back drinking some bears?


Posted by: Philip at June 15, 2005 11:02 PM

omfg...this arguement is hilairious, ok, ok...

1. The issue of Supershadow: if he had such a big parttaking in the writing of Epidode 3, i wonder why his name isnt on the script as published in The Art of Star Wars Revenge of the Sith book. And there is no way he can have the plotline/scriptdraft for the others already, because George doesn't even write the script until a couple of months before production. He writes in the preproduction phase when Skywalker ranch is getting Concept art done.

2. The issue of another 3 films: George Lucas HAS mentioned another 3, we know that writers have published books set after ROTJ, but that does not mean GL is going to make them. Think about it, there is not reason that he SHOULD make them, so why would he? He doesn't have to please fans. And fans CANNOT officially make another 3 anyway as to the supply/demand theory mentioned earlier, beacause it would be breach of copyright. Just because i demand a 'ladder to the moon' doesn't mean anybody is going to make one.

I'm going to read now cus it sounds like a right bloody laugh.

BTW Corey, fuck sake man, get a life, why are you worshipping this guy? If i told you i had met Dave Prowse, and that he told me plot lines for episode 23 would you build a shrine to me too?

(I have met Dave Prowse and i got him to sign my book mentioned above, but he mentioned no plans to be in any more episodes to stop anybody speculating)

Posted by: zero at June 16, 2005 12:09 AM

I have just one thing to say. Supershadow is a liar and if any of you belive any of the b***s*** you read on his site you are dumba**es. It's all obviously fake. I mean just look at the GL intereviews. Complete BULL!

Posted by: AgentA at June 22, 2005 11:58 AM

Well I may be kinda late but from what i hear in the EU chewbacca gets killed by the Yuzhan Vong

Posted by: Invisible Thing at June 24, 2005 06:47 AM

These episodes I through IX , that were written by GL, are they all plotscripts or do they exist in a hardcover book.

Posted by: tom at June 25, 2005 07:21 AM

aw man wat happened to brian and cory they were funny

Posted by: aw man at June 26, 2005 10:23 PM

Well, guys and gals. Interesting fight here, let me toss this in, I have read the 7th, 8th, and 9th books,they are awesome, but the plots are off according to that site I won't mention. As for the very boring titles, the books already have more gripping titles, like Heir to the Empire and The Last Command. Funny there was no mention of Leia's twins( that the dark jedi attempted to kidnap) or the fact that Mara Jade and Luke were enemies (she was to kill him when Luke was at Jabba's rescuing Hans). Strange that 2 major issues were not addressed. I would love to see these put to film, but even I will be disappointed if that spaz is even remotely acurate in his assesment of the so-called scripts. However.... let's keep in mind that Lord Of The Rings was " never obtainable for film" but.... voila here it is and a brilliant piece of cinematic art. There is always hope....

Posted by: Sarwen at July 6, 2005 11:33 PM

OK i have only one thing to say George Lucas will make episodes 7-9 cuz he had always talked about it being a 9 part movie i remeber a long time ago when my uncle was telling me that GL intented to make them 4-6 then 1-3 then he would make 7-9...i also remeber my uncle telling me how after GL finnished episode 6 GL said im done with star wars.... but as we all no he wassnt cuz he made 1-3....i think we just need to give GL a lil time to rest and He'll be making Episodes 7-9 besisides episode 6 leaves u wanting more the same way 3 does...

Posted by: Mike at July 15, 2005 04:16 AM

Children are dying in our country from starvation. There are still more without homes, good schools and health care. Poverty is more of an enemy than some mental fanboy who stalks George Lucas and spouts off uncreative crap and rumours about sequels to Star Wars.

In your community, you can make a difference. Vote. Volunteer. Voice.

Posted by: Sihn Starr Rossi at July 18, 2005 03:29 PM

Guys, I didn't read all of the posts, but check out for the storyline on Episodes 7, 8 and 9. I read quite a bit and some of you say that the ghosts of Palpatine/Sidious come back, well, Episode 7 takes place about 40 years after Episode 6, and ghosts can only live for a few years after they die. Some people say that SuperShadow isn't real, well, on the site, it says that SuperShadow will be making Star Wars, now, the reason why I believe it is because why the hell would you lie about something you can't backup. I mean, if and when Episodes 7, 8 and 9 come out, we'll see it say SuperShadow productions or something. I mean, it could be fake, but, if SS says their making 7, 8 and 9, he would have to back it up, so I believe SS. But once it comes out in theatres, we'll see if it's real or not. I just love talking about star wars, but I hate doing it in this setting, I don't like waiting all night for someone to reply. If anyone wants to add me to msn, it's [email protected], I love talking about star wars, so please, add me. If you disagree with what I say or have questions, just add me, or email me.

Posted by: Robert at July 18, 2005 07:21 PM

Robert, Supershadow is a fake! Why would you believe someone on the internet who has no proof of being real?

Posted by: Philip at July 19, 2005 01:55 PM

herd of star wars ep10 revilations - by Star Wars Fans!!!


i was part of it u know

and lucas said onces on TV he wont be making episode 7-9 its such a mystery !!! ??? !!! ???? !!!

Posted by: SithLord at August 3, 2005 04:08 AM

well from wat i heard from my brother is that aperntly luke goes to the dark side and lya kills him. like to sho the balance in the force and how thier always needs to be light and dark. but im not sure. im just giving wat i no im just 13. i thought that it was true because it makes sence.
P.S. sorry if i misspelled anything!

Posted by: nedda at August 19, 2005 01:56 PM

Ok I know the SS thing has been discussed but look at here

or quoted from the site

There are some threads that aren't allowed because members abused them.

- Threads dedicated to this big fraud are out of the question. In fact, any reference to him and/or his site will result in severe modsmacking."

Posted by: Jae at August 29, 2005 03:26 AM

Supershadow is actualy mickey suttle..a perverted computer nerd who lives in his parents basement and wastes his life lying to people.

All of the things he said is utter bullshit...the so called penari lightsaber is actually a beam weapon from super mario smash bros.

He says Sidious has a Kyber Crystal to enhance his powers...This is a utter lie. Sidious never had a crystal, hes pure bad-ass.

he says the sith were once a peacefull alien race long ago....again, utter bullshit.

everything he says is totally full on horse shit. the only real stuff is taken from other web sites, and comming from him, it makes it hard on who to beleive in or not now. the fucking retarded shitheaded sheep fucker has destroyed star wars with his lies.

his so called 'girlfriends' are actually porn actresses or supermodels who when they find out he's using their picture and saying he fucks them, threaten to sue him so he removes them and puts up another porno actress or some pretty girl...he did this to a Australian girl who lives in my city of Perth and she also found out about him and threatened him with civial action.

He currently has another porn actress as his 'girlfriend' and If I knew who she is I'd contact her and inform her about this swine so she can sue his 'still-a-virgin' ass. I wonder why he keeps deluding himself into thinking a ugly little fuck like him can ever get a goddess of a woman, especially how he conned so many people and lied and swindled and tricked and slimed his way into fooling the unknowingly naive fans into beleiving in him

Suttle also contradicts himself again and again and says the changes was because he had a 'rough draft'

This bastard lied to me for 4 months and I beleived in him. I want to be an actor and I thought I'd get into episode 7 and 8 and 9, but since he lied...I am fuming and I hate his beastiality indulging face.

I say we keep sending this fucked up loser beastiality porn and stories until it drives him insane.

Posted by: Pissed off guy at September 2, 2005 02:19 AM

I highly doubt the rumors of more films. Lucas seems more intent on a television series. For now though lets just hope he gets Indian 4 underway and Speilberg keeps control of it. I am crossing my fingers that the cgi is limited. Its just not needed. Lets face it Lucas and his team aren't getting any younger and Georgy boy isn't the picture of health. The chance he gets Indy 4, a Star Wars T.V. series and whatever else he's doing and still makes three more films before he becomes one with the force is slim, I mean what is up with his double chin thing? Jabba Lucas? O.k. well I probably just made a few enemies so lets have it.

Posted by: crackerjack at September 2, 2005 04:35 PM








Posted by: thewiseman at September 10, 2005 11:42 PM

i hope lucas makes more films, it will be good to see the expanded universe stories in the silver screen.

maybe lucas is too old to take the role of director, but still he can be the producer and writer, who knows...

sorry that lucas said he won't make more than six and that three were enough... but i hope he give us more than that.

Posted by: insider10 at September 10, 2005 11:55 PM

According to George Lucas himself? Yea sure! All titles found on internet is untrue to 100% And if GL have titles for Episode 7-9 he wouldn't tell anyone about it because if he did someone else could steal the title and use it and destroy GL's vision.

And they who believe in '' must be a bunch of stoopid and naive people without a brain! Supershadow is just a fu**in' looser with NO life! And he DON'T know George Lucas at all!!!

Posted by: Master at October 4, 2005 06:57 AM


Posted by: erik at November 13, 2005 09:21 AM

I think everybody needs to drop it. I think everybody wants it to happen but it's not so giv it a rest. I loved ROTS but enjoy it cause that's it! Ther will be NO MORE STAR WARS

Posted by: iluvpadme at November 13, 2005 06:45 PM

Oh and by the way- Eric, shut up you pansy

Posted by: iluvpadme at November 13, 2005 06:47 PM

Wow. This was an entertaining thread...well...okay..maybe not that entertaining.

Fact: When 'A New Hope' was made, Lucas originally had thought about nine films, at that time, unamed except in chapter. His pipe dream was that the films would play like a serial-series. This was before the event of the VHS/pay cable boom and before CGI , before laserdisc and then DVD. Does anyone recall that big flap Lucas had with Fox in the late 80's when 'Star Wars: A New Hope" was first seen on newtwork TV?

Times, like GL's opinion, change.

When he 'updated' the OT, the new versions were re-released within weeks of each other.
But, by this time, he felt that there should only be six films. Once he told the story of Anakin turning into Vader, that would be the end of the films.

The story continues through books and other media; I always wanted to see a big screen version of 'Splinter Of The Mind's Eye' (by Alan Dean Foster) as a kid, but I knew it would never happen. I also liked the Marvel Comics version of 'Star Wars'. I wish to this day I kept better care of the large, 11x17 special issues. As with most kids in the late 70's and early 80's, the name of the Antichrist was named Silly Putty, and we didn't know any better back then. The thin card covers were also less durable.

But will there be more films? No. That's not a bad thing. To me, "Sith" was great. "Star Wars" ended on a high note. Get out while the getting's good.

I am not going to comment on the rants and ravings over the goofball talked about in horrendous detail above. His 15 minutes are up.

Posted by: darren seeley at November 13, 2005 11:05 PM