September 30, 2004

Ladder 49 Reviews

ladder49poster.jpgHave you ever seen previews for a movie that deep down you really WANT to like... but already know this is gonna be a stinker? Well Ladder 49 (aka Backdraft 2) is one such film for me. Ever since Gladiator I've been a HUGE fan of Joaquin Phoenix (I still grumble at the fact he didn't win the Best Supporting Actor Oscar for his role in that). Even though EVERYTHING John Travolta has done in the last 5 years has been a bust I still cheer for him. And how can you not appreciate a film that glorifies firefighters... perhaps the most brave people on the planet?

The film however has a couple of strikes against it. First of all it just looks too much like a Backdraft rip off (Amazing bloody film by the way). Secondly, and I'd hate to say this... but Travolta's name is now a liability to the credibility of a movie. I know that sounds harsh... but it's true. You do enough lemons in a row and eventually movie going audiences start to associate your name with bad films... I don't like it, but that's just the way it is

The critics are now giving their two cents worth, predictably, and unfortunately, they're looking mostly negative:

"I hate this film."

"As for the soulless fire sequences, they’re so big and suspenseful you half expect to see Celine Dion standing on top of a building wailing “My Heart Will Go On.”"
-- Ed Gonzalez, SLANT MAGAZINE

"Filmmaking of least resistance, in which true heroism is exploited for emotional spare change."
-- David Foucher, EDGE BOSTON

"Smothered by the heart-on-sleeve melodramatics of the storytelling, which seems intent on leaving no cliche unused and pounding each of them home."
-- Frank Swietek, ONE GUY'S OPINION

Too bad. I think I'll see it anyway just to say I did, but my expectations are somewhere under my shoe now. For more Ladder 49 reviews head over to Rotten Tomatoes.

Posted by John Campea at September 30, 2004 07:11 AM


I agree that Travolta's presence in a film is now the kiss of death. A friend recently told me that, after watching "The Punisher," he actually longed for the days of "Look Who's Talking."

Marc Bowker

Posted by: Marc at September 30, 2004 03:17 PM

This was one of the best movies I have seen in a long time. Great story line. This will make you laugh and cry. Great movie!

Posted by: Tina at October 2, 2004 06:27 PM

mmmmmmm joaquin pheonix! (QUILLS!)

Posted by: Marla Singer at October 3, 2004 02:55 AM

I have a couple of things to say here. First of all, I am a firefighter for the City of Detroit, and so I can personally relate to most of this movie, as most of the critics who have no background in firefighting cannot. You really have to understand the different conditions of fire to really appreciate how accurate the film really was. Obiviously, I know it was created and Hollywood, and unless its the real thing, its not 100 percent accurate, but it gives a way better portrayal than any other movie I have seen, including Backdraft. I wish the critics had a clue when they went and saw this movie, because the obiviously had no idea what the hell was really going on. Everybody has their own opinion I guess

Posted by: Tim at October 9, 2004 12:09 AM

Ladder 49 is definately a must see! A breath of fresh air from your usual "boring" fireman movie!

Posted by: JDC at October 10, 2004 01:44 AM

I loved the movie. It was alot better than Backdraft and since my husband is a firefighter and I used to be, it was very touching. I think it is a must see movie !!

Posted by: Teresa at October 15, 2004 08:27 AM

This movie is really great. It's been really touching and funny at some part of the movie. One can really feel what firefighters experienced and feel in the movie. Although I'm no firefighter but then again, I really could understand the plot. Firefighters deserved our salute.

Posted by: YWM at October 29, 2004 12:35 AM

I loved the movie Ladder 49, and I thought the Travolta and Phoenix, played there parts well. They made there characters everyday people instead of being self-indulgent. Great movie that had it all. If anyone thinks Travolta is a has been because of some of the movies he has made lately, ought to remember back to Pulp Fiction. He has to much talent not to come back time and again.

Posted by: margaret at January 7, 2005 05:18 AM

It's not out in the UK yet but I will definitely watch this when it comes out. I've seen the trailer several times and it did remind me of "Backdraft" which I also enjoyed.

And who are these critics by the way? What clout do they have? If it's I guess were the likes of Ebert, Knowles and maybe John and Richard of The Movie Blog, I might just give in (hi you guys!) but if they just happen tobe given a pen and paper and asked to review this or that, well, I am not buying what they have to say. The thing I have with some of these so-called "critics" is that like what Tim has pointed out, is that they do not have a clue. They go in and watch a movie, go on and write their review and not get solid facts and write the movie as a rip-off of another movie. They can at least probably say the acting was horrible (if it indeed was) and then give commendation to the other parts of the movie like production or accuracy.

Vultures, that's what most of them are.

Posted by: Simone at January 7, 2005 06:11 AM

I have to say that I agree with Tim 150%, my father is a firefighter and after seeing this movie and reading some of the inconsiderate comments some of you posted was absoultely ridiculos. This movie was much different than Backdraft, just as every firefighting situation is different. In my opinion I think that You all who have a pesimestic attitude about this movie just have no idea about the realities of firefighting. Just think for a moment who you will want to help you out God Forbid you had a serious fire in your home or office. Think back to September 11, 2001~very vivid for most people! Who were there to risk their lives~not knowing the situation at all and what they were getting themselves into? It was the firefighters........who else would have the heart to sacrifice their own life for someone that they do not even know???? I don't know many people.. Try and look at the positives in life, because I am sure each and everyone of you can find something postive about the movie Ladder 49 and be grateful that we have people like Tim who put their lives on the line everyday that they work, they just don't know from day to day! Thanks Tim for your bravery and courage and thanks to all of the other brave firefighters all around the world. SOME PEOPLE DO APPRECIATE YOU AND UNDERSTAND YOUR SACRFICES!!!!

Posted by: Sherrie at January 29, 2005 07:48 PM

No words can be said to all those critics who bad mouthed the movie. This movie has made me realise how brave firefighters are, their courage is something we can not go without. Not many people go through what firefighters go through in a days work. I have gained a new found respect for firefighters. Let me finish off by saying thank you to every firefighter around the world, we greatly apreciate your heroism!!!!!!!

Posted by: natalia at February 24, 2005 06:43 PM

Hey Natalia

I don't think you should confuse saying a movie about firefighters isn't any good as disrespecting firefighters.

Firefighters as awesome human beings beyond words. But Ladder was not a good film.

Posted by: John Campea at February 24, 2005 06:53 PM