September 20, 2004

John Reviews Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow

I used to work at a Visual Effects Studio. About a year and a half ago some footage came into the company to bid on the effects work for a couple of shots in this new movie called Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow. After hearing what it was going to be about, I instantly became excited about the project. A movie almost entirely shot in front of a Blue/Green screen, where everything except the actors themselves is artificial and computer generated. Nothing like this has ever been done before on this scale. This was going to be cool.

I'll get right to it... I LOVED this film. It is stylistically gorgeous, visually stunning, fantastic acting, great direction, creatively original and positively unique. I'm running out of great things to say about it here. I was just overwhelmed with this movie which exceeded my already high expectations.

Done in the stylings of a 1950's Si-Fi flick, Sky Captain captures all the wonder and the true spirit of the genre. It inspires awe and wonder while giving your imagination a great workout.

So that's it folks. This is probably going to be my shortest review ever, but I just don't have anything else meaningful to say at this point. Go see it this week. I give Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow an 8.5/10.

Posted by John Campea at September 20, 2004 07:31 AM


I saw this movie Saturday night. I loved it as well. There was a lot of cheese lines in it that probably wouldn't have been there if it had actually been made in the 1950s. But most of them were just lightly poking fun at the idea of the movie itself. I thought it was great.

I'm glad that I knew what to expect going in, though. I went with some friends and some of them didn't know what the movie was supposed to be about. It took them about 20 minutes of "what the hell?" to actually get it.

Really good movie. I am definitely buying this one when it comes out.

Posted by: Jonstafa at September 20, 2004 07:37 AM

It was good, but not great. Visually impressive, but not a repeat-viewer IMO.

My review here:

Review of Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow

Posted by: Screen Rant at September 20, 2004 06:48 PM

I saw this over the weekend....GGI all over the place....but I think that was the point. Some will get it....some won't. I thought it was decent...but not fantastic.

Posted by: flen at September 22, 2004 12:12 AM

is it good? i'm supposed to see it tonight, and i'm hoping its not a bomb. Repp RIKy. No. I'm serious here people.

Posted by: R dizznal at September 30, 2004 11:05 AM

this movie is hurt dog, r dizzle should go home and stare at the wall because it will be a waste of his time, plus he is so hurt dog that he is hoping it is the bomb ... flamer

Posted by: young ~ buckizzle at September 30, 2004 11:09 AM

i like movies ha ha ha, he he he fun time

Posted by: jacob s at September 30, 2004 11:12 AM

yo young buckizzle nice name what dumpster did u pull it out of - r diznall is a hurt dogg

Posted by: J- fresh at September 30, 2004 11:12 AM

Massive Fronting aimed back at young buckizzle. Wow. What a cool kid he must be. I'll bet the special effects will up the preverbial ante. Someone should hook bucknizzle up with a green screen, so he can CGI himeslf some friends. what a dirt thug.

Posted by: R dizznal at September 30, 2004 11:13 AM

i rule everyone else arund me isnt as tall so they shuld be shot - im a racist

Posted by: Kyle B. at September 30, 2004 11:14 AM

ok lets get one thing straight that jacob s kid has got issues like honestly who writes on a review page FUN TIME, this kid should be band from all theatres ocross CANADA , rik when, plus r dizzle ur post comments blow\s and jacob is stareing at u

Posted by: young ~ buckizzle at September 30, 2004 11:15 AM

im not a racist
ridiculous fronts all around

Posted by: Kyle B. at September 30, 2004 11:15 AM

ide like to say kyle b didnt say that it was j fresh imitating him ... plus i fondle

Posted by: j fresh at September 30, 2004 11:17 AM