September 14, 2004

Jessica Simpson is Daisy Duke - How Stupid

jessicasimpson2.jpgI'm getting sick of this. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against Jessica Simpson. From all accounts she's a really nice girl. However... I've been ranting for a couple of years now about major motion picture roles being given out to people with no acting talent just because they're "hot" right now. The role of Daisy Duke being given to Jessica Simpson just drives me nuts! Why?!?! Because she's sexy? No argument there... but there are LOTS of sexy woman in Hollywood. Because she has lots of acting experience? Ummm... to date she has appeared in ZERO films (Other than appearing as herself). When you have actors and actresses out there who know their craft, put in years and years of hard work, paying their dues on stage and small theater, develop big acting talent... and then Jessica Simpson gets the role because she has pretty eyes?!?!

Look, I realize that this is a part of the reality in Hollywood... but that doesn't make it ok. Slavery was once a part of reality too... and we changed that didn't we. I'm not asking all that much am I? All I want, is for Producers to start casting people in roles based on their TALENT instead of their MTV popularity ratings. Yes, popularity and name recognition should play a PART in casting, but it should be secondary to talent. Grrrrrr. Ok, that's my rant for the day. What do you think?

Posted by John Campea at September 14, 2004 08:06 AM


i am with you jon, it is ridiculous she got the part.

I do disagree on one think though:

Jessica simpson is not hot!

she looks like a man, why am i the only one that see it?

i mean, she would be pretty for adult films, but she just is not good looking.

I see 10 ladies walking down the street every day that are better looking then that piece of trash.

she does, however have bigger boobs then 9 out of 10 women i see on the street, but the chest does not make the woman...and certainly not the actor....unless it is adult films....which is where a no talent hack like jessica simpson belongs.

/end offensive rant

Posted by: miles at September 14, 2004 09:21 AM

I think you guys have this all wrong. Jessica Simpson wasn't cast because she was hot. She was cast because she is the dumbest person on the planet. ALthough, I've heard that "dumb" thing is all an act, and if that's true, she's even more despicable...

Well, between her and Britney, may the biggest boobs win. I, personally, don't really care. I probably won't see that movie, but I do share your hatred of pretty people being put on screen for only that reason.

Posted by: Tracy at September 14, 2004 09:37 AM

I am with John on this one - she's a hottie. She looks like a man, Miles?!? It's time to call the optometrist. If she resembles a dude, I think I might be gay.
I do think this is a bad decision though. I'd have rather seen Elisha Cuthbert (she's just as hot and she's an actual actor - to some degree).

Posted by: Bart Wang at September 14, 2004 09:52 AM

Jessica Simpson is probably a great choice to play Daisy Duke, because what good actress in Hollywood would take that part. Being hot & wearing ass shorts doesn't take much talent - the role did wonders for Catherine Bach's career. The Dukes of Hazzard was a half decent show where the most popular character was the General Lee, so I say let another inanimate character like Jessica Simpson have her fun.

Posted by: Rawhead at September 14, 2004 10:03 AM

I've gotta agree with Miles. That damn chin of hers is wide enough to park a bus on!

And if her stupidity is just an act, then she should get an Oscar. She's dumber than a box of hammers.

Posted by: Skane at September 14, 2004 11:13 AM

i wouldnt touch her with yours... let alone mine.

Posted by: logboy at September 14, 2004 11:49 AM

here we go, the sensible ones are coming out now.

we know transvestites when we see em!

Posted by: miles at September 14, 2004 01:00 PM

I for one would like to see Scarlett Johansson in that part.

Posted by: Daysleeper at September 14, 2004 02:08 PM

Tracy "she was cast because she is the dumbest person on the planet" doesnt make any sense at all.

I dont know if you ever SAW Dukes of Hazzard, but the Daisy character was not only eyecandy for the show, but she was one of the first "independant" women. She had her OWN car, she was intelligent, and skilled (could rebuild a carborator blindfolded) and could do many more things than just squeeze into cutoff shorts and do her hair. Uncle Jesse did more of the cooking than Daisy ever did.

Jessica got the role because she looks most like Daisy, and as much as I like Cuthbert, I don't think she would have made a good Daisy.

This isnt a bad casting. If the role always went to the most accomplished and established actors instead of the "in" girl or someone who simply looked good for the role, then most actors would be out of work for not being "good enough". It is possible that the established and accomplished actors didn't want to lower themselves to a remake of a 70s TV prog.

SnoopDog did a decent job with HuggyBear, so it is possible that a less accomplished actor could do the same here.

And Miles, I think you answered your own question. "she looks like a man, why am I the only one that sees it?" -- Because you ARE the only one who sees it. There is NOTHING masculine at all about her. Say what you want about her personality, her musical talent, or acting ability (if at all) but there is no denying that she looks like a woman and does a good job at that.

Posted by: Rodney at September 14, 2004 04:38 PM

I have to say though....It's not her "eyes" that they're looking at.....Unless that's what they're calling them these days, he he he he he....

Posted by: dmiller23462 at September 14, 2004 04:40 PM

Rodney owns all of Jessica Simpson's cds. I don't think she looks like a man, her face does look like one of those clear plastic masks. And I think her teeth can glow in the dark.

Posted by: Rawhead at September 14, 2004 04:42 PM

Actually I dont own any of her CD's and it it wasnt for the reality show my wife is addicted to, I likely wouldnt know much at all about her, except that she is a very attractive girl. (watch the reality series, she's not always wearing stage makeup or ready for a photoshoot)

Off the top of my head I can only think of 2 of her songs. The one with Mellencamp's Jack and Diane backtrack, and the remake of Berlin's "Take Your Breath Away"

Posted by: Rodney at September 14, 2004 04:58 PM

I'm going to risk the wrath of my fellow hetero males here and say that I too think Jessica has manly facial features. Like Julia Roberts and Jennifer Garner, Jessica Simpson has a "manjaw". (Oh, and her tits are actually fake by the way.)

Hey, I'm not accusing guys who are into manjawed women as being latently gay. If you're comfortable with your sexuality and into women like this, more power to ya, as far as I'm concerned. Myself, and I'm sure other men (not saying we're the majority), prefer our women with definitively feminine features.

That said, I think Jessica Simpson is perfect for this piece of shit cinematic abortion to come.

Posted by: Mark at September 14, 2004 04:59 PM

I think she looks like shit! They should've casted Choi Min-Sik instead and made it a vengeance piece.

Posted by: Bruce at September 14, 2004 05:20 PM


Posted by: banana at September 14, 2004 07:01 PM

I think she'll be just what the movie needs. Look good, makes some jokes, maybe drive a white Jeep Renegade.

It's the Dukes of Hazzard. It's not like they cast her as Marion Davies in a Bruckheimer/Bay remake of Citizen Kane.

Posted by: Dan at September 14, 2004 08:05 PM

Yeah, really. What, this is some kind of outrage to the memory of Catherine Bach's legendary performances? She was doing two-bit TV roles and Chevy commercials before she was cast as Daisy Duke.

Posted by: Bryant at September 15, 2004 12:11 AM

Hollywood is not interested in making good movies. It's interested in making a good profit. To make a profit, it feels it needs to win the number one position in the movie's opening weekend box office. To win that position, the movie requires marketing power. Their calculation is that Jessica Simpson has more marketing power than the other actresses mentioned here. So she gets the role.

You want this to change?

Stop watching their garbage movies, and get others to stop watching them as well.

Posted by: Hollywood Liberation Army at September 15, 2004 02:07 AM

I don't find Jessica being casted as Daisy dumb. I find the whole thing about remaked Dukes of Hazard dumb.

Posted by: PlutoNick at September 15, 2004 03:26 AM

well, the votes are in, and the results are:

4 votes for jessica simpson looking sexy

and the big winner is....

6 votes for her having a penis, and in fact being a man, (well, 6 votes for her being unatractive).

the moral to all this being, i am right!

and, the everyone who disagrees with me is wrong...and probaly ugly....and with a high probability of smell. ;)

Posted by: miles at September 15, 2004 01:14 PM

I love it when someone makes an outrageous claim (like accusing a woman of being manly) then deciding that if someone doesnt find her particularily attractive MUST agree with your baseless accusations.

I wonder how "she has a man jaw" turned into this impression that she must be hiding a penis in those skin tight pants she wears.

Sorry buddy, you are not scoring points here. JSimpson is the stereotypical american blonde bombshell. Big doe eyes, curves in the right places, long wavy blonde hair, significant breasts, and a lack of facial hair.

You can have your opinion. I am not saying you MUST agree with me, and I can understand if she is not the ideal woman to you. But she is far from "ugly"

And the fella trying to group her with Julia Roberts and Jennifer Garner didnt score many points there either. Two more examples of very well put together women. Even if you don't agree.

Posted by: Rodney at September 15, 2004 05:39 PM

I don't know how this turned into a debate about whether Jessica Simpson looks like a man, but all I know is I have been unhappy about this casting decision since the beginning. If they try to change Daisy's character to a dumb blonde, I'm going to be pissed. I can see them doing it just so Jessica will be more recognizable (believable?) in this role. Stupid. But I'm not too happy about the other casting choices either. Oh well. Maybe I won't see this one. Just like I refused to go see Starsky and Hutch.

Posted by: Jonstafa at September 15, 2004 09:46 PM

I don't know how this turned into a debate about whether Jessica Simpson looks like a man, but all I know is I have been unhappy about this casting decision since the beginning. If they try to change Daisy's character to a dumb blonde, I'm going to be pissed. I can see them doing it just so Jessica will be more recognizable (believable?) in this role. Stupid. But I'm not too happy about the other casting choices either. Oh well. Maybe I won't see this one. Just like I refused to go see Starsky and Hutch.

Posted by: Jonstafa at September 15, 2004 09:47 PM

Get Real everyone, i'm not in the jessica fan club here, but she has the fittest yet cutest ass in hollywood that can fit into some daisy duke shorts. (ie. the video for With You.) you think the character is going to have that many speaking parts? she's probably just gonna run around in those shorts! and she's got that whole blonde bombshell thing going too. i am a MUCH bigger fan of scarlett johannson's, but if ya SAW "Lost in Translation", a cute yet softie body does NOT an ass-pant wearer make.

Posted by: elle at September 16, 2004 05:16 AM

oh yeah, you guys are on crack too... she has one of the most babyish faces i've ever seen. a big man-jaw is freekin, kirk douglass. kirk...jessica, not seein a resemblance here.

Posted by: elle at September 16, 2004 05:26 AM

The problem I have with this is that Daisy Duke was NOT just a hottie in ass shorts in the show! She was a smart, self sufficient woman who could get the job done and knew her way around an engine. What she was NOT was a stinky, talentless, loudmouthed bimbo whose only redeeming qualities were doe eyes, a killer rack and a father who played her like a marionette.

Posted by: Greg at September 16, 2004 08:05 AM


No, you are wrong, and, I suspect, a giant weiner.


You are also incorrect, and I suspect a lesbian, not that there is anything wrong with that...but you are.

and kirk douglas looks like a girl.

but incidently, I do like Scarlett Johannson...she is cute...unlike jessica "big swingin' dick" simpson.

hahahaha, i'm priceless.

Posted by: miles at September 16, 2004 08:22 AM

i THINK u guys got it all wrong... i mean for one JESsica is GORGEOUS n so FINE! and who knows she might be the next Catherine-Zeta Jones for the love of god.... give her a chance and she might not be as stupid as the acts on Newly Weds... and i agree with DAY SLEEPER down there that yeah maybe Scarlet Johanson should have been the part... but hey she's not .. so who cares!!! and yeah maybe Jessica is only a hot sexy bimbo with a nice rack... but who knows so give her a fucking break! okey o and mILES please get a life... becuase your NOT PRICLESS and its not like you can change shit to STOP! and SHE IS HOT!ahahaa

Posted by: PAT at September 16, 2004 08:49 AM

I think that she will do great in this role...why not atleast give her a chance. If you say that she has never done it before than how can you judge her already... I also think that many people are jealous of her natural beauty. Get over it she is drop dead gorgues

Posted by: Pete at September 16, 2004 10:09 AM


you, also are wrong.

And yes, I am priceless.

You however, are obviously a moron....and here is my reasoning:

1. "JESsica is GORGEOUS n so FINE" -- n so fine? who says that? will smith circa 1993, that is who says that, will smith circa 1993 and you apparently....also, i hate capital letters.

2. "she might be the next Catherine-Zeta Jones" -- what she might star in cinematic masterpieces like The Haunting and Entrapment?

3. this is taking to long, so i will make this one short. you are a virgin and your mother told me your weiner is tiny.

and...i'm done!!

viva la me!

Posted by: miles at September 16, 2004 10:13 AM


i suspect you're closet fudge-packer who totally takes it up the ass, and thus will be hated by both sides because you don't like girls and are too chicken-shit to admit that you crave guys.

my boyfriend is most likely cuter, more athletic and totally smarter than you are, as you seem to want to prove your wit by posting on some random blog

Posted by: elle at September 16, 2004 01:52 PM

and oh yeah, i think girls are hot, and i think guys are hot, cuz i'm cute enough to get both. so keep vying for "largest number of insipid posts on a blog"... i'll be rooting for you.

Posted by: elle at September 16, 2004 01:58 PM

Wait... is flaming discouraged in the replies to posts on this site? I only remember the "Download Spiderman 2 Here" post ever having more blatant bickering and retardedness than this one.

::shakes head::

Posted by: Jonstafa at September 16, 2004 11:12 PM

i dont know man
I'm kinda on board with it
i mean come on daidy duke had the whole dumb bimbo thing going on and i think Jess could deffinatly nail that role

Posted by: dave at September 18, 2004 09:35 PM

I really find it funny when someone can't support their own argument so they say "you are wrong" and back it up with some playground insult.


And please kids, since most of you are likely not even old enough to remember the Dukes of Hazzard, please go rent the Dukes dvd's that came out a month or so ago.

Daisy was not a brainless bimbo. Please dont embarass yourself with another assumption that she was. Clearly you didn't watch the show if thats all you think she did.

And just because Jessica might be portrayed as a bimbo in her reality show, doesnt mean that Daisy Duke will be, just because she is played by her. From what I hear in Hollywood people pretend to be things they are not all the time. I really pity these people who can't grasp that. They must think that Tom Cruise is now a heartless contract killer.

Miles. Consider yourself warned. If you continue this childish flaming, you will be banned.

Posted by: Rodney at September 19, 2004 05:07 AM

hahaha, oh come on rodney

you need to relax, maybe warn some other people who were being even worse, i was careful to keep all my insults PG-13, others did not have that kind of morality.

also, i actually got some hate mail over this!

to bad the guy who sent it was an idiot, and I now know who he is, where he lives, who his family is, what his phone number is, where he goes to school and what classes he takes!

any one want his personal information, I would be more then happy to post it, if it is legal.

I mean, seriously, who takes an argument ont he interne this seriously?

Posted by: miles at September 20, 2004 07:41 AM

also, i can't believe how hot headed this bunch got over it....I mean, you have listened to my arguments have you not? I mean, has the ridiculous nature of my insults not let you onto somehting? I will clarify....I am getting you angry on purpose to laugh at your ridicuous reactions to ridiculouse statements.

I have to try and remember never to insult movie geeks again, it would seem they are for more clever then I am!

Posted by: miles at September 20, 2004 07:48 AM

The point of this site isn't to "insult movie geeks". The comments section is meant for people to give their opinions. Not to be harrassed by others who want to tear down all opinions that conflict with their own. If you can't be civilized about it then just refrain from posting anything. Thank you.

Posted by: Jonstafa at September 20, 2004 08:13 AM

and if you pay close attention, i insulted only after people went after me, rodney never would of threatened me with bannination if he agreed with me, it happens he came down on the other side of the fence and took exception to my comments.

Posted by: miles at September 20, 2004 09:56 AM

You guys have to admit the comedy factor in this; something like an insult about Jessica Simpson turns into guys threatening to ban each other from this opinion page. Let's just call it even & admit none us will go see this stupid idea of a movie anyway.

Posted by: Rawhead at September 20, 2004 10:34 AM

Miles, in case you hadn't noticed, this website was designed to discuss movie news and possibly voice your opinions.

Yes some people were childish over your baseless accusation that Jessica Simpson looked like a man. I dont blame them. But I also don't endorse their methods for disagreeing with you.

You are no better than them by joining in the flamewar.

Making threats as to expose someone who emailed you is not going to accomplish anything either.

Rawhead, no one was threatening anything. Its a fact. It has been stated before, and will be again, that we will not tolerate these childish flamewars. I was dragged into one before and since was reminded that I am not 15. It will not happen again.

Posted by: Rodney at September 20, 2004 06:14 PM

OK Just one point to make

Daisy Duke's character was tough, assertive, smart, and somewhat classy despite the ass baring shorts. Jessica Simpson does not embody any of those traits. It would take some great acting skill on her part to pull that off. Acting skills that she apparently doesn't possess. I actually agree this movie should never be made. It will be a great disappointment to all of those who grew up watching the show.

Posted by: Christina at October 15, 2004 03:38 PM

Are you really in need of "acting experience" to play the part of Daisy Dukes? Is it that serious of a role? Was this a role Nicole Kidman, Uma Thurman or Julianne Moore was up for and passed on? And as far as the role calling for someone to be "tough, assertive and smart"...I used to watch Dukes of Hazard and the chick playing the TV role didn't embody any of those traits at all and she was a toad as well. That was the point - the characters were dumb, wild, breedless but good-hearted white trash hicks.

I can see Jessica Simpson kicking a door down and telling the bad guys where to go and driving a car like a maniac - she's that much of a brat. She always looks like she's about to kick NICK'S ass. And she may not be your normal cup of tea but if any of you saw her walking down your street you WOULD look at her - and not because she looks dumb.

Posted by: Crystal at October 15, 2004 04:52 PM

Well I have to say I agree with the whole man jaw thing, cause i look for that feeling my jaw is too masculine *and Im told I look like Julia Roberts a lot!!!!!* but all in all Jessica is still a pretty girl.

Posted by: Laura at October 20, 2004 08:37 AM

I agree with what most people are saying, but I have something else to add about Jessica that nobody seems to talk about. She's supposed to be this Christian girl with these morals--you know like she didn't have sex before she was married...but now, she dresses like the rest of hollywood. I guess she feels like she has to compete with Britney and Christina so she's constantly showing most of her boobs to everyone! I wonder how this makes Nick feel? I guess now that she's married and has "been with a man" she feels more comfortable with her sexuality. And, you know, it doesn't bother me that Britney and Christina dress like sluts because they don't claim to have these Christina values. But Jessica, just give it up--you can't claim to be a good Christian girl when the whole world has seen most of your boobies--not to mention anything else!

Posted by: Sarah at October 23, 2004 12:17 AM

IF I could pick any famous girl in the world to be a clone of lookswise..It would be Jessica Simpson.She is utterly perfect.:)I thin there are a lot of jealous females and males that get on these sites and tear people down that are popular in the media for the time being.I am 24 and I have a great body, but I would kill for a face like Jessica's.I think guys who know they could never have a chance with a girl like Jess put her down and women who will never come close to Jess put her down.All these message boards I run into are ridiculous.Get over yourselves LOL :) I know this to be fact b/c I go through this same thing myself and I am told all the time by people who count in this world how FINE I am ...just like Jess does.Go,Jessica!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: CORINA at November 10, 2004 08:52 AM

what size boobs does Jessica have?

Posted by: ternin at November 21, 2004 10:42 PM

I like her big chin ,
you guys who say she looks like a man , must be looking for man Features or something because if you turned her down if she asked you for s..x .then you have a problem .

Posted by: Dave Morris at November 23, 2004 09:00 AM

I think you all are sick deviants, or at least those of you who call Jessica trash, and then use foul language and cheap shots at each other.

I see guys like you lusting after naked women and Britney Spears all the time, without complaining that they can't act.
Maybe we should wait for the movie before criticising her acting in it eh?

Years ago, this kind of talk would NOT have been permitted in social company. I guess the world really has gone to the dogs.

Posted by: CoolWiz at December 8, 2004 03:04 PM

alright..what most of you have been saying has been really pissing me off. I think that Jessica Simpson is the most beautiful girl in hollywood, and probably even the world. She has natural beauty and doesnt need to wear makeup. She in no way has any man features about her, not to mention I am completely offended about the comments "she has a musculine chin" because I too have a chin like her, and I think that it is unique, and honestly I think that it's nice! If you were to ask any girl who they would most likely wish to resemble I can assure you that they would say Jessica Simpson, and if you were to ask any guy who's the hottest famous woman they have even seen, once again it would be Jessica Simpson. You men are completely blind if you think that she is ugly, and you woman are stupid as hell and are most likely jealous because of her natural beauty! I get told very often that I look like her, and I love those compliments because she's beautiful! Another thing, dont steriotype her because she's a blonde. You act like you all know her personally "Ohh she's so stupid" get a life!! everyone has their stupid moments, and everyone ask's stupid questions! it's called human error!! Actually it is known to be proven true that she is quite smart, just because she thought bufflo wings were really made from bufflo doesnt mean that she's stupid. I mean come on, the first time you knew about them did you really stop and ask yourself "do bufflo's have wings" NO! you learn by asking questions and false accusations. Also, about the whole "spolied" comments, she has had a record deal since she was 14 years old, living in hotel rooms to hotel rooms having maids come in and do what needed to be done! She didnt have time to clean up after herself, or learn how to do the laundry! People just did it for her! That's not her fault, part of being in the singing buisness is being busy and giving up all of the normal ways of life! I think that you all should take a few more hard look's at Her, because you will realize that you were wrong. She is gorgeous, and if not, your just blind and cant see true beauty if it was stareing you straight in the eye!

Posted by: Nicole at January 23, 2005 01:30 AM

Jessica simpson Rox my world!!! she is beatiful and talkented and so f*** you all she is so cool

Posted by: Paige Dicarlo at January 24, 2005 11:05 PM

I would like to say has anyone noticed how funny it is to see how sexually frustrated Nick Lachey is on Newly weds. poor guy probably never made Jessica orgasm, probably bc she's dead down there. the unfortuante outcome of thinking virginity is a ticket to heaven. Poor girl, and poor guy. Does anyone else see the comedy in this?

Posted by: Deva at February 3, 2005 11:38 PM

you are all a a bunch of faggots pieces of shit

Posted by: Orlando at February 4, 2005 09:45 PM

jessica is a loud shit singer big nosed bitch and as dumb as hell, but she proved everyone wrong by changing the form mice to mouses saying buffalo have wings and discovering a new speshy called the platamupus. jessica is not only a singer but a scientist

Posted by: beggo at February 18, 2005 07:20 PM

Why Jessica Simpson is one ugly woman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-big chin with a indention along the middle
-a big, bumpy, strong nose
-eyes that don't stand out in anyway (but make-up may enhance for sure, duh, yet I see all past that)Doe eyes? No. They're objectively not shaped as so. They are as plain as a jane.
-square face
-lips that appear full only a few times. thin most of the time.
-projecting eyebrow ridges

Yeah, she has nice, shiny hair! And, let's not give her any beauty credit based upon the fact that she's blonde! It's only color!

Also, yeah she has a great female body with the curves in all the right places.

But believe me, her face is nowhere near up to par.

At her very best, she's average.

And, she's not smart, ordinary in personality as well.

Posted by: Rodney at March 7, 2005 11:16 PM

Ask yourselves this, when Jessica simpson went in to audition for this role, do you really think she even had to read any lines? More than likely she was approached, and offered money to do the role, she probably never auditioned. The same with Johnny Knoxville and Sean William Scott, the moment some bigwig heard they were fans of the show this remaike was put inot action, not to make a good follow up to the show like what was done with the reunion films, but because of the money this film would draw in. Remake or not. For the record, Daisy Duke may or may not have been hot, she was smart, and Catherine Bach's character was way ahead of the woman of the shows time frame.

Posted by: Tim at March 8, 2005 01:00 AM

your hot

Posted by: sarah at March 8, 2005 06:56 PM

your nice to me pretty girl your and nice you do need your mom and dad tell to you see cant see nick at all is your man

Posted by: sarah at March 8, 2005 06:59 PM

Jessica Simpson is one of the biggest ugliest fuking morons is the world!! her stupidity lands her in the ranks of Paris Hilton(she is still hot) and George Bush. Not to mention she has just about the ugliest face I have ever seen! i hav seen her in mags. wit short hair and mistaked her/him/it for a guy repeatedly!! here is a list of the dumbest people on the planet:

#1 micheal jackson
#2 george bush
#3 britney spears
#4 paris hilton
#5 jessica simpson

here r reasons these people made the list:

MICHEAL JACKSON - (the prince of petofilia)

- sleeps with little boys
- transformed himself from black to white
- constaly mutilates his face
- dangled baby off balcony
- practically confesses everytime he opens his mouth

here are actual quotes from his mouth:

"i have slept with many children. i put the fireplace on. i give them hot milk, you know, we have cookies its very charming. its very sweet. its what the whole world should do. Why cant you share your bed? the most loving thing you can do is to share your bed with someone."

GEORGE BUSH - (secret government experiment in artificial stupidity)

- the amount of unsenceical jabbering that comes out of his mouth is simply astonishing

here are some things that i have heard him say:

"and so, in my state of the-my state of the union-or my speech to the nation whatever you want to call it, speech to the nation-i asked americans to give 4000 years-4000 hours over the next-the rest of your life-of service to america. thats what i asked-4000 hours."

"I know what i believe. i will contiue to articulate what i believe and what i believe-i believe what i believe is right."

"actualy i, this may sound a bit west texan to you, but i like it. when im talking about...when im talking about myself, and when hes talking about myself, all of us are talking about me."

BRITNEY SPEARS - (buricrat of boobies)

- her dogs sh*t in her closets and she does not clean them out for weeks (or more)

- her boobs have changed more times than micheal jacksons nose

- biggest star with no talent since william shatner

- got drunk and married some random guy in Vegas

- walks though L.A. gas station with no shoes on (on a reacent fligh passengers complained when she removed her shoes)

PARIS HILTON - (HOT sex tape s1ut)

- her stupidity knows no bounds (just watch her show: the simple life)

- aparently she doesn't know what happens at a funeral home or what pulverize means

- took nude and lesbian photos of herself and other girls and stored them on her t-mobile sidekick II. she also stored over 200 celeb phone numbers on her sidekick (including Lindsay Lohan, Eminem, Fred Durst, Vin Diesil, Avril Lavigne, and Usher) all of the info mensioned above was hacked and posted on the net. (to see the numbers and pics go to )

- made several sex tapes which were all stolen and sold to thousands around the world (one sex tape dvd is called "1 night in paris" which has sold more than 300,000 copies for around $40 each)


- has said some of the dumbest things i have ever heard in my life (just watch her show: newlyweds)

- looks like a man

- got breast implants (although she says she didn't)

just for fun here are the top 5 hottest and ugliest women in the world

Hottest Ugliest
#1 Lindsay Lohan #1 Gwen Stefany
#2 Paris Hilton #2 Kelly Osborn
#3 Avril Lavigne #3 Kirsten Dunst
#4 Hilary Duff #4 Cameran Diaz
#5 Beyonce #5 Jessica Simpson

Posted by: someguy at March 31, 2005 02:17 PM

#1 Lindsay Lohan
#2 Paris Hilton
#3 Avril Lavigne
#4 Hilary Duff
#5 Beyonce

#1 Gwen Stefany
#2 Kelly Osborn
#3 Kirsten Dunst
#4 Cameran Diaz
#5 Jessica Simpson

Posted by: someguy at March 31, 2005 02:25 PM

what the hell u guys i think jessica simpson is hot are u all blind she dusnt look like a man...if she did i dont think she wud be wid the hottest guy in america...i think shes perfect for daisy duke

Posted by: Charz at April 4, 2005 11:16 AM

Essa gaja é uma vaca do caralho foda-se lá para à burra mandava-lhe duas para a cona, mas que ela é burra é, puta que a pariu mas levava com o tringalho na boquinha

Posted by: Sentinel at April 4, 2005 10:14 PM

Someguy, with your hottest/ugliest list...I agree with you until I hit Gwen Stefani (looks like a woman and a hot one)...and Paris Hilton looks like a man, an ordinary joe at that.

Hillary Duff and Avril Lavigne are okay in general.

That's that.

And, Jessica Simpson's husband's face resembles that of a teenage mutant ninja turtle in terms of shape and bone structure. That's one ugly couple. Jessica has the square face, thin lips, and structure like that ugly Heidi Klum type of look. Her lips are also thin (except with the help of cosmetics make-up)and she's got a nasty bump that's somewhat smaller than her sister's on her nose which is also big and strong.

Posted by: Rodney at April 6, 2005 04:20 PM

I wish that i could see jesica's pussy because it is proble so tight that it look so fuckin hot and i want to suck her tits

Posted by: PORNO at April 14, 2005 09:32 AM

lol porno... you need years and years of therapy....But on to other matters, Jessica Simpson is far from ugly.. people say she's all make-up?.. Ah most of you guys are putting Lohan in first... am I stupid or isn't she 90% fake and 10% make-up?..... that leaves 0% of anything.. ZERO!....and also.. just as a side note.. Gwen Stefany isn't ugly.. sure she doesn't have TRIPLE D D D D D D's.. but shes very attractive in her own way.If your looking for beautiful women go get some pictures of Zeta Jones or Brook Burns... even your twisted little mind can find them attractive PORNO....

Posted by: Ray` at April 14, 2005 12:31 PM

Okay people... I've been reading this way too long. Jessica has a beutiful voice, yes... but no I do not believe she should be daisy... I was very dissapointed. I was hoping that she would look more like the real deal. They should have at least made her dye her hair as Daisy was a beautiful brunette. The charecter should have looked the most like to orriginal as possible. Or it should have been done with as many original people as possible, I mean John Snieder, BO, still looks pretty much the same... he should've got an offer. I have been a huge Daisy fan since I was very young... hence the name I even use on yahoo... I drive a wrangler the same year as hers with a lic plate that says DAZE DUKE , mine is black however. I even have a horn like the general lee. I go to tons of jeep trail events and get tons of comments about my plate and how others think Daisy is awesome too. Needless to say, I love the dukes of hazzard as it was and Daisy as she was. Once again really bummed that It's Jessica they chose. Not sure who I would've chose. But deffinately a brunette that could pull of those shorts, and stillbe classy like the real deal. I don't think Jessica is ugly , don't care if people think she's stupid, she's not a heavenly beautiful angel in my book... but not a bow wow by any means. Not that that has anything to do with her being cast as daisy which is what this was all supposed to be about. Right? My opinion is that yes, that was a bad choice... but there's nothing anybody can do about it now... I will continue to admire the original and no one can take her place. The real Daisy rocks ! FOREVER !

Posted by: daze_duke at April 24, 2005 01:23 PM

yes ray i think you are stupid! Lindsay Lohan is not all fake and makeup. sure she uses makeup but can you name one star who doesn't? if you are refering to Lindsay's boobs when you say "fake" and "she doesn't have triple D D D D D's" you are mistaking Jessica has bigger boobs than Lindsay (34 Ds). Gwen Stefany isn't attractive in ANY way! If you think someone who turns their face whiter than micheal jackson's than puts red lipstick on and has really bad hair and a bad taste of fashion than you have issues. but as for the comparison between Lindsay and Jessica goes.....there isn't one!

what would you chose between:

1) a young and very talented actress who can sing, dance, act, and can fit into almost any role, has platinum album, has movies that have made a combined total of over $350,000,000, hard worker (working over 17 hours a day in her new movie, and in her movie b4 this new one she made her album in between movie takes)Lindsay does all that at only 18 years old and looks VERY good doing it.


2) someone who only gets on tv because of her good looks (good looks...yeah right!!) if u look at the pic at the top of the screen and u cover her hair she looks like a long necked version of that german bisexual in the movie "anger management", cant sing to save her life. doesn't know the difference between tuna and chicken.

Posted by: someguy at April 26, 2005 02:23 PM

I think jessica is beautiful and ahe deseves to be daisey duke!!! She also is not that bad of an actress either!!

Posted by: melanie at April 30, 2005 11:14 PM


Posted by: BRITTANY at May 3, 2005 10:53 PM

Jessica Simpson looks EXACTLY like John Travolta when he was young. I was watching a rerun of Welcome Back Kotter the other day and it was bothering me trying to figure out who Travolta reminded me of. Then it hit me! You put a blonde wig and some makeup on him and you've got Jessica Simpson! Scary as hell!!!!

Posted by: kevin at May 14, 2005 06:08 PM

Miles, you are not alone

Posted by: abc at May 24, 2005 05:09 PM

i think the whole casting was messed up not just daisy. i mean look who they got as one of the duke boys that dumbass from jackass i dont agree and boss hog is skinny last time i knew he was short and fat they took the cast and did a complete 180 with it i feel i have all 3 seasons on dvd now and i'm still gonna see the movie just not gonna be happy with the casting

Posted by: nascar_redneck85 at June 1, 2005 12:47 AM

Whoa Kev! You aren't kidding! After reading your post I couldn't wait to see Welcome Back Kotter so I could check it out. I finally caught an episode today. Jessica TOTALLY looks like Travolta!!!! The resemblance is uncanny!!!!!

Posted by: dave-O at June 1, 2005 05:21 AM


Posted by: thomas at June 3, 2005 01:12 PM

Hey Thomas if you think Jessica is "UNREAL HOTT" I think you should be questioning your own heterosexuality. Ever noticed your pants getting tighter while watching Travolta movies??? Not that there's anything wrong with that :) I'm just saying......

Posted by: dave-O at June 5, 2005 04:57 PM

Wow, I cannot believe the stupidity of some of the people here. For example:

beggo on February 18 complains that Jessica Simpson is "as dumb as hell", but then goes on to use the word "mouses" and "speshy". What the hell is "speshy"? I have a hard time believing the ANYBODY would not know how to spell the word "species". Give me a break. Is this what America has come to? A bunch of dumb ass illiterate idiots?

Then, someguy on March 31 in his list of "dumbest people on the planet" lists Michael Jackson as #1. He labels Michael Jackson as the "prince of petofilia". Haven't you ever seen ANY words that describe the love or obsession with a particular thing or subject? They all end in "-philia". Jesus some people are dumb. You need to put yourself at the top of your ridiculous list of dumb people.

Posted by: Pedant at June 12, 2005 01:45 PM

Yea i think tht is so unfair tht she got the part. Now just b/c of it she is acting all sluty & wearing less & less!!!& even in her music video! Wat was the point of wearing a bikini 2 wash a car!!! STUPID WHORE! I mean i like her music & all i just dont like the descions she has made!

Posted by: Skittles at June 14, 2005 05:47 PM

Whats sadder then this conversation? The fact that people WILL go to see Dukes of hazzards.

First of all in like ten years all these actresses who are "so pretty" are going to look like burt hot dogs because they lay out in the god damn sun so much, then they will try to fix the sun damage it by getting a crap load of plastic surgery which will eventually make them all look like spawns of joan rivers or carrot top.
Secondly the boobs are real, and do you know why they are real? They are real because they are fat. Lindsay now looks like that anorexic olsen twin, and her boobs are deflated. Any cleavege she has now is formed by the one and only wonder bra and silicon cutlets. Jessica also jumped on the lose weight band waggon and also lost some of her biggest "assets."

Thirdly it appearently doesnt matter what you look like because guys are pigs. If your married to nick lachey, your going to have to deal with the fact that hes going to go to a strip club and look at random tits, rather then his wifes. Lidsay lohan had bigger boobs then Hillary when aaron carter left her flame crotch. What is my point, well no matter what you look like, your never going to be good enough. Some one will think your ugly, and others wont. Why are people in HollyWood obsessed with weight loss and plastic surgery? Because they arnt happy with the way they look. This means that they look in the mirror and think they are ugly, just like everyone else. Celebrities suck, and we shouldnt care about them untill they stop donating there money to remote islands off of Africa, and start giving it to the POOR AMERICAN COLLEGE STUDENTS. Because with out college students who will take the places of the hunderds of plastic surgeons dying off every day? What are celebrities with out plastic surgery? They are adverage looking people.

Posted by: Rayvin400 at June 14, 2005 11:48 PM

Well I think she deserved this part and you guys can all go suck it cause you don't control what the director does and we all agree that she worked her ass off in order to be daisy dukeshe lost weight and lots of it so go suck a big one i am proud of Jessica

Posted by: Tia at June 22, 2005 01:46 PM

I am very upset about the choice of Jessica Simpson for the part of Daisy Duke. She's too short, too blonde, too sexual. Catherine (the ORIGINAL Daisy) was tall, brunette and sexy without being whorish. I think Carmen Electra would have been a better choice, or even Daisy Fuentes. If sexiness is the big draw, then Carmen should have gotten the role. Personally, I think Daisy Fuentez would have been the ideal choice, though. As for the Duke boys...JOHNNY KNOXVILLE???????? Come on Hollywood.....whatever made you think of him? Between Him and Jess, this movie is going to suck! I've seen the trailers, and frankly, I'm so not interested in seeing the movie. It's just wrong on so many levels! I might wait until it comes out on DVD and see it then when there's nothing else at Blockbuster, but I will definitely not go to the movies and see it. I can think of thousands of other ways to blow $20.00. And by the way, I like Jessica Simpson, so this is not a personal thing with her. I just don't think she makes a good Daisy. And Johnny.....I could care less. He need to stick to his Jackass ways and stop ruining potentially good movies with his idiocy.

Posted by: jules76 at June 30, 2005 02:19 PM

Instead of spending countless hours in this blog bitching about the movie, why don't you go outside and be a productive citizen to your country. It's amazing how much time is spent online being meat pole swingers.

And before everyone gets witty and says "you are on here..." i just came on to say that Jessica Simpson is one of the hottest woman on the planet. Don't be mad at her because your wives have vagina discharge 24/7 and reverse tits. Let it go.

I love you all.

Posted by: Swinging on daddys cock at July 21, 2005 04:29 PM

I think enough is enough! I'm tired of seeing her EVERYWHERE, She's worse than Paris Hilton, come on aren't there any one else to focus on. I'm burnt out now on these two! Sick of them!

Posted by: rnee at August 1, 2005 11:03 PM

I think your all pathetically jealouse of her. She is really beatiful and doesn't look no where near a man. Yeah shes all over the place becouse everyone loves her, apart from the sad peopel. such as u lot!! who go on making famouse people sound bad becouse you cant take the fact their out there getting noticed. Unlike you lot whining about them. At least she can say she has made something of her life.
By the way "Jealousy is an ugly thing" No body takes a blind bit of notice of you lot

Posted by: Tasha at August 2, 2005 11:12 AM

If you ask me the only reason you creeps like to watch half dressed girls on the t.v and movie screens is 1)your not getting any on your own time or 2) you're to young to go any of your local strip joints and see somthing your self!



Posted by: the mommy at August 2, 2005 01:46 PM

My problem with this whole thing is not Jessica per se it is the way the part is played. Dasiey Duke was not slutty or whorish they way the Jessica part is played and played up in the movie.

Cathrine Bach was hot but her shorts showed no where near the ammount of ass Jessica or the others that wear shorts that bear here characters name did. The Daisy Duke Bach played had class. She was a smart beautiful small town girl who knew she was hot but not to the extent that she did anything close to the whorish video Jessica Simpson did for this movie.

She also DOES not look anything like Daisy Duke and the people who think she does are smoking crack. To start our Bach has BROWN HAIR and Simpson has Bottle Blonde. If she was any type of real actor she would have been a bottle brunete for the movie.

All in all though it is not Jessica I have the problem with. She got paid to do the movie the way she did it and that is her gig. The makers of this movie are the idiots! They had a chance to remake an old classic and show the ghetto whores what "daisy dukes" (the shorts) acutally looked like. To show that you could be sexy with our being a gutter slut and they blew it cold.

Dukes was a great show I was a kid growing up watching it and I though Bach was pretty hot but I never thought the word whore when I saw any episode of the orginal. With the way they rigged up and had Simpson play the new part it is the fist word that enters any normal persons mind.

In short Daisy was not a whore but the character Hollywood wrote for Simpson to play sure is.

The real reason that Jess was a bad choice is she is about as dumb as a post or pretends to be. No matter which it is that is how she acts in the movie and in any camera shot she ever gets. That does not in any way typify the character Cathrine Bach made famous.

The writers/directors screwed this one. The orginal was a classy, hot and smart woman and the character they created is a brain dead, ditzy, slutty bimbo.

Don't blame Jessica for cashing the check and delivering what was asked for, blame the writers they are the guilty party here.

Oh and I am not a prude either hot chicks and even slutty ones are fine by me just not for this part it simply does not fit in any way with the orginal,


Posted by: Jack at August 8, 2005 03:05 PM

shes hot

Posted by: caca at August 10, 2005 11:27 PM

yo my negga i dont know what the hell ur talking about she is so F@#king HOT

Posted by: wadi at August 13, 2005 12:43 AM


Posted by: craig at August 22, 2005 09:54 AM

who eva fort jessica simpson is ugly u lot bling or sumin she is so fukin fit u lot need to open ur eyes stupid wana be's

Posted by: sccott at August 22, 2005 04:30 PM

You guys are so wrong!Jessica is the only one who could've played Daisy Duke!She is beautifuland talantedsojust stop being the stupid low lifes you are!

Posted by: Candy at August 25, 2005 02:16 PM

Jessica Simpson is just another superficial blonde made for our disposal. She has no talent and she is just a blonde idiot.

Posted by: Anna at August 25, 2005 09:08 PM

All u ppl who right this shit wish u had a life!which by now u no u dont so ur fucked!!! well lets get to the point all u ppl who right this bullshit have no life and all of yall are thouroughly gay!!! so as a piece of advice go play wit urselfs

Posted by: big foot at September 3, 2005 02:05 PM

Screw u all hahahah yall r just thoroughly gay so go finger urselfs u bunch of pussys without dicks an for those who think she looks like a man yeah u r thoroughly GAY to!!!! bye now

Posted by: big foot at September 3, 2005 02:09 PM