September 07, 2004

It Looks Official. Joss Whedon to Direct X-Men 3

There is a sense of saddness that comes with this story. If it is indeed true (and it looks like it is) it means that Singer is trully off the project (something other people have been saying for a long time, but I have stubornly refused to accept). However, if anyone can take X-Men 3 to where it needs to go, I can't think of another person who might step up to the plate as well as Joss Whedon could. Our good friends over at CountingDown report the following from Production Weekly: According to the often accurate 'Production Weekly', Joss Whedon (Serenity) is IN as director of 'X-Men 3', with production slated to begin in Vancouver in June 2005.

Now, this seems a bit odd, in that Whedon is currently just starting post-production on 'Serenity' (the film adaptation of his tragically cancelled TV show 'Firefly'), and with that film set for release in late April, Whedon wouldn't have much prep time for his X-Outing. However, he's also known for juggling multiple projects (at one time, Whedon was the showrunner for 3 different television shows at once), and has stated that he would change as little of the cast as possible from Singer's line-up. He's also been writing the 'Astonishing X-Men' comic for Marvel for the past few months, so he should be pretty well-versed in the characters.
Whedon has a fantastic knack for the telling of quasi-fantasy stories (Fantasy set in the real world). Buffy and Angel are stories of the extraordinary within the realm of the ordinary world... sounds a lot like the X-Men franchise. I still pine for Singer... but Whedon will do just fine. It's like someone telling me that Jennifer Garner cancelled our date, but that Keira Knightley will be taking her place. Not bad. Read the whole article here.

Posted by John Campea at September 7, 2004 05:00 PM


I am not a fan of anything Whedon has done.I think Buffy looks cheap and silly.It's fine for a TV show.This may not have anything to do with his film.I just wish there was something of his I liked.

If anything I could hope for would be that there is more action.X1 and X2 are bogged down with a slower pace which helped sell the realism and was necessary setting.Although you could argue Joel Schumacher upped the action and failed miserably with Batman.I think everyone is going to be super skeptical after Singer elevated the X men as well as revived the super hero genre.
Whedon has a big act to follow.

In other news....

Posted by: thesecretsafe at September 8, 2004 01:05 AM

This is great news! Whedon will know how to handle this. He's a fan of the X-men, he has the experience with superheroes as well as with the X-men comics, he even rewrote the script for X-men the movie, and he's an incredibly talented writer and director. I couldn't be happier :-D

Posted by: Sasja at September 8, 2004 02:00 AM

Whedon is definitely qualified to do this. Anybody who has followed the series "Buffy" and "Angel" know that the story arcs and characters were inspired quite a lot from the X-Men. He'll be able to handle the dark Phoenix arc pretty well too, I would imagine--both "Buffy" and "Angel" featured similar storylines at one point in their runs.

Posted by: Mark at September 8, 2004 12:47 PM

Whedon is definitely qualified to do this. Anybody who has followed the series "Buffy" and "Angel" know that the story arcs and characters were inspired quite a lot from the X-Men. He'll be able to handle the dark Phoenix arc pretty well too, I would imagine--both "Buffy" and "Angel" featured similar storylines at one point in their runs.

Posted by: Mark at September 8, 2004 12:48 PM

Joss is doing a fine job with Astonishing XMen. He brought back Colossus in the most spine tingling scene in a comic book since the original "Joseph" story with Magneto.

He is even teasing with the idea of having the Beast "recover" his human form. (Hank McCoy became more beastly as the result of a failed genetic experiment to "cure" himself of the mutant gene)

He is writing some really good stuff, and I am not suprised. I just hope that his strange fascination with putting the Xmen back in spandex doesnt translate over to his film adaptation.

Posted by: Rodney at September 8, 2004 08:41 PM

HE BROUGHT BACK COLOSSUS!?!?!?!?! I missed that! Cool.

Posted by: John Campea at September 8, 2004 08:49 PM

One thing about Singer:

Yes, excellent job on both X-Men films.

But if you like a director, I'd think you'd want to see him direct OTHER films. Whaddya want from Singer? A whole lifetime career of X-Men films?!?!

I realize your fondness for the X-Men. I'm a lifetime fan myself, and love what Singer has done.

But the producers (the key to this series: just ask Singer) are likely to maintain the integrity of the X-Men series with any director. Thankfully the X-Men producers are not of the ilk that thinks comic book fans will pay to see anything. They know they've got a cash cow on their hands, and that it requires finesse to milk it. (Harry Potter is a good example of this. The third installment is the best of all.)

I was completely bored by The Usual Suspects and deeply dismayed when Singer was chosen to Direct X1. Then I saw the movie and all was forgiven & forgotten. Then I saw X2 and was ready to worship the guy.

It's time for him to step on to something new. He's got talent, and will (I hope) make some interesting movies in the years to come.


Posted by: cal godot at September 11, 2004 11:51 AM

James Marsters = Gambit.

Posted by: Bob Jones at September 16, 2004 09:37 PM

It's cool but I am a bit worried about this. He said he would changed a little bit of the cast. I just hope he Keeps the guy who played Colossus, and the others and change Cyclops.

Posted by: Kandi at January 6, 2005 01:44 AM

I have been an X men fan for as long as I can remember, and and a Buffy fan, never really cared for Angel too much though. But the idea of James Marsters as Gambit could be bad. Gambit is my favorite charcter, and I love James marsters, but I think it could be bad for the movie. I know it sounds ridiculous, but Id like to see someone like Mattew Mcconaughey(spell?) as Gambit. He would rock!

Posted by: Tj at January 15, 2005 03:35 AM

HEY TJ! first off... James Marsters would rock as Gambit... he's a great actor and he has the look and everything... so... yeah... screw off... James kicks ass and you can kiss mine!

Posted by: Loki: God of Mischief at April 20, 2005 02:47 PM

HEY! first off... James Marsters would rock as Gambit... he's a great actor and he has the look and everything... so... yeah... screw off... James kicks ass and you can kiss mine!

Posted by: Loki: God of Mischief at April 20, 2005 02:47 PM