September 04, 2004

Herbie: Fully Loaded

I had to do a double take when I read this one. Disney must be getting desperate for ideas. It looks like that lovable living car (no, not KITT) Herbie is going to be bounding to a screen near you soon. Herbie: Fully Loaded has a respectable cast lined up. Lindsay Lohan, Michael Keaton, Matt Dillon, Breckin Meyer are all in the film where Herbie breaks into the world of NASCAR racing.

I have a VERY bad feeling about this. I loved Herbie as a kid, but I just don't think it'll fly today. Not to mention, Disney has been developing a real bad track record lately for putting anything of quality up on the screen (that they actually had a hand in producing that is). I'm predicting a car wreck.

Posted by John Campea at September 4, 2004 05:44 PM


Yup, sounds awful.

And, though it sounds like a totally different film, the remake of Guess Who's Coming To Dinner actually sounds like it could be fun - as long as you don't let it tarnish the original. I'm just going to look at it as a totally different film - hopefully they won't give the remake the same title.

Posted by: Luke at September 4, 2004 10:37 PM

I wonder if they'll be using the new beatle instead of the old Volkswagon that Herbie was originally? Why am I even wondering about this? Nascar? Give me a break.

Posted by: Jonstafa at September 6, 2004 06:57 AM

I think it sounds great,

My kids love the Herbie movies and NASCAR is the fastest growing spectator sport in America, I think it will succeed.

As long as they apply the same effort to this Herbie movie that they used in the original.

Looking foward to being able to take my kids to a Disney movie other than Kill Bill.

Posted by: dc at September 6, 2004 03:16 PM

Ive loved herbie for years and when i heard about this on the radio i couldnt believe it, i think its a great idea, i cant wait till it comes out and im 16!... lets hope disney gives it a modern day twist to get the "new generation" to get them interested....

Posted by: Doug at September 27, 2004 07:28 PM

i have been working on and off as an extra on this piece of crap for the last few weeks..... Disney must be stopped......

not to say that Herbie is a clasic film but it was a piece of my childhood and seeing it rehashed because no one at Disney could come up anything new is a disgrace. if walt could see what was being done in his name sake he would never stop throwing up.......

and no Jonstafa they are using the old 68 beetle

Posted by: Ducktape at October 4, 2004 12:01 AM

well it seems like no one can have an original script, and as disney goes south it cant even get actresses that are worth a flip anymore. i always liked lindsay lohan, until her ego got so big it had to have its own chauffer....... here we have this promising actress who has forgotten that the fans that she is so rude to, are the ones that makes sure her product ( which is herself) is marketable. if shse doesnt want people coming up to her or her boyfriend when they are out, maybe she should be like the other 20 milion teenage girls and just don an apron and get a job at cafe java, cleaning up after someone much more appreciative..... if it wasnt for all the fans..... she wouldnt have a job and neither would her illustious boyfriend.
maybe disney, who is in the family programming business should look at their choices for actresses and even actors and find some who arent so intolerant and so bratty!!!!!!!

Posted by: cris at October 21, 2004 02:11 PM

Hey, I'm not a real Doc , but I play one, and I think its going to be a great movie, as for the butt wipe that posted he workede on the movie, hey neat, did I see you swobbing the cans, if your the expert, guess you would know Herbie was a 63 ragtop, not a 68 bug, nice try in the know whats going around dept, I know nothing about crappers, so I would go there, you know nothing about herbie, so stick to what you know

Posted by: Doc at December 31, 2004 04:17 AM

Go see it for the simple reason is that I'm in it, and my breasts look great, and you might see that hot guy with the herbie tattoo too.
I can act! I can act! I can act! I can act!

Posted by: Lindsay at January 1, 2005 12:20 AM

Let's see if we can weigh in the good versus the bad.
Good: Disney kept Herbie a 1963 Beetle.
Bad: Changed Herbie's traditional 53's for a new font.
Radically changed the appearance of Herbie both inside and out through out the course of the film.
Has Herbie racing in NASCAR (not possible)instead of on road courses like the original films.
The verdict? We won't know for sure until the film shows but one thing is indisputable, Herbie has been bastardized and butchered by Disney. And supposedly, there is no tie in to the original films at all.
You're right about Disney not being able to come up with anything original. What really grates my nerve is how little they care about Herbie's original character and image. There are dozens of Herbie web sites with experts who could make a movie ten times better than this crap. But we all know Disney cares only for the almighty dollar.

Posted by: The REAL Herbie at January 2, 2005 08:14 PM

I really like the Herbie movies, and even if they did something so bad, I still think Herbie is one of the best talking cars in our day. Since my brothers and my dad are VW enthusiasts, I hope they see this as well as I. If I had to say something of significance, I would say that humility is one of Herbie's great qualities. NASCAR is a great place for him. Also I would include the Wonderful Eorld of Disney's movie into the main set of movies, so say sixth instead of fifth.

Posted by: daniel at January 8, 2005 10:21 PM

I really like the Herbie movies, and even if they did something so bad, I still think Herbie is one of the best talking cars in our day. Since my brothers and my dad are VW enthusiasts, I hope they see this as well as I. If I had to say something of significance, I would say that humility is one of Herbie's great qualities. NASCAR is a great place for him. Also I would include the Wonderful world of Disney's movie into the main set of movies, so say sixth instead of fifth.

Posted by: daniel at January 8, 2005 10:22 PM

Here's my reaction to the new Herbie film. Check this out.

Posted by: Save Herbie at January 28, 2005 01:32 PM

Me again!!! I like how Lindsay pukes, but don't get it on Herbie. Herbie will still have his respect after this movie, and I hope that you give him as much. By the way, if anyone says anything good about Herbie, I won't say anything bad, and don't get the car dirty

Posted by: Daniel at January 28, 2005 09:32 PM

Did anyone notice that Lindsay Lohan looks suspiciously like Frankie Muniz but with long hair and titties?

Posted by: SpideyFan at April 14, 2005 09:31 AM


Actually, I put "Lindsay Lohan" "looks like" "Frankie Muniz" in the google search engine to find this page. I KNEW someone else had to think so.

Posted by: Nunya Bizness at April 23, 2005 06:15 PM

that's how I found this page too. She's gross like diarrhea on a hot day in an underdeveloped nation.


Posted by: Shmee the bee at July 17, 2005 10:19 PM