September 05, 2004

Hayao Miyazaki and Howl's Moving Castle Making a Splash in Venice

howls.jpgIf you haven't seen Spirited Away yet, stop reading this, go out to a video store and rent it now. It's a magical piece of story telling that apparently creator Hayao Miyazaki has transfered into his latest project "Howl's Moving Castle". This marks the first animated film to be entered in the Venice Film Festival's main competition in 30 years. Reuters reports:

In the film, a bewitched Sophie seeks refuge in Howl's fantastical moving castle - a walking, snorting contraption which can open onto four different worlds. Pretending to be a housekeeper, she befriends the cranky fire demon and Howl's pint-sized assistant as she tries to break the spell cast on her.

In the end it is her love for Howl that frees them both from witchcraft and from incessant bombing and war. Marco Muller, director of the Venice Film Festival, called "Howl's Moving Castle" "possibly the strongest anti-war statement we have in the entire festival." I can't wait to see this one.

To read the full Reuters story go here.

Posted by John Campea at September 5, 2004 09:27 AM


Miyazaki is one of those guys you just wanna sit down with and talk to for hours. He seems to be such an interesting guy.

Posted by: rvnlrd at September 5, 2004 10:53 AM

Yeah... people say the same thing about me. :)

Posted by: John Campea at September 5, 2004 11:00 AM

I have no doubt this will be Amazing.
I do have a small wish that Miyazaki not make another alice in wonderland film.
He is still a badass mother and can do whatever he wants.

Posted by: thesecretsafe at September 5, 2004 11:50 AM

yeh : looking forward to this one. love the miyazaki / takahata films... got 2 original posters for "howls..." one the way, straight into frames and on my wall - thats how confident i am this film will be astonishingly special. a masterpiece even...!

Posted by: logboy at September 5, 2004 12:46 PM

The movie came out exactly one week ago here in Japan and I have seen it twice. I wasn't a very big fan of "Spirited Away", as I was of other Ghibli movies, but I would like to say that Howl's Moving Castle was very well done and in my opinion, one of the best Ghibli movies easily. They changed a bit of stuff from the book (what movie doesn't), but they took a creative story and made it even more magical. See it.

Posted by: Nicole at November 27, 2004 09:00 AM