September 13, 2004

Ghost Rider Set To Ride In Australia

I fear for the survival of Comic Book genre films my friends. Up to this point, comic movies have been good enough to survive... even survive the horrid spectacle that was Catwoman... but another real stinker and the movie going public may become hesitant to drop the cash for their seat. Enter Nicolas Cage and Ghost Rider.

There are a couple of reasons I'm worried about this project. The first of which is Nicolas Cage. Don't get me wrong, I'm actually a Nicolas Cage fan, but this is an odd bit of casting. I just don't see Cage fitting the Role of Johnny Blaze very well at all. The second is that although Ghost Rider is a decent comic in and of itself, I don't see it translating well onto the screen. Thirdly, unlike the X-Men or Spider-Man, Ghost Rider just doesn't have broad enough market appeal to succeed (but then again what do I know?). Is it just me or does the idea of a Demon Possessed biker fighting for good seem self contradictory?

Despite these concerns, Ghost Rider is scheduled to start filming in Australia next year. Time will tell, but I fear for the short term help of the genre. Aside from Fantastic Four, most of the upcoming comic films look iffy at best.

Posted by John Campea at September 13, 2004 06:39 AM


X-Men 2 best so far.

Posted by: rvnlrd at September 13, 2004 06:46 AM

You know, if you do this right, I think it will be a great movie, Ghostrider was one of my fourites when i was a kid.

and i like the evil fighting for good sort of thing, because evil is inherently cooler then good, but i feel a little cheated if good does not win.

Posted by: miles at September 13, 2004 08:19 AM

I share all of you concerns regarding Ghostrider. I am quite sure it will bomb. However you do know that Nicolas Cage is an avid comic book collector. Hell, even his last name was inspired by the Luke Cage: Hero for Hire comic.

Posted by: PlutoNick at September 13, 2004 09:50 AM

I wasn't a big fan of the Marvel Ghost Rider. I was hoping the movie version would be about the original Ghost Rider, but that's just little ol' retro me.

- Doug

Posted by: Doug McKay at September 13, 2004 10:11 AM

Do they still even publish an ongoing Ghost Rider book?

... asks the comic collector.

Posted by: Rodney at September 14, 2004 12:49 AM

I disagree. I think this could make the numerous ridicolous and utterly shite comic book films the past 5 years, look event shittier!

Nicolas Cage has so much more potential and charisma than those pretty boys and girls casted in Marvel movies lately. Think Bruce Campbell could've been a winner too, but Cage will do!

Posted by: Bruce at September 14, 2004 05:30 PM

I think Ghostrider could be decent (or at least profitable, because they aren't the same thing).
For one thing, people who aren't familiar with the comic (i.e. the vast majority) are still going to LOVE the visual of a guy with a flaming head riding a motorcycle and kicking ass. As far as the strangeness of the premise, Spawn is one of the most popular comics of the last decade and what is he? A demon (basically) who fights for good.

I wouldn't worry too much about the future of comic book movies. Spider-man and X-men can carry the torch for a little while longer. And as long as they're still thinking about making sequels to the more mediocre ones (Hulk, Hellboy), the genre still has life.

Unfortunately, I don't share your confidence in Fantastic Four. That movie scares the hell out of me. I like the casting for the most part, but I've heard too much about the movie being "Fantastic Four as a disfunctional family sitcom" to think it could possibly be very good.

Posted by: Mojo at September 14, 2004 06:26 PM

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Posted by: online gambling at December 4, 2004 12:16 AM

Um.. Well what do i really think? Loved the comic book but I think they're going to need to do a whole lot more with it to make it a hit. A whole lot of action and special effects is growing old and very boring, it will come across like a clone to 'The Crow' or 'Punisher' with the whole vigilante genre used up and tired. They'll realy need to go deeper and provide some suspense, and really tell the story well enough so as to keep the audience who haven't been exposed to the comic strip well informed and intrigued. I can really see the whole Fantastic Four movie working. the characters are more interesting and easier to relate to. I would love to see X-Factor make it to the screen, or a follow up X-men which follows the Genosha storyline where a diverse amount of characters from the marvel universe fight for their survival, obviously that is the way they are going. And we should see colusses, gambit, and maybe Jean Gray will rise from the ashes as Dark Phoenix? Can't wait bring them all on.

In the meantime I might take a lazy drive down to the GhostRider set near home, see if I can get some hot goss....

Posted by: Black Dragon at January 24, 2005 04:29 AM


Posted by: comments at May 25, 2005 05:54 AM


Posted by: name at June 21, 2005 07:31 AM


Posted by: snake at June 21, 2005 12:02 PM