September 05, 2004

Gary Oldman not doing Voice Work in Star Wars Episode 3

WHAT A SHAME! When I first heard rumours of Gary Oldman doing the voice of General Grievous in the upcoming Episode III, I nearly wet myself. Oldman is amazing, and in my opinion one of the most underrated talents in Hollywood. Star Wars romours come and go... but I was really hoping this one would pan out. FilmForce gives us this:

According to Gary Oldman's management company, Douglas Management Group, the actor will not be voicing General Grievous in Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith as has been previously reported.

In addition to some rather nasty comments about actress Samantha Morton (there appears to be some sort of feud developing between the two actors) the DMG website states: "Gary was offered, and agreed to perform in the film, in fact he was excited and looking forward to the work. The snag that made it impossible however is that this film is being made as a non-SAG (Screen Actor's Guild) film.

Damn union rules!!! You can read the whole article here.

Posted by John Campea at September 5, 2004 11:17 AM