September 15, 2004

Eomer and The Rock are Doomed

Alrighty, my enthusiasim for this new Doom project is building up. I know a lot of people don�t like the fact that Dwayne Johnson (AKA The Rock) was cast for this flick, but I still think it was the best move they could make. The Rock has been good � very good in every film he�s been in so far. He�s got great charm and the build of an 80�s action hero. Add on top of this the fact that Karl Urban (Eomer in Lord of the Rings) is also signed up and you�ve got a pretty solid duo for the flick. Cinescape gives us the following:

After starring in two of Universal Pictures summertime films, Karl Urban (who also starred in the latter two LORD OF THE RINGS pictures) will receive another paycheck from the same studio for starring in DOOM along with Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. Urban, who appeared in THE CHRONICLES OF RIDDICK and THE BOURNE SUPREMACY this past summer, will play a futuristic special ops soldier named John Grimm in film adaptation of the popular id Software first-person shooter video game. Grimm confronts the demons unleashed from a scientific experiment on Mars that's gone awry, and in the course of the film the character will also confront the organization that's responsible for his parents' death.
Don�t toss the idea of this movie just yet, I think they�ll do something great with it (then again, I thought The Phantom Menace was going to be the greatest film of all time).

Posted by John Campea at September 15, 2004 01:58 PM


i have a sinking feeling....the problem i ahve is that the rock being in it, bodes poorly for the rating and subsequent gore, which is a nescessary part for any doom movie to be made.

the second problem, is they are trying to include osme kind of second rate human intrest crap with the guy confronting the corpoation...i don;t remember that in any of the games?

know what i do remember? demons getting wasted, and their guts falling out, and if i don't see that, i am going to bomb universal.

why is it hollywood wants always wants to mess with success? I mean, lok at troy, why try to improve on the oddesy? I mean, a story that has been consistently popular for a 1000 years does not need some hack screen writer to "imprpove" it. same goes for this, nice, simple, classic, but some hack is goign to think he can make it better, and some dumb ass executive that never played the games is going to let him.

or not, i really, really hope it is awesome, but i have a bad feeling.

Posted by: miles at September 15, 2004 02:38 PM

Let's face it -- any potential violence and gore will be toned down. This will be PG-13 most definitely to sell it to the kids.

Posted by: Mark at September 15, 2004 04:30 PM

...And John Carmack will have a cameo somewhere, probably playing a tech who's seen on a video monitor who says one brief line or two.

And The Rock will say somewhere in the movie: "Let's give 'em HELL!"

And the whole thing will have quick-edit-cuts/defanged level of violence like that seen in the Resident Evil movies.

This shit just writes itself now -- monkeys with typewriters aren't even required anymore.

Posted by: Mark at September 15, 2004 04:41 PM

Has anyone on this sight seen a single doom traler?
Every traler Ive seen says that this will be and R movie.
Which means there will be plenty of the F-word and grotesque

Posted by: Agent george at October 14, 2005 07:44 PM