September 23, 2004

DUMPED The Musical - Be a Producer for $19.95

As someone who has produced his own Indy film (with several others) I have an appreciation for those who undertake this labour of love. No millions of dollars to be made here. You simply make the movie because you love it... and that still means something.

Having said that, I got a neat little email from a chap named Andy who went on to tell me about his new Indy film called Dumped - The Musical. It's a neat looking little project, but here's the interesting part... in an attempt to raise money (something all indy film makers must do) they came up with the cool idea of selling "Associate Producer" titles on Ebay for $19.95. If I understood Andy correctly, you basically donate $19.95 through ebay, and you're put in the credits as an Associate Producer. Some people would call that whoring yourself out. I call it creative thinking. Want in on this? Go to the Ebay page here.

Posted by John Campea at September 23, 2004 08:13 PM


Sounds like a great idea. Not only do you get 19.95, but you are pretty much guaranteed a video or dvd sale to each of the associate producers. Who doesn't want to see their names in a movie, even if all you did was donate $19.95

Posted by: Glasseyerod at September 24, 2004 09:35 AM

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