September 24, 2004

David Goyer on the new Batman

DavidGoyer.jpgFor those of you who may not know, aside from writing and directing the new Blade: Trinity film, David Goyer also wrote the script for the new (and improved) Batman franchise. I found a great little aricle and interview with him over at USA Today. Here's an excpert:

The last two Batman movies stunk. How do we know this one won't?

"(Laughs) Aside from my word? Well, I don't think it sucks. But also, Chris and I showed about three minutes of footage to a select group of fans at the Wizard (comic book) convention in Chicago last month. We crashed a Green Lantern panel and gathered them up in a room. It wasn't a trailer, just a montage of scenes. Afterward, we got a standing ovation. And a couple of tears were shed in the room. I'm not sure what that meant, but I think it's good."

What happened to the Batman franchise?

"I think the movies started getting too much like the TV show. It got campy. Back when the movies were coming out, the comic books were in a very good place. (Comic book illustrator) Frank Miller was doing some amazing work. They were really dark. The Joker had killed Robin, and the books had a very grim tone. They weren't messing around. But the movies ignored all that, and the fans turned against it."

The rest of the article is really worth the read. Head on over and check it out.

Posted by John Campea at September 24, 2004 01:43 PM


I was one of the "select group" at the Wizard World Con in Chicago that got to see the footage and it really took my breath away. To hear Goyer and director Chris Nolan talk about this film was a great experience and their interaction with the fans, (especially Goyer), was very refreshing. Paul Levitz at DC seemed excited about everything that he has seen so far too, which is also a good sign.

Personally, I can't wait for the official trailer to hit theaters followed by Batman Begins next summer! I don't think that we'll be disappointed.

Marc Bowker

Posted by: Marc at September 24, 2004 03:12 PM

Has anybody else heard the rumor that Katie Holmes' character is, in fact, Talia? (In the movie, she plays a reporter/love interest for Bruce. The rumor is, her character will be revealed toward the end of the movie to be Talia.) I've always thought it was a bit of a coincidence that Holmes looks like she could play young Talia.

Posted by: Mark at September 24, 2004 06:07 PM

i just saw both trailers DANM man this movie looks bad ass bruce wayne is the man he's the best batman it's dark and gritty it's gonna kill every superhero movie out there this movie is just too nice i was blown away by it the dark knight has come back with a big bang attack this movie is SUPERB I CANT WAIT TO SEE IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: saint sinner at December 10, 2004 05:31 PM