September 30, 2004

Could Jamie Foxx Actually Be A Legitimate Oscar Contender?

jamiefoxx.jpgWhat on earth happened that suddenly made Jamie Foxx decide he was going to be a top notch actor?!?! I have HATED Foxx for a long time. Uggg.. I still have bad dreams of his horrible work in Any Given Sunday, Booty Call, I never liked him on In Living Color either, and don't even get me started on The Jamie Foxx Show.

Then came along this under the radar action/comedy flick called Bait. That was the first time I thought Foxx wasn't half bad. He seemed to have some decent timing and the film (while not spectacular) worked for what it was. Then he was solid in Ali playing a very respectable supporting role. After that he got his first bit of real critical acclaim for his performance in the TV movie Redemption: The Stan Tookie Williams Story. All of a sudden Foxx wasn't a joke. But I still wasn't a believer, and when I first saw the trailers for Collateral I told a friend it was a huge mistake to cast Foxx in that role and the movie lost all credibility in my eyes. BOY WAS I WRONG! Foxx did an AMAZING job opposite Tom Cruise (who was also at his very best) and some have whispered about a possible Oscar nomination for Foxx.

Now, Ray is almost upon us and the Oscar whispers are turning into loud shouts. Foxx looks terrific in the trailers, and those in the know are saying it's one of the best performances of the year. So what happened? How did this guy suddenly become so darn good? Is he the next Denzel Washington? Your thoughts?

Posted by John Campea at September 30, 2004 07:44 AM


I'd support the nod. Foxx has developed a depth and range, and deserves the credit. On a smaller and perhaps more humorous scale, Don Cheadle in Family Man was pretty under the radar as well... what happened to his career arc? Choices.

Posted by: Bob at September 30, 2004 07:54 AM

i agree foxx did a stunning job : probably the most convincing performance out of hollywood ive seen this year... and beside him was this hitman that was just so obviously tom cruise... mind you, we could probably be saying the same about foxx in a few years... but for now - i was suckered by his acting, really exceptional stuff...

Posted by: logboy at September 30, 2004 01:07 PM

How did he become so darn good? Same reason Mark Wahlberg became so good. They fought hard to convince that right people that they could carry certain roles and they stood up to the plate, swung and proved they were worth the gamble. That to me is what Hollywood should really be about.

Posted by: Crystal at October 19, 2004 08:24 PM

It's just proves my point.
Good comedians make the best actors.
If you can make people laugh in this world, then drama should be a snap.
Just look at Robin Williams and Whoopi Goldberg, excellent comedians who have won Oscars.
Jamie Foxx has been cracking me up for over a decade.
(His In Living Color "Wanda, the ugly girl" character still keeps me in stiches.)
It would not surprise me in the least bit to see Mr. Foxx with that golden statue in his hands.
It would be well-deserved and it would just be the beginning for Mr. Jamie Foxx! You go, boy!!!!

Posted by: Owen Woodard at October 21, 2004 01:33 PM

PLEASE PLEASE can somebody help me! Does anyone know what brand name sweater that Jamie Foxx was wearing on the Oprah show this month? I really need to know..Thanks. Norma
[email protected]

Posted by: Norma at October 30, 2004 11:57 PM

Jamie Foxx was SPECTACULAR in "Ray." I mean, I actually thought I was watching the real life Ray Charles on the screen. It was a funny, hip, sad, touching film and it seemed to truly capture the almost-self-destructiveness and beauty that was Ray Charles. I wish Foxx well in his career and he DEFINITELY deserves the Oscar for best actor.

Posted by: Ginger at November 10, 2004 05:39 PM

Jamie Foxx deserves an Oscar for his performance I believe. I have been checking all other performances that are Oscar worthy in my eyes. He did an outstanding job!! If he does not get the Oscar...well...let's not go there...

Posted by: Darla at December 15, 2004 01:42 AM

Jamie Foxx was absolutely incredible as Ray. I've loved him since In Living Color (Wanda .. ahh, good times!) and when he got Ali I was very pleased. Then in Collateral .. wow. Of course he stayed to his comedy roots despite them not being that great - Breakin' All the Rules - and then he got Ray. And I was pumped. And my mom and I went to go see it and I left crying. It was just fabulous. Now that's he's nom'd for Best Actor, if he doesn't win then it's isnane.

Posted by: Syl at January 25, 2005 01:47 PM

I would be Jamies mama,he seems to be so caring,and concerned about family,which is more than my children do.What a special,and talented person he is,and such a funny deal as Wanda,what a dispicable look on his face when he did her role,he coluld rock anyones world.
Delightfully Yours,
Your white mama

Posted by: sheila lyons at January 26, 2005 07:35 PM

See, my problem with this performance is that I can not see his eyes, (there is no pun intended here) I can tell that an actor is doing really good acting if we can see the eyes.

So I guess, what is a more accurate description here is that, Jamie Foxx did a good impersonation in this movie, more than acting. If he wins an Oscar, boy oh boy, that will be the day I will shut up.

Posted by: Simone at February 9, 2005 07:15 AM

Jamie Foxx was excellente in any given Sunday. That was his third best performance besides the one In Ali and Ray. He will win best actor or the Naacp will be writing their letter. All of his other movies were kind of garbage. The critics will say he is a good impersonator or good imitator, but what about all the other people who won oscars for best actor or actress when playing someone's life. Leonardo Dicaprio is playing howard Hughes. So he only must be a good impersonator as well.

Posted by: the gifted one at February 20, 2005 08:39 PM

Naacp?!?! There you go again. The difference between Foxx's Ray (which he was briliant in) and DiCaprio's Hughes, is that everyone on the planet knows how Ray Charles moved and talked. So imitating him becomes an easier task.

Very few people around today know anything at all about Howard Hughes... so DiCaprio's performance isn't being judged by how well he imitated Hughes... just on how well he did with the role in and of itself.

Foxx was great in Ray... no debate. I also don't think it would be a "mistake" for him to win. But After watching both films, I still personally think DiCaprio was a slightly better performance... but it's close.

Honestly though it shouldn't even matter who was better between Foxx and DiCaprio... because Johnny Deep was better than both of them in Finding Neverland. Just my two cents worth.

Posted by: John Campea at February 20, 2005 08:57 PM

Upon hearing that Jamie Foxx won in the Best Actor category I relaized that the Oscars and the recognition of talent is a joke. Jamie Foxx is not at the caliber of Johnny Depp in no way shape or form. Johnny Depp's body of work speaks for itself. Each character he plays is unique and different. Jamie Foxx imitates Ray Charles and wins an award. How lame is that. Kurt Russell imitated Elvis many years back and was very good. Jamie Foxx was a sympathy vote and win. I am sure that after winning the oscar Jamie Foxx will go the way of many a mediocre talent. Straight to video. The only two people with talent on the best actor list were Johnny Depp and Don Cheadle (who also far outweighs Jamie Foxx in talent and work)

Posted by: tony at February 28, 2005 06:50 PM

Ok dont take this post off.

John, do you know that about 95 percent of the black population will disagree with you on your previous comment. I just want to know do you see how far off you are?

Johnny Depp is good, really good. I mean great. But his performance was not as good as jamie's in Ray. This is why you are not chosen as a real critic. They picked him because he was good. That was some of the best acting in the history of America film.

Dont make up excuses of how he impersonated him, because if howard hughes was alive, Leo would try to do the samething. I understand and its only natural. You are not used to good black acting. I'm not either. So i can see why it would take you longer for you to accept him.
Look Jamie foxx not only imitated but he captivated the audience, and the real critics thought so too.

Now caprio is an excellente actor as well. See this is what people will say when someone did too too good of a job. " Oh he was a good imitator" he didn't act. he just impersonated.
John just accept the fact that jamie foxx was brilliant. He entered into TWO categories. Johnny or Leo has never done that.

Posted by: gifted one at February 28, 2005 07:46 PM

Dear Gifted One/Solidified:

1) I don't believe that you are the voice for "95% of the black population". You speak for yourself. Don't pretend to speak for others. Even if you are black (I have no idea), that doesn't mean anything. I'm Italian. That doesn't mean I have my finger on the pulse of what 95% of all Italians think or believe. Don't try to make your own position look as if it were stronger by evoking random numbers you pull out of your ass. You only make yourself look ignorant.

2) I never said Foxx wasn't great in Ray. I have consistently said REPEATEDLY that Foxx was wonderful in Ray and deserved to be nominated for best actor. My personl belief is that as good as Foxx was, I thought DiCaprio was slightly better... and that Depp was better than both of them. But ALL were great and deserved to be recognized.

3) For the record, I am a recognized critic. I have 2 radio shows, I'm in print and over 10,000 people a day come to my site. But who cares? You aren't a "recognized" critic. But who cares? No ones opinion is more important that another persons opinion. Critic or not.

4) Niether DiCaprio or Depp have ever been in a supporting role in the same year they have been in a lead role... so how could they have been nominated for both at the same time?

5) I am very used to some solid black acting. Why are you so anti-black when it comes to actors? Some of the most memorable characters ever have been brought to life by black actors. Laurence Fishburn, Morgan Freeman, Don Cheadle, Ossie Davis, Danny Glover, Cuba Gooding Jr., Gregory Hines, Samuel L. Jackson, Forest Whitaker, Denzel Washington, Ving Rhames, Delroy Lindo, James Earl Jones, Sidney Poitier... and these are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head.

6) So I'm sorry... but I really don't see how you've shown me (or anyone else) just how "far off you are".

7) So you are saying because critics choose Foxx as best actor (which I have no problem with), that means it's right? Well... if you follow your logic, that means you agree 100% with every single Oscar winner in History. After all... it's what the critics choose right?

So grow up. Tell us your opinions. Tell us why you think the way you do, and STOP trying to sound as if your opinions are better or more valid than someone elses. Let your views, opinions and arguments speak for themselves.

Posted by: John Campea at February 28, 2005 11:48 PM


Here's the thing. Yes Depp and DiCaprio have a MUCH better body of work than Foxx. Yes, they are both overall better actos. BUT... the Oscar is given to the person who gave the best performance THIS YEAR.

If it's just given out for their whole body of work, then Tom Hanks would win every year. Foxx's one role in Ray stands up to Leo and Depp THIS YEAR.

Do i think Foxx should have won? No. But it was certainly close enough that I don't think it's a joke that he did.

Posted by: John Campea at February 28, 2005 11:52 PM


I see your point regarding the performance of the year and not the body of work. But, imitation does not equal talent or creativity. Imitation is easy. It is the first thing that actors are taught in Acting 101 at any local community college. It's used as a tool in order for actors to develop creativity and learn body movement. It doesn't demand imagination or depth. Johnny Depp did not pantomime James Barrie. Leonardo Dicaprio didn't imitate Howard Hughes either. Jamie Foxx on the other hand blatantly studied Ray Charles and purposely intended to mimic him. Being able to copy a persons walk, manner of speech, or hand and facial expressions does not make talent(unless you Tom Ripley). I suspect that the award was intended for Ray Charles not Jamie Foxx. To claim that Jamie Foxx gave the performance of the year is shaky at best. Maybe he gave the performance of his career, but of the year in acting amongst quality talent.

"the gifted one" stated that "this is what people will say when someone did too good of a job. "oh he was a good imitator" he didn't act." Well, I personally can imitate many people and animals, does that make me a talent. No. Talent is much more than imitation. Copying is Copying no matter how you word it.

When you have the chance, rent both Finding Neverland and Ray. Sit and watch both in a critical manner. Then decide.

But, from some of the previous posts this issue obviously has racial underpinnings in the eyes of some (or many people). I'm sure if Jamie Foxx didn't win the backlash would have been something terrible. And, for the record I have never heard of "Black Acting". What is it? Where is it taught?I thought acting transcended the man made notion of race and skin color.

Posted by: tony at March 1, 2005 03:44 PM

Hey Tony,

The thing is, when you're evaluating the performance an actor gives, I think you have to ignor if the character he's portraying was a real person or not.

Forget for a moment the fact that "Ray" was based on a real person. Ok, now look at Foxx's portrayal of that "ficticious" character in the movie. The questions are:

1) Did the performance move you?
2) Did the actor make you become emotionally invested in the character (good or bad)?
3) Did the actor make you believe in the character (believe the emotion, the joy, the pain, the love, the anguish)?
4) Did the performance of the actor make you forget you were watching an actor?

When you apply that criteria, I believe (in my opinion) that Foxx passed with flying colours and did give us one of the best performances of the year. Did I think it was better than Depp's performance? No. But it was certainly good enough that it doesn't "outrage" me that he won.

Just my two cents worth. Good discussion!

Posted by: John Campea at March 2, 2005 07:13 AM

This post is directed to self important "know-it-alls" like Tony and all the other Jamie Foxx-"haters" out there.

I don't see any work that YOU have done and I don't think that I will since you're all on your asses "criticizing" instead of creating something of note.

Jamie Foxx did an extraordinary job in "Ray" and the boy deserved the Oscar.
Imitation is easy. Bad imitations, that is.

The mark of a true actor is one that completing immerses oneself in his role. So much so that you forget that this person is acting.
Jamie Foxx pulled this one off magnificiently.
I actually thought that I was looking in on the life of Ray Charles and I was so happy when Charlize Theron called Jamie's name Sunday night.
Now Johnny Depp, Don Cheadle, Leo DiCaprio and Clint were good. But Jamie Foxx had the type of performance that cannot be denied.
A little advice to Tony and all the other haters:
It appears to me from the venom dripping from your posts, that you are all embittered by past failings of your own in the arts.
My advice to you. Keep working on your craft and study it as Jamie Foxx studied Ray Charles.
Maybe one day, you'll be congratulated on a job well done, instead of "hating" on one who has been.
I'm out!

Posted by: Owen Woodard at March 3, 2005 10:09 PM

John, Thanks for posing questions that I overlooked. And, for the record Owen, there is no "Hating" on my part and I do not consider myself a "know-it-all". (I really like your use of hypens in that bit). I have no failures in the "Arts" that have made me bitter. Hollywood has never interested me. The life of the struggling actor is not for me. Remember, for every Jamie Foxx, Harrison Ford or Brad Pitt there are hundreds of poor struggling actors eeking out a living at minimum wage jobs in the hope that their big break comes. It's hard stuff.

I don't think I stated I hated Jamie Foxx. I simply questioned his ability in this particular role. Of course it was better than Dennis Quaid's in Great Balls of Fire.

John, you mentioned earlier that the actor's body of work is not considered when awarding the best actor award. But, there was talk a few years back when Denzel Washington wond for Training Day, which was a shaky movie. The talk was that he won the oscar based on his body of work and that it was long overdue. Most felt that Training Day wasn't his brightest moment.
Do you have any thoughts on this?

Posted by: tony at April 6, 2005 11:39 PM

I have always thought Jamie was funny and he especially bought out his talent in Ray. Whatever happened to the Jamie Foxx Show? Does anyone know?

Posted by: Chanel at April 15, 2005 11:48 AM

I just have to say one thing to the people who believe that imitation is not acting. That is all acting is. The definition of acting is to behave like or pose as. The definition of imitation is not genuine or real. When the Oscar describes the nominees role this is what they saw. Leonardo DiCaprio PROTRAY a man whose bold accomplishments are shadowed by bouts of mental illness. Johnny Depp PLAYS Sir James Matthew Barrie, a writer whose friendship with a widow and her sons inspires him to create Peter Pan. Don Cheadle PROTRAYS Paul Rusesabagina, a resourceful hotel manager who saves over a thousand people during the Rwandan massacre at great risk to his own life. Non of these actor were doing a documentary. They were acting or imitating either a fictional or non-fictional person.

Posted by: Cara Conley at April 26, 2005 12:49 PM

Thank you, Cara for your salient points.
In fact, four of the five nominees for Best Actor were portraying real people, which is also noteworthy.
I wanted to apologize for my previous post, it was uncalled for to attack all of those who simply disagreed with Jamie Foxx's Oscar win for "Ray".
It's a free country and you're entitled to state your opinion, however erroneous and misguided it is.
I guess the proof will be in the pudding as far as Mr. Foxx is concerned. With roles in "Jarhead", "Dreamgirls" and "Miami Vice", we will see if Mr. Foxx has the stuff to be more than just a one-trick pony. I have faith that Mr. Foxx will be a regular at the Oscars, much like Meryl Streep, Denzel Washington and old Jack Nicholson, himself!

Posted by: Owen Woodard at May 12, 2005 02:23 PM

Acting is imitation? How can you imitate a fictional character?
It's fictional, it doesn't exist. Now, how do you go about imitating
a person who has died and there is no film footage for you to study? for the record thanks for defining the word 'imitation' for me. I seemed to have lost my dictionary. Yet, to say something is not real is tricky. How do you define "real"? This is now delving into philosophical and critical theory territory. (wow, I hate it when Mcracists use such big words, don't you?)

But, hey I'm a misguided hater who knows-it-all. Owen, Would you like some fries with your McRacism? Why is everything considered racist now? You used to be able to have discussions and exchanges without getting all whiny and stuff. We Americans have sure degenerated into a whiny lot.

Posted by: tony at June 14, 2005 07:05 PM


Tony, I'm going out on a limb here, but you sound like a spoiled white boy who probably lives in your parents house.


Where did that come from?

I thought we were talking about how Jamie Foxx' performance in "Ray" eclipsed Johnny Depp's and Leo DiCaprio's.

I said nothing of their race and neither did anybody else.

So, it is you that is making race an issue which is typical.

Whenever someone of color accomplishes something noteworthy, mediocre white people feel threatened and they start bitching about race and affirmative action.

Posted by: Owen Woodard at August 29, 2005 12:21 PM

I happen to think Jamie Foxx is an excellent actor when given a role that supports his abilities...he was awesome in Ray and did deserve that Oscar. As for whoever said that Training Day was shaky and that Denzel didnt give his brightest performance...are you insane. That movie was beautiful and Denzel pulled it off even though it wasnt his realm of acting which just proved his adaptability and versatility. Same thing with Jamie Foxx...he has played some weird characters and then Ray...and now he is playing a Marine in the upcoming Jarhead. The trailer didnt show much, but he looked to fit the part...and I am a Marine so I happen to know what I am talking about. Foxx is an outstanding actor and just needs roles that challenge and meet his abilities.

Posted by: MechoPower at August 29, 2005 02:36 PM

I happen to think Jamie Foxx is an excellent actor when given a role that supports his abilities...he was awesome in Ray and did deserve that Oscar. As for whoever said that Training Day was shaky and that Denzel didnt give his brightest performance...are you insane. That movie was beautiful and Denzel pulled it off even though it wasnt his realm of acting which just proved his adaptability and versatility. Same thing with Jamie Foxx...he has played some weird characters and then Ray...and now he is playing a Marine in the upcoming Jarhead. The trailer didnt show much, but he looked to fit the part...and I am a Marine so I happen to know what I am talking about. Foxx is an outstanding actor and just needs roles that challenge and meet his abilities. Hell, the man can actually sing too...what more can you ask is a man with a succesful movie career and if not successful then soon to be big...and he is also an accomplished singer...granted he doesnt have his own label but look who he has sung for and how good of a job he did. Jamie Foxx is one of the few well-rounded entertainers out there.

Posted by: MechoPower at August 29, 2005 02:38 PM