September 16, 2004

Christian Bale talks a Little Batman

I've been thrilled about the casting of Christian Bale for the new Batman ever since the day his selection was announced (don't believe me? see this post from over a year ago). Everything I've seen since has only fuled this excitment I have about the film. Bale is perfect for the dark knight. He has rugged-squarejawed good looks, a great build, a dark and bruding presence, but most importantly the guy is a killer actor. I came across this interview he recently did with Sci-Fi Wire and I thought I'd point you guys to it. It's pretty interesting stuff. Here's an excerpt:

As for the newly designed suit, Bale said that it helped him get a feel for the caped crusader, whom he characterizes as "a creature" that is not quite human. "I felt like a panther the first day, you know?" Bale said, referring to the first shooting day he strode onstage in full Batman regalia. "I did feel like some kind of wild animal. I don't know if anybody else was looking at me like that way [laughs]. I don't know if I appeared quite as ferocious as I felt that I did. But I really felt like everybody was kind of looking at me [mimes backing away in fear], you know, jumpy. And ... it makes you feel, you know, like that, you want to kind of run and jump at people and beat the crap out of them.
I love it. This may be the film I am most looking forward to now... unless they announce "The Hobbit" anytime soon.

Posted by John Campea at September 16, 2004 06:58 AM


the hobbit?

please shoot me now

Posted by: dave at September 18, 2004 09:41 PM

You know, just because the rest of the world will line up in packs to see the Hobbit if it ever gets made, doesnt mean you HAVE to. Why would you want someone to shoot you over a movie you have the free will to avoid should you choose?

I for one am excited about this new Batman film. Something has to be done to erase the vile offenses that Shumaker did to that franchise. Making a grittier, more realistic Batman movie (which looks like its going to be more of a Bruce Wayne Movie) just suits the dark knight SO much better than neon and nipples on the armour.

Posted by: Rodney at September 19, 2004 05:13 AM