September 01, 2004

Charlize Got An Owie. Aeon Flux on Hold Indefinitely.

charlizeflux.jpgWord from the Hollywood Reporter is that Charlize Theron was injured in a stunt sequence while filming Aeon Flux and that production has shut down indefinitely. While Theron's handlers aren't giving a lot of specifics someone on set told HR that Theron hurt her neck and that production will be shut down for at least six weeks while she recovers.

Posted by John Campea at September 1, 2004 09:38 AM


wow...who even knew an aeon flux movie was in the works. LOVED the cartoon but charlize theron isn't anywhere near what i'd have in mind for the role. look at the two pictures it even close? MAYBE angelina jolie but it would almost be a complete rehash of tomb raider. i hope it doesn't suck and they put some loving care into it...the cartoon deserves it. at least she's oscar-caliber...that bodes well...maybe.

Posted by: no one at September 1, 2004 07:52 PM

I'm glad. Live action is the wrong way to go. Can't believe that it would be anywhere as good as the cartoon.

Posted by: the_Clar at September 2, 2004 01:21 PM

When Blade Runner had to halt shooting because of an actors strike production design kept on designing.
The result was a landmark in the design of movies.

Aeon Flux the cartoon had finesse and a noir design that helped create a distinct and mostly silent adventure through a twisted future-world.
The more time to create the look of the Aeon Flux world the better.

Posted by: thesecretsafe at September 3, 2004 07:44 AM

thesecretsafe made a brilliant point!!!

Posted by: Goobi at September 6, 2004 09:09 AM

hmmm......jolie would have the look but shes a terrible actress...

i hope this film doesn't get made

coz i just really dont want to be disapointed

aeon flux is one of my all time fav programs.....



Posted by: martin at September 7, 2004 10:22 AM

If you think Angelina Jolie's a bad actress you should watch Girl Interrupted. It might make you think twice. Just because an actor has looks doesn't always mean they can't act. (And boy does she have looks)

Posted by: Mantiss at September 7, 2004 02:45 PM

I agree with No One and Mantiss. I told a friend of mine who has seen the Aeon Flux series about how I thought Jolie would have been the better choice and she agreed as well. But it would be almost a rehash of TOMB RADIER. If you doubt her acting abilites then I would look at GIA as well as GIRL INTERRUPTED.

Posted by: JonnyQ. at September 25, 2004 09:44 PM

Getting hurt already? Guess she's no Uma, huh?

Just because Charlize got injured DOES NOT mean that more time will necessarily be spent on production design.

Posted by: Crystal at October 22, 2004 11:17 PM

i'm looking for

Posted by: steel buildings at November 1, 2004 02:38 PM