September 07, 2004

Bubba Has Left The Building

Hey kids ...

Bubba here with what will be my final post on The Movie Blog. It's been a fun ride these past few months but as things have really exploded recently it's brought some differences in approach to the fore and I've decided that the time has come to head off and do my own thing. The Movie Blog will be continuing on with John et al whilst I head off to Twitch - - to keep on doing my own little thing. Though there's still a good bit to do in terms of layout and features the basic framework is there along with the first flurry of content, with lots more - including all of my Toronto Film Festival coverage - to follow. So swing by and let me know what you think.

Thanks to John for giving me a voice here ...

Posted by John Campea at September 7, 2004 11:46 AM


Bubba! We'll miss you! When I first discovered The Movie Blog, I wasn't aware there was anyone BUT you posting for the first few days because you put out all the good content in a long streak (and that wasn't your only such streak). We appreciate your contributions and look forward to what you will do with Twitch.

Posted by: Luke at September 7, 2004 01:15 PM

Twitch, huh? *Add to favourites*

Will miss you bubba. Now I will have to go to 2 sites to find out what I want. Glad you're branching out though.

You really are talented at what you do and I have always loved your posts. Gone are the days when the page will be updated with 10 posts in one day, I suppose. Haha.

Best of luck to you in your new venture. I will definitely be checking out your new site.

Posted by: Jonstafa at September 7, 2004 01:50 PM

Without licking any asses I will just say that you did a good work here, Bubba.

Posted by: rvnlrd at September 7, 2004 04:06 PM

Happy trails, Bubba! I'll definitely be following your writing at your own site because I think it's pretty top-notch. I would've been a lot slower to get an Ong Bak VCD without ya!

Posted by: Jeff at September 7, 2004 06:54 PM

Good luck Bubba! Keep up the kick-ass work. I'll keep tabs on Twitch for sure. Cheers!

Posted by: Christopher at September 8, 2004 01:18 AM