September 02, 2004

Ben Kingsley as the New Bond Baddie?

Benkingsley007.jpgBen Kingsley is easily one of my favorite actors of all time. This guy just brings something to the screen that few others can. Now, according to comingsoon, Kingsley has been using the British airways to announce to the world (and the 007 producers) that he'd like to be a part of the Bond universe.

"I would like to make it known, on this program, loud and clear, that I would absolutely embrace with all five of my arms being a Bond villain," Kingsley said on the radio station.
There are a thousands reasons this would be a good idea, and really only a couple of why it wouldn't. To be honest I can't really think of any reasons this wouldn't be a killer idea. Read the whole comingsoon article here.

Posted by John Campea at September 2, 2004 07:54 AM


Reason No: To old.

Reason Why: Needs a huge hit bad. Thunderbirds was, was, was... it's so bad there aren't even words. Along with Suspect Zero.

Posted by: Alvan Bobrow at September 6, 2004 12:25 AM