September 09, 2004

Ashton Kutcher To Star In "Basic Instinct 2: Basically Stupid"

BasicInstinct.jpgI'm ready to rip my eyes out. The level off frustration in me is almost off the scales. Apparently Ashton Kutcher is set to appear opposite Sharon Stone in a sequel to the classic thriller Basic Instinct. There are so many things wrong with this notion that it's hard to know where to begin.

First of all, IF a sequel had to be made, it should have been done 5 years ago. Not now. Don't get me wrong, I like Sharon Stone, I REALLY do... but if nothing else, the crap fest known as Catwoman showed us that Stone is past her day. It hurts me to say it, but i just don't think Stone can cut it on the big screen anymore (her role last season in "The Practice" wasn't very good either). She is no longer that seductress that could capture your undivided attention with the raise of one eyebrow. Very few in the history of Hollywood could do it like her... but that day is gone. Without that quality, what would a new Basic Instinct be?

Secondly, there is no word of Michael Douglas being involved in the project. This raises an important question: "Then what the hell is the point?!?!?!"

Thirdly... and MOST of all... Ashton Kutcher. I have said it for years now, and I'll say it again slowly: ASHTON.... KUTCHER.... CAN.... NOT.... ACT. Let's take a quick look at his "impressive" film resume shall we?

Dude, Where's My Car?
Just Married
My Boss's Daughter
The Butterfly Effect (a film with a great idea but just didn't deliver)
You can not hold an actor totally responsible for a bad movie. But all four of these films had something in common... Kutcher didn't perform well. Period.

Here's the basic math of the situation: The guy is good looking, no questions there. He's psychotically popular with all the teen girls because of those good looks... that makes him marketable... so people put him in movies. Notice how "talent" wasn't a part of that equation? Now look, I don't dislike Ashton Kutcher, as a matter of fact from the interviews and specials I've seen on the guy he seems really cool. Also, he seems to have a talent for developing ideas and producing. But folks, he DOES NOT have Hollywood "A" list acting skills, and to suggest that he can fill Michael Douglas's shoes in a sequel to a classic is laughable.

Being a heart-throb doesn't mean a guy can't act. Other guys have pulled it off. Orlando Bloom, Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt... but to believe that Kutcher can even hold these guys's jock straps is just plain silly. You disagree? Tell me why in the comments section below.

Posted by John Campea at September 9, 2004 08:01 AM


I don't disagree. I think that was well-put.

Posted by: C at September 9, 2004 10:24 AM

Wow, just wow. That is incredibly lame. I agreee with you 100%. Kutcher should stick to screw-ball comedies. He makes Keanu Reeves look like frickin Brando.

Posted by: Hand Solo at September 9, 2004 05:22 PM

Are u really that surprised at this god awful combination? It is a perfect testament to the current state of Hollywood.

Posted by: Hollywood Liberation Army at September 10, 2004 12:43 AM

Regarding Douglas..


Isn't he supposed to be dead? I haven't seen this film since it hit theatres (and I didn't even like it), but I think he died off-screen in the end. Or it was implied that he died

Posted by: PlutoNick at September 10, 2004 05:03 AM

I vote that Matthew McConaughey be Sharon Stone's co-star in the sequel to Basic Instinct 2.

He has had experience playing serious roles (A Time to Kill & Amistad) and romantic roles (Wedding Planner & How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days). So he would perfectly fit in.

He would be a 'perfect match' for Sharon as well. They would have great chemistry together.

Matthew is a sexy man and audiences love him. This would be a sure hit or winner of a film if Matthew is involved.

Anybody want to share your opinions?

Posted by: bluestarr at September 19, 2004 11:20 PM

i am 1 of a billion ashton fans and yes oviously
i disagree first he can sooo act!!! and he has stared in good movies
because he is an awsome actor mayb you r just too stuborn to know what a
good actor and what good movie are!!!

from and ashton fan!!!

Posted by: Jodi Taylor at October 20, 2004 01:15 AM