September 08, 2004

Aquaman The Movie

aquaman.jpgIf you've been reading The Movie Blog for any period of time, you probably know that I love my comic book movies (except Catwoman). Heck, I even enjoyed The Punisher and Daredevil (GASP!). So, you'd think I'd be excited to hear the rumblings that an Aquaman project is getting itself off the ground. However, you'd be thinking wrong.

In the comics, Aquaman is actually a fairly interesting character (especially after he lost his hand and got an attitude shift), but I just don't think he would play well on the screen. The remoteness of his character (read into that whatever you want) just seems to limit the possibilities of a film far too much. Unlike the X-Men or Spider-man or Hulk (which can all take place in our regular real world), Aquaman would be far too limited in it's options for a setting. I fear such a film would ultimately just end up being Water World 2 starring Kevin Costner as Aquaman with a bad British accent.

Word is, Producer Alan Riche is spearheading this. That's not a bad thing, since he also did the fairly respectable Starsky & Hutch, The Family Man and Empire Records... but he also did some awful stinkers like Tomcats and the horrible Mouse Hunt.

One of the other rumors floating around is that they may take a silly comedy approach to Aquaman. As much as I hate that idea, it would probably be the only way to make such a project work. Make it more like Mystery Men than X-Men. Alan Riche's past movies seem to make it more believable that they'd take a comedic approach to the film. Oh well... I guess we'll have to wait and sea. (Get it... I said wait and SEA instead of wait and SEE! Oh shut up.)

Posted by John Campea at September 8, 2004 12:54 PM


Yer NOT a real aquaman fan...

and if he knows what's good for his health, alan riche will not do this comedic approach either...

Posted by: Ty at September 8, 2004 02:12 PM

Hmmmm... Ty seems to have some social problems. Ok, you're right, I'm not a "real" Aquaman fan. I think it's an interesting character... but that's about it. He's pretty much near the bottom of my favorite comic characters list.

WHo knows... maybe it'll suck... maybe it'll be ok. You can never tell.

Posted by: John Campea at September 8, 2004 03:43 PM

I'm a "real" Aquaman fan, and I think a live-action Aquaman movie is a horrible idea. Like John, I also fear a retread of Waterworld.

If I were to see Aquaman as a movie, I'd much prefer an animated one, preferably in the Miyazaki style.

Posted by: Laura Gjovaag at September 8, 2004 08:08 PM

Now THATS an interesting idea Laura

Posted by: John Campea at September 8, 2004 08:18 PM

Seems like the odds on a good Aquaman movie are pretty long, so I'll just watch and sigh at whatever is done.

I really doubt an Aquaman movie will get past the script stages. It's just not a concept that will work in live-action. Unless maybe they pull a Sky Captain... and even then it would probably look pretty hokey.

I suppose someone might do a comedy, but there are only so many lame jokes you can make before the humor is dried up. I know. I've heard them all. An original and funny Aquaman joke is a hard thing to find, and I don't think Hollywood can manage it at all.

Anyway, I just saw Spirited Away, and I could see an Aquaman movie being done in that style coming out as something halfway decent. But live-action? Forget about it. It'll never work.

Posted by: Laura Gjovaag at September 9, 2004 02:36 PM

I have heard from several very good sources that Alan Riche is turning to none other than Patrick Swayze for Aquaman - that it is nearly a done deal. THoughts??!!??!!

Posted by: Mick at December 6, 2004 05:40 PM

Oh dear Lord. Are they serious?

Posted by: Simone at December 6, 2004 07:40 PM

Apparently, the Swayze casting is aimed at creating serious action tone for the movie. Riche wants to make it closer to the original Batman in style....

Posted by: MIck at December 14, 2004 03:55 PM

I disagree with you because as we can all see Daredevil was known to only a few, but with the movies release he became very popular and Aquaman can be potrayed in a movie like that because he fits in it. If he were not to fit in it neither would Hulk, Daredevil, Spiderman, the X men, Batman, Superman, and Blade. The Punisher would be the only one really working with your concept since the man has no superpowers. An Aquaman film would be totally great if it has a good cast and good story, that I bet it will have.

Posted by: Mike at January 1, 2005 03:43 PM

anything with a touch of waterworld, man from Atlantis with good sci-fi like Stargate Atlantis would be cool!!

Posted by: sid at April 10, 2005 07:32 AM

I think an Aquaman movie would be cool, but it would have to be massive, Matrix level massive, only underwater.

The worst problem with comic book movies is that they don't respect the subject and icons, with the humility that tackling 60 year old characters requires.

This isn't Popeye the Sailor Man, this is King Arthur of Atlantis.

Posted by: James at April 29, 2005 10:44 PM

I think an Aquaman movie would be too massive, to actually be created.

The worst problem with comic book movies is that they don't respect the subject and icons, with the humility that tackling 60 year old characters requires.

This isn't Popeye the Sailor Man, this is King Arthur of Atlantis.

Posted by: LoLa at April 29, 2005 10:46 PM

I was actually interested in developing and writing a story for Aquaman, and I have absolutely no credentials to do so but I just think it would be fun and interesting. Now, before people get angry and start screaming at me, I'd like to point out that Aquaman, as much as his character changed, is a well-known but less popular super hero.

I need but one example to back up my statement, and that is the popular (vintage) television show "Superfriends." Not only is this show known and watched by nearly every person I've ever met, but it features Aquaman. Now, a lot less people have read the comics than watched "Superfriends," and in the show Aquaman is portrayed as an almost godly figure, he always seemed higher up than Superman and Batman, maybe because he had no personality and he wasn't as main of a focus as Batman/Superman.

Anyway, I think that Aquaman can be portrayed correctly in only one way. Darkly. A comedic version of a character that has absolutely no humorous aspect is just blatantly wrong, and if any idiot producer thinks he can make a centrally funny movie about a superhero, and make it successful, he's gone completely insane and should be put into one of Hollywood's fine institutions.

Aquaman should have a dark, maybe even Punisher-like spin to it. The main problem with a film like Aquaman is that if it were to be something other than cartoon, it would be a cinematical feat to film it underwater and have it turn out even half decent. I was thinking that a "Pixarian" approach (Incredibles, Toy Story), might be best, but considering all their movies are comedies, here we are again...

Oh dear, I've gone on and on, haven't I? Well ya know what, shove it up-- oh, nevermind...

Posted by: Graerium at June 21, 2005 02:14 AM

I collected every comic in the third series, and if they make it one bicg joke this Comicking is not going to be happy. Aquaman is a King and should get the respect one gets when wearing the crown, don't you all agree??

Along with what I heard about Green Lantern's action packed name being thrown into the dirt by letting Jack Black dawn the outfit!!

Posted by: Aaron at July 8, 2005 01:05 PM

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Posted by: Blackman at September 4, 2005 10:32 PM

What are you all nuts?!? James Cameron is directing Aquaman and Vincent Chase is none other than Aquaman himself. Mandy Moore is going to be Aquagirl, and it's been rumored for some time now that Sharon Stone is going to play the role of Aquaman's mother.

Geesh! Get with it you all!


Posted by: Fartknocker at September 7, 2005 10:43 PM

A live-action Aquaman, movie starring Kiefer Sutherland and Monica Potter, is indeed in the works, or at least in discussion stages.

Sunrise Entertainment heads Alan and Peter Riche, whose credits include the feature film versions of "Starsky and Hutch" and "The Mod Squad," are the newest team to get Aquaman to the big screen. Our source indicates first-time scribe Ben Grant is currently writing the screenplay.

Sunrise Entertainment is also developing a Yogi Bear feature film at Warner Brothers, with Todd R. Jones and Earl Richey Jones.

Posted by: Jake at September 9, 2005 01:00 AM

I would tell Sutherland not to do it. I don't know why but after 24 I would see it as a step down for him. I take him more serious than that.

Posted by: crackerjack at September 9, 2005 03:10 PM


Posted by: JOEL DeJesus at October 20, 2005 05:54 PM