September 10, 2004

An Interview with the Producers of SAW

sawposter4.jpgI still remember the first time DayVuh showed me the trailers for SAW. Man, this is gonna be one freaky film. Anyway, JoBlo.Com recently put up an interesting interview with the Producers of the film. Here's an excerpt:

ARROW (the interviewer): I know you guys were working with limited funds on did you manage to cut those corners to keep on budget?

GH: The genius of James and Leigh�s script is that most of it is two guys chained in a room. There�s only 14 speaking roles in the film and it�s almost all interiors. In all honesty, we didn�t have to cut THAT many corners.

MB: We were based in one facility in Los Angeles that was a giant old textile plant that has since been converted into production space. The only set we built was the bathroom. The rest of the locations existed inside or around the facility. We hired experienced people we had worked with in the past to run all the critical on-set operations, and took chances with relative newcomers in the key creative areas (Production Designer, Cinematographer, Editor, etc.).

OK: What we found was that everyone loved the script so much, people were really willing to go the extra mile -- that, and we fed them well, which is the key to a happy crew for all you neophyte producers out there!

The interview is actually a pretty interesting read. Head over to JoBlo and take it in.

Posted by John Campea at September 10, 2004 07:11 AM


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