September 23, 2004

Adrien Brody in a Superman Pic... no not that one

Brody.jpgHow can you not like Adrien Brody after seeing The Pianist? The guy is killer (in my opinion), and was probably the best thing going for The Village.

For my money, George Reeves is still Superman. As a kid I used to be able to find the old old Superman show on the weekends. That show was made when Sci-Fi was really just in it's infancy, and the awe and wonder of Superman was never stronger. I still see it once in a while on those obscure chanells after midnight sometimes. Great stuff. Now Brody is signed up to appear in a picture about Reeves' life (and apparently death) called "Truth, Justice, and the American Way". Cinema Blend gives us the following:

After spending the early part of this year rolling around with Keira Knightly on the set of The Jacket and the rest of this year in New Zealand with PJ chillin’ with Kong Adrien Brody is now attached to star in the new Superman Movie.

Relax, Captain Big schnoz will not don the cape nor will he be in anything Superman related. The flick he’s signed on for is the George Reeves biopic, Truth, Justice, and the American Way, to be directed by Allen Coulter (“The Sopranos”). George Reeves was Superman on the 1950's TV show. Brody will be playing the lead detective investigating the mysterious death of the actor. No word yet on when filming goes underway.

I think this is a great idea, and with all the Superman hype going on right now (The new Movie, Smallville) it's a perfect time to get this thing in development. I'm looking forward to it.

Posted by John Campea at September 23, 2004 01:25 PM


I don't understand the appeal of this goofy-looking creature.

Posted by: Crystal at October 22, 2004 04:04 PM

He's a killer actor. Not the most handsome of men... but a killer actor nontheless. Let's see how he does in King Kong.

Posted by: John Campea at October 22, 2004 06:46 PM

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Posted by: military loans at November 1, 2004 06:19 PM

He is good lookin'.. I think so anyway. :0]

Posted by: Rachmaninoff at June 12, 2005 05:45 PM


Posted by: difference at June 20, 2005 11:22 PM