September 24, 2004


Whoo Hooo! House of Flying Daggers is looking better and better all the time! We've been talking about this flick here for a while now and the excitement grows! Go here to check out the trailers via AICN.

Posted by John Campea at September 24, 2004 01:12 PM


This movie is hideously overrated. I saw it after it opened here in Taiwan. It tries to be a deep drama, but even the locals here were laughing their asses off at it. The "twists" near the end are utterly contrived and so obvious a blind man could pick them, and disbelief is stretched beyond breaking point in several places. The acting is mediocre - Zhang Ziyi once again doing little more than pouting and flirting and acting terribly, Kaneshiro Takeshi phoning it in, and Andy Lau looked like he was busy planning his next whiskey advertisement - the plot is rediculous, and Zhang Yimou is well past his prime.

Mind you, you yanks loved Hero with a passion even Chinese couldn't muster, and I agree with the Chinese on that too.

Posted by: Tetsuo at September 25, 2004 01:50

I'm booked to check it out at the London Film Festival. Can't wait!

Posted by: Crystal at October 19, 2004 19:59

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