September 10, 2004

A Star Wars TV Show?!? Sweet Heaven Say This Isn't So!

I am a George Lucas defender... but this has me really worried that the old dog really has gone off his rocker:

We are pleased to announce that Lucasfilm confirmed officially a Star Wars television show coming in the future. They didn't comment on setting (post-Episode III or post-Episode VI we would guess)or release schedule (we expect Fall 2006). Either way - this is coming for sure!
If they're talking about another little animated serise... then that might be ok. Droids and Ewoks were pretty cute in their time. But if it's anything live action... heaven help us all. Read the whole post over at TheForce.Net.

Posted by John Campea at September 10, 2004 07:27 AM


It IS a live action deal, and I am glad of it. If it were a cartoon, it will be too Kiddy. Nothing against Ninja Turtles, or Batman, but I would hate to see a poorly drawn, badly animated Star Wats TV show, like another Star Wars show I know and tolerate (barely). Most Star Wars Fans, and I am talking REAL fans who appreciate and respect Star Wars, are over twelve. I think these fans would much rather see an live actor ignite a lightsaber, do a thirty foot jump, and smite the opposition, than see an animated guy do something that is too over the top and unable be taken seriously. What would you respect more, Star Wars on Cartoon Network, or on a more mature network?

Posted by: Cagi at January 17, 2005 12:18 AM

I've learned it's pointless to judge a show before it airs. I was excited by the idea of "The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles" until I saw it and found it to be the TV equivalent of two Xanax washed down with a six-pack. And yet I was the first to condemn the revisionist "Battlestar Galactica" when it was announced, a show I now consider one of the greatest sci-fi programs ever. Sure, Lucas's track record with TV spinoffs of Star Wars (Star Wars Holiday Special, the Ewoks movies, and Droids) has proven that the Force is rarely with him in the cathode arena, but if Lucas (or the powers that be) really put their efforts into a TV series and not try to simply cash in on an inferior spinoff, perhaps there is some hope.

Posted by: Nacho Steppinstone at April 17, 2005 10:09 AM

I think a Star Wars TV show would not necessarily be a bad idea, and here's why.

Reason: Clone Wars. Love the prequels or hate them, you can't deny Clone Wars is a cool show...

Which brings me to my idea of a Star Wars TV show:

Writers, directors, and artists from all across the nation, hemisphere, maybe even the world, submit story ideas and scripts to Lucasfilm. These stories can take place in the prequel time period (Old Republic-Clone Wars), classic time period (Galactic Civil War), or sequel time period (New Republic); and revolve around classic principle characters (Luke, Leia, Anakin, Obi-Wan, etc.), supporting and minor characters (Boba Fett, Jabba The Hutt, Han Solo, Jar Jar Binks, etc.), incidental characters (Dexter Jettster, The Max Rebo Band, any character that occupies the Cantina, Jabba's Palace, etc.), or new, unheard of characters (anything the creators can imagine). Lucasfilm evaluates them and picks the ones they feel are the strongest and returns the best ones to the submitters with an "approved" stamp. The submitters then have the freedom to tell their story in any medium they want: live-action, stop-motion, CG animation, cell animation (in whatever animation style is their preference), sitcom, silent movie, etc.; and at whatever length they feel is appropriate: 10-15 mintue short, half-hour, one hour, etc. Once enough episodes are complete (or one hour-long episode), Lucasfilm puts them in one hour-long block and voilá! Star Wars TV!

So, what does everyone think of my idea?

Posted by: Justin at April 17, 2005 11:21 AM

Well, I am very nervous about the possibility of a Star Wars TV show.
There is no way a new show could be better than the Star Wars Holidy Special. Why are they even trying ?

Posted by: Fred at April 29, 2005 11:02 PM

i think a star wars show is the best way to go after the end of a 30 year legacy.

espesially if its based after episode VI

Posted by: airchocolate at May 15, 2005 08:59 PM

Well apparently:

1)its about Boba Fett as a young lad dealing with puberty as a galactic bounty hunter, at least he has no one to tell him to tidy slave-1
2)There are actually going to be two shows (one done by lucas the other a "franchise")
3)it will be nothing like the holiday special

Posted by: Puck at May 17, 2005 05:10 PM

Well, I honestly think a Star Wars TV show would be an awesome idea, if done properly. Whether it takes place before Episode I, or after Episode VI, it doesn't matter. As long as it has good writers, a good cast, and isn't a friggin cartoon. Yes, Ewoks and Droids were good back in the day. I have them both on DVD. LOL! However, I don't like Clone Wars at all. The animation is lame as hell, and I'm too old for cartoons. I just hope Lucas doesn't create a bunch of spinoffs like Star Trek did. I found them all (with the exception of Next Generation) to be extremely boring. However, I don't think Star Wars should have to die out. Yes, the movies are done, but the legacy can live on. I look forward to seeing what the TV show will be like.

Posted by: Dave K. at May 20, 2005 01:54 AM

I too am a bit afraid of what they will create. I like the idea of a Star Wars TV series, but I have doubts that it will be done well. I don't care to see a poorly written/acted Star Wars series.

I hear that the TV show is set to take place between episodes III and IV. The only interesting plot I could possibly come up with during that time period is maybe covering the life of a jedi on the run from the Empire. Maybe Barriss Offee (spelling?) has survived the initial strike on the jedi and is trying to survive on the somewhere on the outer rim...

Posted by: Will D. at May 21, 2005 11:36 AM

I think a show, either set before Episode 1(Darth Plagus era), or after episode 6 (Ben Skywalker/Anakin Solo and New Jedi Order era) would not be a bad idea. Like "Enterprise" they could introduce a completely new and unattached cast, well unless it were New Jedi Order era, in which case they might have guest appearences by the hurt for work Carrie Fischer and Mark Hamill, or perhaps, if lucky enough, even Harrison Ford. They could use a mission based plot, each episode containing a new mission, ultimately leading toward a climax, such as the way "Smallville" introduces new powers and new villains / allies to the pre-metropolis superman.

Posted by: Andrew at May 21, 2005 04:38 PM

I think, ultimately, for any Star Wars TV show to be effective it must take place pre- Ep1; Old Republic/ Darth Plagus era... The "world" of that time period has many more interesting characters and plots possibilities than interim Ep. 3-4 or post Ep.6 could ever hope to have. With the Sith and Jedi orders in full flower, there is no singular enemy like the Emperor or Death Star to fight against. The establishment of the Old Republic could be a fantastic story that encompasses not only the struggle between Jedi and Sith, but also introduces the sub-textual political intrigue we're come to be familiar with in Eps 1-6. It cold be a great thing, Georgie... It could be great. If it avoids the Jar Jar and Ewok rubbish, and sticks to what SW is about (Jedi/ Sith conflicts, character's innner conflict, focused training, and kick ass space/ jedi/ blaster battles) then it should survive. SW has lasted this long because it utilizes traditional ideas of good and evil, right and wrong, in the traditional folklore/ legend way. These characters are timeless representations of very old tales. If the show focuses on character development, then it should do ok. We tune in every week for the characters and what they do. Make the characters strong and keep the plots fresh and you may have a winner!

Posted by: Rama at May 22, 2005 10:48 AM

I am excited about the idea of starwars tv! I think it would be great to see the show branch out away from the movies, like to see what the old republic was like or to maybe even follow some of the lesser known charactors. I agree that clone wars was a bit cheesy, but getting to see Mace Windu in action was fun, even though it was a cartoon. We got a taste of his ability as a Jedi Master. To stuff like that in a live action show would be awesome! Hey, even if the show bombs, I'm enough of a fan to like it either way. I'm probably the only fan over 10 that thought Jarjar was a fun charactor!

Posted by: darthschrader at May 30, 2005 08:11 PM dayemeraldinadvertently

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Posted by: Jaffaman at August 31, 2005 11:40 AM brotherlessriver

Posted by: angelic at September 7, 2005 12:20 AM destroyinggreetednod

Posted by: stiffness at September 9, 2005 03:04 AM agabreathlessswell

Posted by: clap at September 24, 2005 01:15 AM braidconjunctionstairs

Posted by: licks at September 26, 2005 05:40 PM complimentwhosewondered

Posted by: impaled at October 3, 2005 04:44 AM complimentwhosewondered

Posted by: impaled at October 3, 2005 04:47 AM agentmanhoodragged

Posted by: cuffed at October 9, 2005 06:56 PM chokeddiscoverthud

Posted by: girlfriends at October 21, 2005 01:06 AM

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