September 23, 2004

A Better Picture of Thing

Hey, for all you Fantastic Four fans, here's a better picture of the new Thing than the last one I put up. Personally I think he looks FANTASTIC! I can't imagine how you could make him look any better without going totally CG... and Hell Boy proved you don't have to do that. What do you think of it? Wanna see the whole cast? Go here. Thanks to Richard for the pointer.

Posted by John Campea at September 23, 2004 08:30 PM


The only thing missing is his abnormal forehead. He looks kind of bare without it. But otherwise he's a looker. Hey I know I asked in another topic but what happened to the links section? That's one of the reasons I loved this site because it was my central jump point to all the movie information I could want.

Posted by: Mantiss at September 23, 2004 21:55

Uggg... you know what, I was fiddling with the template last week and I accidently removed the list. I'll get it put back up this weekend sometime. Thanks for asking. (stupid me!)

Posted by: John Campea at September 23, 2004 21:58

yeah, ol' Things eyebrows is gone! :P

And he has a cracked wrist!

Posted by: kevinn at September 23, 2004 23:36

I definitely think he looks incredible, but I agree on the eyebrows and he needs the stoogie in between his clenched teeth.

Posted by: Rawhead at September 24, 2004 10:24

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