September 23, 2004

50 Cent gets his own Movie... How Stupid

50Cent.jpgOh wow... you know what's NEVER been done before??? You know what would be a really unique and original idea for a movie that I bet no one has ever even thought of??? Take a popular music artist and put them in their own movie where they play a character who dreams of a music career! Oh wait a second... THAT HAS BEEN DONE 1000 FRICKEN TIMES ALREADY!!!!! Will someone please stop this madness!?!?!

Ok, I know you regular readers are probably sick and tired of me ranting about how much I hate it when non-actors (or sucky actors as the case may be) are given roles in film... ESPECIALLY when they're music icons who have no business on the big screen. So now 50 Cent is in on the act. Good grief Charlie Brown. Yes that's right. They're making a movie with 50 Cent as... are you ready for this... a street guy with dreams of making it in the music industry. SHOCKING!!!!

Make no mistake about it folks... this movie is not about creating "art"... it's not about the love of film. This movie is all about being a huge MONEY GRAB. 50 Cent fans will buy tickets to see it just because 50 Cent is in it... and who cares if he, or it is any good. And no matter how bad it turns out to be, those 50 Cent fans will swear it was "awesome" because of the very fact that they're 50 fans (just look at our forum for "You Got Served" to see this dynamic in action). I need a nap I'm so frustrated.

Posted by John Campea at September 23, 2004 01:46 PM

Comments is perfect.

i really hate this guy, he can't rap, 50 million dollars says he can't act.

i mean, 8 mile was kind of a pleasant suprise, it was a piece of garbage, but not a complete piece of garbage like i expected. and as much as i hate eminem, he is not bad rapper. i just hate how he is blatantly marketed to children, when he is the last thing they need.

yeah..this is goign to be terribl;e...why could one of those 9 bullets not of found this jack ass's brain?

Posted by: miles at September 23, 2004 01:56 PM

Well 50cent (or if you are hip he is fiddy-cen) might actually be a pretty good actor. After all, he managed to convince thousands of fans that he has a criminal record and that his "gang" will beat up anyone who dares try to insult him at his concerts.

Its all an act, just like pretty much every other multi-million dollar "I lived in the streets so I am a tough guy" rapper act. His image is fabricated and the rappers and wannabe's all flock to him in zealous worship hoping that one day they can leave thier suburban lives and live in the streets like him, and be tough street smart like him.

I wonder what prepschool he went to? He is a fine actor indeed.

Posted by: Rodney at September 23, 2004 06:33 PM

Actually Rodney, it isn't pronounced "fiddy-cen", it's "fitty-cent". While this movie is most likely going to be pretty sickening in its originality, give the guy a break! He's just trying to "diversify", according to his marketing exec. :)

Posted by: ... at September 26, 2004 07:08 PM

See, I didn't profess to be hip, Im too old for that, but one of the younger whippersnappers where I work is a Huge M&M...; no wait, Eminem fan, and thats how he says it, and how it has been said on TV in the rare occassions that I happen to hear it.

But still the irony that is the man with a dark and shaded past has to resort to his "marketing directors" for guidance on his career. Oh yeah, they made up the criminal record part too.

Posted by: Rodney at September 26, 2004 11:54 PM

I agree. 50 cent is not very good. I think he should quit tha rap game

Posted by: Jack Pomson at October 13, 2004 03:40 AM

To be fair rappers can have a certain screen presence in that they don't jitter around, etc. because they're used to being on stage and doing videos but it's NOT fair that producers aren't willing to put up cash to make films with actors who have been paying their dues how could play the same part.

Yeah, "venture" isn't about the film it's about the merchandising and the soundtrack for "fiddy's" record company - they probably financed the thing.

Posted by: Crystal at October 19, 2004 08:06 PM

If i ever see his ugly face on tv again ill be throwing bottles at the tv and try to imagine what it was like in reading when they pelted him with bottles and booed him off stage.

Posted by: IGOTMYSELFAGUN at October 20, 2004 08:39 AM

50 cent is an idiot.

Posted by: allegrononmolto at October 25, 2004 05:20 PM

hey 50cent i love you you a they best you a idol to me would you go out with me im glad that you dumped vivica .a. fox ok love from debbie paull here is my email adress oh ok bye debbie 50cent rocks my world and so does g unit

Posted by: debbie paull at October 29, 2004 04:58 AM

Whether it's "fiddy-cen," or "fitty-cent," I have no doubt that in 5 years it'll be "Tyrone, clean up in aisle 5. Tyrone, clean up in aisle 5."

Speaking of rappers turned actors turned unemployed losers, does anyone remember the movie Vanilla Ice made, "Cool as Ice"?

Sadly, I still know all the words it Ice, Ice, Baby. Damn you 1991!

Posted by: Jim at October 29, 2004 07:51 AM

Yo check this outt........50 cent is the hottest rapper to hit the scene since the late great biggie and Pas so why hate on the man for making money cuz that's what America iz all about money and so what if people go see his movies cuz they fans that's what fans do u all are probably a fan of someone be it Adam Sandler, John Travolta, whateva u still a fan and go see they movies cuz they in it and on the real 50 will probably never fall off in the rap game cuz he'z too hood for u not to like da man... I mean 50 iz not my favorite rapper but i think he will suprise a bunch of people in his movie cuz i think the kid will make an good actor but that's just me and my opinion.

Posted by: Cross at November 16, 2004 02:32 AM

"I mean 50 iz not my favorite rapper but i think he will suprise a bunch of people in his movie cuz i think the kid will make an good actor but that's just me and my opinion."

Posted by: Ranter at December 1, 2004 09:23 AM


Posted by: Ok at December 8, 2004 12:24 PM

Man..50 is he is in a movie, good for him man. 50 is a great actor and i'm sure he will do good. Don't hate him for making a movie, the guy is rich and is popular as hell. G-UNIT! haha lol

Posted by: Hullio at December 26, 2004 11:04 PM

50 cent is one of the best artists to ever live!...and if he does do a movie...i will b there to support it!!!!50 cent rulz!!!

Posted by: jim at January 2, 2005 10:15 AM

jim..u r kinda rite..50 is a gr8 artist n yes..this movie will b a big hit for the fans ...all u other ppl think his fans are robotic too himm...u think that because they like him ..they will like it , but they have their own opinoins and we will see how big this film really is :)

Posted by: kellie at January 2, 2005 10:21 AM

go n get a rimjaw all u 50 cent haters....hes a man tryin to earn money n he wrks really hard! jst because all you people r jelous u turn on him and even the guys fans. lloyd banks & yung buck r proud 2 b in 50 cents shadow!

Posted by: marshal at January 2, 2005 10:32 AM

lmfao wow never knew i would piss so many people off just because i was telling the truth and no i wont keep my opinions to myself this is what this board is for dumbass:)

Posted by: Ranter at January 4, 2005 05:24 PM

You ppl that hate 50 cent just mad cuz he is doin what he gotta do. he is makin money and you aint thats why your mad. Fuck u and this website.

Jae hood is the best right now

Posted by: Deathroww at January 25, 2005 08:04 PM

50 cent is the most gangsta and hottest rapper out right now now , and you better believe that if you fuck with his shit or his life or his gnag you getting fucked up , they dont play no games and if they were all and act then why would buck stabbed that guy right in front of a bunch of ppl and not even care , thats gangsta BITCH!!

Posted by: steve carter at January 26, 2005 09:10 AM

So basically you're saying 50 Cent is a loser who thinks violence makes him tough?

I don't know what's more sad. The fact that he thinks that makes him tough, or the fact that there are people in our society who agree with him.

Posted by: John Campea at January 26, 2005 09:24 AM

It's the fact that he isnt pussy and you is.

Posted by: Fuck u at January 27, 2005 06:23 PM

Oooooo.... that was a snappy come back. Did it take you all day to think it up?

Then again, from your last comment you seem to think that being a total suck ass coward by pulling a knife on someone makes you tough. When all it does is prove that they are snivling little pussies who are so weak and such loosers that it's the only way they can pretend they're tough.

REAL men don't need guns, or knives, or gangs, or other people jumping in. Only weak little cowards need that stuff.

I hate that whole "tough guy" image. Oooooo... look at 50 cent... he's got a bat on his shoulder! He must be tough. Gimme a break.

Posted by: John Campea at January 27, 2005 07:38 PM

Insult rap and you're bound to get a gaggle of morons after you.

I think this'll be the successor to that "You Got Served" thread. Give it a month.

Posted by: evergreen at January 27, 2005 10:40 PM


Posted by: ghfh at February 5, 2005 03:56 PM

First of all I dont care about 50 cent. He probably isnt as hard as he claims. And dont know where you get it that I look up to these people. And your little quote "real men dont need guns or knives", doesnt speak for it self. Maybe if you looked at it like, if someone was goning to kill you( using a gun) you wouldnt throw you hands up. You would go and get yourself a gun for PROTECTION, that is what they use it for, not because there scared, and im pretty sure they'd make a coward outta you. So think before you post.

As for you evergreen, no one is a moron until you know there a moron, get it.

Posted by: fuck u at February 5, 2005 04:07 PM

Those who are fans and those who aren't aside...the film will come...some fans will like it...some will might be might not be...if it is, I'm sure other people besides the “gaggle of morons” that follow this genre of music will see it.

Personally I like some of 50cents music...I mean I have a poster of Dr. Dre, Em, and him in my room, does that mean I will run to the theatre and watch his film twelve times? NO! As a fan of film, and a self proclaimed will be like watching any other film. How is the imagery, story/script, mise-en-scene, symbolism?…the usual.

I mean, I've lived a little bit of a hard life...I can identify with some of the things “Rabbit” went through in 8-Mile. I live in low income housing with my Mom, don't have a Dad, pay for school myself, yada...yada...yada...I've even dabbled in making some of my own rap's and demo or what have you. Maybe I even have dreams of a music career. But my point is when I sat and watched 8-Mile I was not thinking of how much money Eminem was trying to make. I was like wow; he had to go through some shit to get to where he is. And he made it...why can't I. Maybe that's pathetic...But to me that's art. The film passed a spark onto me. Now truly if you are a judge of art, or proclaim to have the “correct” opinion, then how is that not art. When I made my first film, a satire of my high schools security force called “KOPS” all I wanted was one giggle from my audience. If I got that one giggle that means I touched that person; that to me is ART!!! THE MAGIC! I mean maybe I have a lot to learn I'm only 18. But yeah I admit to being one of those people who have felt really hopeless and empty, and have relied on a rap or two to really give me that drive. I guess I might be “ghetto". So what I'm getting at here is:

1. John, I feel you overstepped the opinionated boundary when you said this will not be art, just a scheme at money. When I see some of the shit I've lived through on the silver screen, and people next to me in the theatre are like oh my god, do people actually have to live like that?, I’m like yeah to myself; I've had to. So I feel through your comments above, that perhaps you went to a private school or had a very blessed upbringing. And great if you did, you're lucky. But don't tell me it's not going to be art, all because of what...he didn't pay his acting dues? And especially don't tell me because I’m a 50cent fan that I'm going to buy into all his shit! I take that as a personal stab at my knowledge and ability to properly judge and weigh the qualities of film. You really singled a bunch of people out should be careful doing this; it's not very professional/ borderline stereotyping. And what if he for some reason happens to just be an amazing actor? But hey, I look at this debate from the side of the I guess him making it to the big screen means a lot to me, and a few other people with huge dreams. Also don't think I'm pulling these responses out of my ass, I've read all the posts for this topic, I'm not talking about anything your posts didn't imply here.

2. There are some of us rap fans out here that can put a sentence together and debate properly. Thus I'm ashamed at both sides of this argument, FOR: because you are missing the point and possibility of beauty and self justification in this film, by resorting to name calling (lol), and AGAINST: because you're obviously not interested in looking at this film from an unbiased stand point...I know it’s your opinion but really...some kind of hidden anger or emotion is definitely making you care way too much about this film and what it may have to offer.

3. It’s coming out no matter what the Movie Blog has to say about please John, please stop responding to the stupid remarks made by a bunch of overheated reader's...lest I loose respect for your amazing sight...this is such an old post, and you still took time to post a very sarcastic sounding retort...refrain from getting pulled into the twists and jabs of these fellows...the entirety of this monologue has left an atrocious taste in my mouth.

4. It's common knowledge that in the rap world blacks don't call blacks “nigger” it's “nigga”. Ironically still racial, but for some reason is a synonym for “homie” or ‘bro”. “Nigger” when said in a rap and referring to another black person is still a racial slur, and as well ironic because it may result in a beating.

5. (sub reason for #4) THIS IS NOT ABOUT WINNING AN ARGUMENT, IT'S ABOUT SHARING OPINIONS, AND DIFFERENT VIEWS...thus a contradiction when you retort in the manners above.

Just another rant made by one underdog film/rap fan,

Posted by: Justin at February 8, 2005 07:38 PM

who the hell would take the time to read all that!

Posted by: chud at February 9, 2005 04:43 AM

First of all what do you mean by "There are some of us rap fans out here that can put a sentence together and debate properly," "and gaggle of morons".

Second of all I agree with you on some points like how this guy john hates rap.

Third of all, your the one that is overreacting, quote"atrocious taste in my mouth". You mean a little post made you this distgusted.

lastly, if you are going throght a period in which you have money problems and so on, join the other millions of minoritys out there.

Posted by: fuck u at February 17, 2005 04:44 PM

Oh I am on a Thursday night clarifying a post on the Movie Blog...

From what I've learned from the editor of this sight, John Campea, the Movie Blog is not intended for squabbles, nor is it a forum for pompous ill tempered remarks that are frankly posted by persons who are truly unwilling to analyze an opinion from any vantage point but their own.

For example: Man 50 Cent is an idiot...I hate 50 Cent...or even...50 Cent rules...all u haters out there are assholes, fuck you...blah blah blah. OK, thanks for some valid insight to this topic, NOT! Its simple, John says this is not art, he gives his reasons. I disagree, I give my reasoning. This seems to in the least fit a proper structure of debate. So yeah, it bothers me when fellow fans of rap come on here and post ridiculous remarks. Thus I was responding to a previous post that referred to the rap following as a "gaggle of morons" not mistake these as my words.

In response to your third remark, the prior rant I made about being left with "an atrocious taste in my mouth" was in reaction to a statement that John had left that has been removed. I'll leave it at that, no need for me to excessively expound upon trivia as such.

Posted by: Justin at February 17, 2005 10:39 PM

Ok Look people everyone knows that rappers can't act. But John always takes the controversial perspective to get people on his site. But this is something much deeper. He has a consistent theme of hidden racial tones. Ok 50 gets his own movie, why are you so worried about it like it's a big deal. Why didn't you complain when mandy moore did her two awful movies.

Big up to justin good points. Don't get me wrong John is cool. but there is that cultural gap that I keep talking about. The movies that you might like A whole group of people might love. I'm not saying the movie is going to be good which I doubt but I wonder why do you always complain when a black person tries to get his chips.


Posted by: the gifted one at February 18, 2005 12:49 AM

Ok, justin I understand wgare you comin from, I didnt mean for you to take it the wrong way. It is just that John should at least give 50 a chance. So I carried away a bit, but I really dont care. After all it is just a message board.

Gifted one, I do think that there is one rapper that is a great actor, Tupac. I am sure even people who dont like his rap, like his acting.

Posted by: fuck u at February 22, 2005 04:56 PM

Well, I mean tupac was a better rapper than actor but me personally I thought he was a decent actor at best, but most people would say he is a better rapper than actor.

Now will smith is a better actor than rapper. Ice cube is a decent actor but he has no range. I dont know how 50 will be but he doesnt have that passion for the arts like Pac did. Pac knew what art was all about and he communicated it through his rhymes which translated to his acting. But you are right pac was a good actor.

Posted by: gifted one at February 22, 2005 05:59 PM

Good show, Justin. I left a brief and scathing remark using much generalization and, really, it was because I wasn't expecting an intellectual response. Somewhere along the lines of "fuck u" was the bare minimum.

One look at the aforementioned "You Got Served" thread here just makes you lose faith in the possiblity of a thought-out answer and I was, in part, lashing out at the entire movement towards error-covered insults at anyone expressing a distaste for such movies. In my opinion, this is just going to be another vehicle for yet another music artist; whether it's rap or not is not the point. Being rap, it does, however, present the added dimension that it's highly probable this is just going to be "gritty and ghetto" as the glossy press release might say, espousing the entire "gangsta" philosophy in a most stereotypical fashion. It's tiring for me.

Sadly, I cannot resist a retort - I really liked this:

"As for you evergreen, no one is a moron until you know there a moron, get it."

If you want to bash someone, try to use the right words first of all. I know: in this day and age, we all get caught up in the feeling behind the berating, but I think we should all remember the spelling which lends credibility to our anger.
Second, of course, no one is a moron until you know they're a moron. I know when they're morons. Guess I'm one step ahead of the Game. Pun intended or not intended, take your pick.

Posted by: evergreen at February 22, 2005 10:28 PM

Hey guys "John hates rap"

Remember in Chris Rocks special "Never Scared" he kept repeating that the government hates rap I know John is not an American, but maybe this is the reason he hates rap. How is someone who lives in the most boring place in the world going to comment on music that his country doesnt have.

John hates rap. This is why he hates Chris rock.
Better yet how did a Canadian get a website commenting on American Culture. He is a fraud.
How many diverse people does John really know. I bet he doesnt know one black person other than the ones he sees on tv.

Let me repeat John hates rap.
John cant stand Chris rock
But guess what he loves Wayne Brady
Because Wayne Brady makes Bryant Gumble look like Malcolm X.

Posted by: gifted one at February 22, 2005 11:53 PM

Yes evergreen I completely concur with you; this will likely be a medium for yet another music star's career transmutation. Upon reading your thoughts, I laughed because this is something I've argued since the beginning of John's publicity campaign of how unintelligent this movie idea is. The first post I ever let skip across the keys argued that same fact. We will never get rid of this metamorphosis, and why should we try? Seriously, is there really any original movies left to make? There is always going to be the next mobster film, the next Kung Fu film, the next psychological thriller, the next alien film, the next war film, the next love film, the next action packed popcorn fluffed summer blockbuster, and let’s not forget the ghetto story from rags to riches. Maybe with a new twist or heaven help us a varied set of scenarios. So I invite each person to look at the above fact and find someone better suited to play this year's version of this story. I merely abide by a theory that believes whether or not this is going to be “stupid” as John put it; it's still going to come out; any film has a chance at being good. But Hollywood still has a full large intestine to empty upon us, the not so blameless MGP.

And on a closing note, it seems that we should analyze the creative boundaries we all seem to be placing. The transference from actor to singer and singer to actor, whichever it may be, is at least still a dimmed form of art. Business is art, and my friends when we watch films or buy a CD we can not forget that. It would be too difficult in my opinion to find out what is in the hearts of every actor/singer, singer/actor or what have you. Who is to truly tell if it's all for the money, or if its for art; I for one don't care, if this giant game shells out a decent or maybe even good movie once in awhile.

Posted by: Justin at February 23, 2005 12:32 AM

First of all evergreen, you dont know me. Therefore you cannot judge someone by the way they type on a computer. I take it by your response, you are trying very hard to call me stupid and a moron. So please enough with your so very well thought out insults, because once again, you dont know me. And I really and laughing at your remark, "I wasn't expecting an intellectual response. Somewhere along the lines of "fuck u" was the bare minimum". Please dont be fooled by a small internet response. I can put up an intelligent debate just aswell as you.

Posted by: fuck u at February 25, 2005 04:19 PM

If you were really so secure, why did you have to defend yourself against a mere 'internet response'? Hm... the world will never know. Unless, of course, you come back to defend yourself.

Just came back to add some possible inspiration for the movie's script:;=/launch/20050301/en_launch/16352710

Posted by: evergreen at March 1, 2005 08:23 PM

^^^^^ This asshole isnt me, someone else wrote that.

Well evergreen I am coming back for the same reason as you, I fell like it. So what if I am defending myself, yes it is a mere internet response, but when I have nothing better to do I come here. Anyways Ill just leave it as is, and youll never here from me again, unless this idiot above me responds.

Posted by: fuck u at March 2, 2005 06:56 PM

oh never mind they erased it, its not you evergreen.

Posted by: Edward at March 5, 2005 01:44 AM

Listen to some real music. Mos Def, Talib Kweli, the Roots, Nas. Support the people the actually love music and put time and energy into it. 50 Cent and many others have ghost writers, would love to do duets with christina aguillera to make some money. Can't you people see that rappers like this are just in it for themselves and that corporate America has them by puppet strings. Support the real hip hop heads out there. Its funny how 50 cent used to make fun of jarule for singing and doing duets and turns around and does the exact same thing so he can sell. How is that keeping it real? His up coming movie may be good or bad but Mos Def was great in Brown Sugar.

Peace...don't let wack, r&b; rappers ruin hip-hop

Posted by: talib kweli at March 13, 2005 10:17 PM

i think 50 cent is so fckin weak. hes no where close to being the next tupac so fck anyone who likes him. that ugly mo fcker can eat a dck. that lil punk cant EVER EVER EVER EVVVERRRR touch tupacs skillz

Posted by: daniel bueler at March 14, 2005 01:04 PM

i think he sucks your dada dicks

Posted by: kenan at March 15, 2005 05:13 AM

Hey Drea.

Ummm... so according to you, New Kids On The Block were better than any rapper because they sold more albums.

News flash... this is "THE MOVIE BLOG". We talk about movies and movie news here. We talk about what we like and don't like. Don't pretend like you don't do the same thing. And no one is begging you to read this site... if you don't like it, read something else.

If you want to disagree with me... that fine... actually that's great. This site is about discussion. Just tell us all your point of view and why you believe it in a respectful way. Not like an idiot. because I'm sure you're smarter than your comments make you look like.

Posted by: John Campea at March 28, 2005 02:45 PM

Ok... so 50 Cent is better than the rest of us because... he's rich?!?! That's interesting logic. Ok, let's say you're right...

Then Hitler was better than you... because I'm damn sure he had more money and power than you'll ever have.

Would you care to re-think your logic now?

Posted by: John Campea at March 28, 2005 05:59 PM

what the hell is going on?? 50 cent? a movie?
this world is already messed up with rappers,
all we need is another nigger to act like a dumbass on a big screen,but with all the other niggers going to see it, the money the box office makes will come out good, but fuck this! i dont want to see a nigger name 50 get shot,then he shoots back,and he comes out everyone loving him!fuck these niggers who came up with a 50 cent movie idea

Posted by: Buddy Noone at March 30, 2005 03:06 AM

yes! thank god someone is speaking out against "50 Cent"! i hate him, all i hear today is rap this rap that! what the hell IS going on, if they do produce a movie with him in it, i will protest,i think its stupid to promote more rap into peoples lives, we should be fixing things, not corrupting it with jack asses talking about how they get shot at.and if those box offices do get aton of money Buddy? FUCK them

Posted by: 5645217 at March 30, 2005 03:14 AM

50 cent is a wack ass fake mo fo. who cant rap to save his sel thinks he can diss GOOD rapers when he is shit. goin out to yo 50 cent haters across dis huge ass world

Posted by: 50centkilla at March 31, 2005 04:00 PM

When is this movie of his coming out? even though i hate this guy for his inexplicable popularity and his incoherent mumbling i still will give this asshole a fair chance and give my opinion after ive seen his movie.(Kazza anyone?)

Posted by: nosy parker at April 1, 2005 03:08 AM

hi I'm Ali . How are you ? I'm fine.I Love your music(Hip Hop).When you can , than please write me back . I hupe it. bye and Thank's

Posted by: Ali at April 6, 2005 10:51 AM

I dont understand why people like 50 cent he carnt rap & have people forgot what he was before nothing but a crack selling,gang banging misery making ass hole.

Posted by: candice at April 6, 2005 03:32 PM

50 cent is awsome, he has made so much money outta music and he is going to make alot of money out of acting. If any one wants to make money, i would choose him. 50 cent is gangstre and thats what people wanna see is a huge gangstre who can kick anyones ass. 50 cent can get any girl he wants he has all the money in the world he has got all the friends in the world and who ever sayes that he is lying about being hood, you have your own opinion but u r wrong

Posted by: nick 22 at April 6, 2005 06:56 PM

50 cent is awsome, he has made so much friggin money on music he has made a name for himself and for others. He is going to do the same being an actor. If there is anything that people needs to make money i would get him to sell it for you. He is huge, and gangstre nobody in their right mind would mess with him. 50 cent can get any girl he wants he has all the money he wants and he has all the friends he wants and everyone who thinks that he doesn't deserve any apprecitation then go fuck yourselves. 50 cent is straight pimpin.

Posted by: nick 22 at April 6, 2005 07:04 PM

50 cent is corporate America puppet. He has no rhyming skills and I bet he, as well as many other commerical rappers has a ghost writer giving them their material. Wake up people, when will you all realize these so called "gangsta" rappers are an act. Draining your cash for mediocre rap music. If 50 is so gangsta why does he sing duets with r&b; artist. Didnt he diss Ja rule a while back about singing and doing duets? Guess it doesnt matter if you rich. Listen to some Atmosphere, Talib Kweli, Mos Def. listen to real hip hop. PEace

Posted by: talib kweli at April 8, 2005 12:41 PM

this is really gay.. i came across this website searching for a video by 50, and its pretty sad that people put a time of day into fighting about something that doesnt even matter. You hating 50 an his movie isnt going to make him make any less money, and i highly doubt that it is going to insult him in any way. i dont understand the point in making this whole thing anyways..

its pretty disgusting how society has turned out that people have to talk shit about other people for no reasons.. and to the first person who wrote something about this..


Posted by: wow... at April 9, 2005 11:04 AM

whatever 50 cent is doing hes obviously doing it better then we are which i think we should give him some respect. He made it this far i think he was turn alot of heads in his acting career he has a way with people to make them like him obviously so because look at him i know we all would change our lives in a second to be him or atleast to be as successful as him.

Posted by: nick 22 st joes at April 11, 2005 08:11 PM

fuck u all stupid kid.
you all envy me.
and who the fuck told u i'm making a movie, fuckers, nerds

Posted by: curtis at April 24, 2005 10:21 PM

U iz all un-nilla about the 50 cent G unit n' need some pologizin' for dissin' tha gansta way, witness this shit wit-na killa no fraw! What'chall be callin' with da G unit fork n' spoon-it be illa dan dat? Shit hell n' bitch wit dat movie n' die, fukzake...

Posted by: Frap at May 7, 2005 01:30 AM

(Frap) What??? That has to be the funniest shit EVER!

Posted by: Gerald at May 7, 2005 01:34 AM

"U iz all un-nilla about the 50 cent G unit n' need some pologizin' for dissin' tha gansta way, witness this shit wit-na killa no fraw! What'chall be callin' with da G unit fork n' spoon-it be illa dan dat? Shit hell n' bitch wit dat movie n' die, fukzake..."

Posted by: Frap at May 7, 2005 01:30 AM
speak engish please that sounds retarded.

Posted by: pyrofreak at May 9, 2005 03:48 PM

Wow! That was eloquent.

Posted by: John Campea at May 9, 2005 03:55 PM


Posted by: DUNSTUDYDAT at May 10, 2005 03:50 PM

First of all...I think a lot of people posting here are just hate-ing a whole fucking lot. All ya'll doing is questioning how "real" 50 Cent really is and all that shit, what the fuck do you know?! It really annoys me how for some people a music artist (particularly hip-hop, r&b;, rap artist) can never be 'authentic' and 'real' enough...first ya'll fucking complaining that there is nobody keepin' it real in rap and then when someone comes along you are all hate-ing on them and shit...well u know what, the industry only gives what sells, so if u think that there are some artist that arent keeping it real is because that is what the consumers are asking for and in order to make a good living that is what they are going to portray...we have to stop blaming the artist and think what part we (as consumers) play...whatelse? Oh yeah, 50 Cent had a lesbian mom who was a drug dealer and got killed, he was shot in 2001 and again got like 9 bullets in his body...what else are u asking of this man to prove that he is 'hood'?! He is a good rapper, the man has talent and he has the record of how many top hits he has had at the same time playing in the stereo (9 songs or sumthing like that) and he is very handsome looking man (hot ass body and the cutest smile ever) yeah stop fucking hate-ing this man cuz he is A-W-E-S-O-M-E!!!

Posted by: arlyn at May 11, 2005 01:01 AM

Oh yeah...and to the first person who posted first (miles) are a pretty disgusting human being if u really meant the last thing u matter if u think 50 Cent is the worst rapper ever that was just soooooo uncalled for!!! Bunch of hate-ing dumbutts!!!!!!!

Posted by: arlyn at May 11, 2005 01:07 AM

50 cent is by far the biggest joke out there. Rap isn't music, it's a bunch of words being yelled out in ape-like voices which is played overtop of continuous loops of the same annoying shit your 5 year old brother plays on his 3 dollar keyboard.

Posted by: Who Cares at May 11, 2005 05:06 PM

Ok, everyone who has any musical talent knows rap isn't music. The only reason that 50 Cent makes money is because stupid people buy his CD's and shit. It's not only rap though, it's any kind of music that comes out today. A lot of it is garbage. And as for the whole "gangsta" way of life, grow up and get a fucking job.

Posted by: Who Cares at May 11, 2005 05:14 PM

50 Cent is heavy, Ja rule is a f**kin W*nker hu needs 2 GROW UP. If he ent careful he will get gunned down, All u h8er stop bein jealous of him

Posted by: WEH8JA at May 12, 2005 07:09 AM

hu eva wrote this crap about 50 iz a complete twat !

Posted by: random at May 14, 2005 12:21 PM

Yo To all the haters out there...50 gon take yall money too..cuz yall gon b anxious to see how 50 actually does do in the Movie...most u haters gon b kissin his ass in the theaters...oouzzie ass bitches------

Posted by: Stamina_Daddy at May 14, 2005 02:57 PM

Yo To all the haters out there...50 gon take yall money too..cuz yall gon b anxious to see how 50 actually does do in the Movie...most u haters gon b kissin his ass in the theaters...but come to think of it..50 takin a whole movie while bitch ass iggas like Ja Rule always takin sum small role in movie as sum that is a nigga that need sum actin skillz------

Posted by: Stamina_Daddy at May 14, 2005 02:59 PM

yoo manzzz.... no 1 meesin wiv 50...he wana make a film...den let him...and let his fanz watch it...not haterz...u dnt wana watch itt den go watch some otha filmm....coz dis guy iz a hit man....allowz wa all of u h8z say man.. 50 iz top rapper and u watch he gon be top for dis shit 2.........u knoo wa??? u fuckin h8z jus jeleious man... u jus jelious da has jus a caareere in dis shit...and probz u dnt.. or ur fav artist dont....soo jus go homee and lissen to ur gay ja rule lil miggit peice of shit....or ur king size fat joe.......50 beat de shit out of all of uz man

Posted by: 50's PIMP at May 16, 2005 06:31 PM

alll i can saii 2 all de ppl who are 50 cent h8z......iz SHAMEEEEEEE.....cozz u lot cant doo shit..da 50z makin a film....soo all u lot live wiv it....orr get de fuck on....

Posted by: P.I.M.P at May 16, 2005 06:35 PM

FUCK ALL U HATERS OUT THERE 50 CENT THE BEST u bitches dont say nuttin when eminem made a movie but when 50 does u bitch it seems every thing eminem does white people love and u hate 50cent racits bitches

Posted by: b-rad at May 16, 2005 06:41 PM

First off all I don't give a fuck about how much money the motherfucker makes basically, cuz his money aint my money,his songs ain't my songs,we may walk on tha streets but he don't fucking walk how I walk,and for yous 50 Cent lovers,that fucking everybody saying we hating on 50 fuck offs bitches you could go and kiss 50s ass yeah maybe he'll appreaciate you motherfucking ass suckers much better,and fuck the bullshit rap he be coming out with too,ya'll think 50 Cent the hottest, well you pussholes,need to get the real picture,not just the big screen one but the motherfucking Hip Hop/Rap one,they are plenty of other gooood rappers out there,so me keeping it real about 50 Cent ain't gone do me shit, besides I like Eminem&D12; it just the fucking 50 Cent&G-Unit; that spoiled the picture other wise I like most of the rappers ha ha ha!!! and try to focus more on his wack ass lyrics instead of how much money he makes,after all his money ain't going to do you no fucking good you fucking 50 Cent ass suckers!!!!!!!!

Posted by: Krazy at May 17, 2005 01:46 AM

Oh and by the way i'm a black kid so fuck all you racist assholes,thats all i'm out!!!!!!!

Posted by: Krazy at May 17, 2005 02:09 AM

Whats even worse is that its being shot here in toronto and I saw the movie being shot!

You see I was coming from my driving school that was located in Missisuaga and I got off the subway at younge station. It was eriely silent as i was coming up from the stairs of the subway station and i looked back as I a got to the top of the stairs to see a movie being filmed. The scene was being runed through before they started filming. what happened in the scene was well cheesy and it goes something like this theres a slow moving cab that crashes into a black guy and sends him flying. I decided to leave and get home as quickly as possible. As I got on the street car, heading down a couple of blocks a church was being used on church street for another scence which I am not too sure what was going on in that scene. Just when I thought that the movie having two film locations simotaniously was enough and I ammediately was proven otherwise. Still on the street car and as I was passing carlaw ave. one more scene was being shot and they used huge lights that sent a huge yellow down the whole street. Finally I reached home where I wondered to myself what movie was being filmed it seemed like an pretty big budget film considering the equipment used looked very expensive.

The next day my brother found out from his friend who lives on Carlaw ave. told him that the movie that was being filmed was a life documentry on 50 cent. I was laughing because of this stupid joke I made to my borhter about if 50 cent had like a movie that was like a drama of how stupid it would of been if someone would actually do that but now you trully know that anything is possible...... and I mean anything...even if its super stupid.

P.S. for those of you who didn't know, there making an Xbox game of 50 cent. No Joke, well considering that millions of dollars are being put to a great waste for something way over retarded I guess is somewhat of a Joke but an upsetting fact. You can download the trailer of the game already but I wonder if this game is im anyway related to the movie.

Posted by: Mark at May 17, 2005 02:46 AM

All of u can go to hell!!!
so what it been done 100 ficken times
at least it's something!!!!
U guys talk bout the man like he's nothing guess
making money he is,
so before u critize someone
u should do the shit ur self!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: Donnell at May 21, 2005 02:11 PM

Fuck off bitch, so you actually trying to say we should be like,this asshole!,what are you blind or some thing? cause it seems to me most of his fans are,its a fucking gimmic,so what if he's making a picture,fuck!that,what could he possible come up with that he hasn't already rapped about,getting shot 9times and rapping about it just for fame and money is like snitching A.K.A PUSSY TALKING,and that shit don't impress me so fuck what you said bitch!,Tupac got shot and supposidly died,he sitll famous,even before he died he worked hard as hell struggled,had alot of haters and still had respect for the rap game,he didn't have to get much help as far as rapping was concerned,why? cause he was true,that was his strong point loyalty! something that your lover boy 50 lacks on,remember it's not what you do but how its done,you fucking chumps!!,take it from me I love rap,that why i don't really have a fav raper,as i said i like most of them,but 50 is just too bogus,and greedy!now take that and shuv it up yo ass.

Posted by: Krazy at May 23, 2005 12:25 PM

50Cent iz just a dumb-ass bitch, tryin' to make somethin' outta nothin', how he thinks thats gon' work? Dont U see that he's just a fool, and thats all. l've readin' thiz sh*ts the whole day, & hearin' some niggas sayin' some sh*ts like, its kool for 50 to make a movie, "Shoot, thats nonsense, and senselessness." Diz same fake-ass gay animal, that calls himself an animal(50), says he wanna live like Pac. How u gon' be Pac, when u GAY(Gay-Unit),... how u gon' be Pac, when u a pussy, a bitch...bad-mouthin' other people's album to sell urs. Pac a'int all that. And if Pac was still here, l dont believe, hes gon' ride wit a bitch like 50. there's so many thingz y'all niggas dont understand, l mean thiz whole sh*t a'int funny no more. tha nigga been dissin' up everybody in the industry: Nas, Ja Rule, Jadakiss, Fat Joe, Shyne, Game, Irv Gotti & Murder INC, R. Kelly.... DAMN, 50 IZ JUST A HELL OF A JOKIN" SNITCHIN" BITCH, y'all!

Posted by: Blaze(B-More) at July 18, 2005 05:12 PM

Hey, y'all listen up here.....
Diz iz how we gon' do thiz sh*t y'all:

Fuck 50...
Fuck Maa 50...(tha down-ass-bitch)
Fuck Gay-Unit...(tha Snitchin' Crew)
Fuck all tha Labels & niggas down down with Gay-Unit....
And if u wanna be down with Gay-Unit, then FUCK u too...
Gay G's on excel, FUCK y'all too...

Any muthafucka from Gay-Unit that wanna bring it, bring it
We always on our job, we a'int goin' no way
Ofcourse y'all know what time it is... Is time we gon' smash y'all muthafuckaz, Nigga we gon' burn u, nigga. Here in B-More, we dont like them bitches, Gay-Unit muthaz..., u feel me?! Datz why we dont wear them Gay-Unit t-shirts here in B-More, cos we know betta.

50 Cent & his muthafuckin bitch-ass Gay-Unit clique a'int no game...
They flow is 999999.9 percent lame, u heard me?!
Y'all betta believe that! PEACE OUT! B-MORE, till we die!!!!!

Posted by: D-Ryda(B-More) at July 18, 2005 05:36 PM

Sadly, it is products of the rap industry such as 50 Cents who are responsible for racism against afro-americans (the terrorism psychosis thing being the main cause of racism against people from the middle east).

Don't get me wrong. I know how to appreciate rap music. Some rap artists are especially talented and sadly, they were worth enough for their enemies to put a decent prize on their head. If 50 Cent would have been anobody at all, it wouldn't have been an amateur shooting at him and we'd have one too many marketing tool/money magnet in a coffin right now.

Plus, marketing crime out of context and encouraging prostitution and murder is immature, immoral and lacks a lot of common sense. Whatever happens, I hope this gangsta rap fad (because that's what it is: gangsta rap tends to be the kind of rap that resembles the less anything related to music and is therefore only a way of getting money from insecure white wannabes dressing like gangsters they see on TV--and not only teens, I'm talking about grown-ups who should be lobotomized and locked up as threat to our gene pool) fades away and goes back to the same box as Vanilla Ice, boy bands, grunge and rollerdisco. Oh, and bring pop-punk along, for Christ's sake.

Ok, so he's making a movie. Big deal. If everyone ignored him, his movie would be nothing more than a 2 hour videoclip in a movie theater. And if people didn't give him a chance, no-one would go watch his movie and movie theaters would stop playing such shit. So please, do not walk in a movie theater asking for a ticket to his movie. Thank you.

Posted by: Dr.Greenthumb at August 27, 2005 01:54 PM

50cent is the best

Posted by: jukkiz at August 28, 2005 12:31 PM

To all of the 50 cent haters I think it is pretty f***ing stupid for you to sit here and argue about his career. All of you that think he sucks probably where lipstick or look like Marlyn Manson or something. If you guys have this much fucking time to discuss other peoples lives you should go jack off or something. By the way last time I checked it was racist to call people the "n" word you gay mother f***ers. 50 cent is a great rapper all you probably like is Fat Joe and Ja Rule why don't you go kiss Fat Joe's ass but be careful you might get lost and Ja Rule well since he looks like a RAT there not much you can say. An d for all the people who like The Game all I can say is in Hate it or Love it the part where he says "I'm raps nvp and I ain't going no where" That is exactly right he ain't going no where and neither are any of you racist bastards.

Posted by: g-unit at August 29, 2005 10:53 AM

50 Cent is just an icon at the moment...however, his rapping is a lot better than most out there right now. I am a fan but not a die hard fanatic. Eminem actually surprised me with his performance in 8-Mile and I think with the right kind of coaching, 50 Cent could probably do a good job too. How can you all actually be that is a stage that music stars go through...they want to try their hand in the movie business...and yeah, most fail but there are a few out there who actully succeed. It is all a marketing ploy but the man is a millioinaire and couldnt care less what us piss ons think so let him go do what hes gotta go. He will either make a fool of himself or a fool out of us for dogging him and then succeeding. As for G-Unit up exactly is using the "N" word racist when the rappers themselves are the ones using it in reference to themselves on their own music. If you try to make a point with something like that then look at the big picture.

Posted by: MechoPower at August 29, 2005 02:53 PM

I hate rap full stop, and I would never watch 8 mile or "the 50 cent movie" if someone paid me, all rap-related movies suck,I've seen a couple old ones but they sucked, I'm sick of rappers acting like they're hard and they had too suffer to be where they are now doing absoulte crap to make money and being huge sell-outs, and 50 cent is no exception.

Posted by: Olli* at September 1, 2005 12:20 PM

i think everyone who hates Eminem and 50cent are the idiots this is a really good idea and 8 mile was the COOLEST movie ever. Im a Eminem and 50cent fan, and there both awsome

Posted by: Matt at September 1, 2005 08:54 PM

Eminem and 50cent are the best rappers ever along with snoop dogg,Dr.Dre and all of D12. so for all the people who hate them then your the biggest idiots EVER!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: Matt at September 1, 2005 08:57 PM

50cent and Eminem are my f***ing idols especially Eminem but G-Unit and 50cent are also your the greatest

Posted by: Matt at September 1, 2005 09:03 PM

GET THE FUCK OUTA HERE YOU NET BANGERS! Oh god 50 cent is pure crap Most of main stream music is pure crap now days thats why i only listin to underground but the fact of all you 50 cent fans on this board comming out like he gives a shit about you, get fucking real Using slang online how fucking stupid Go back to school you stupid fuckers and learn your ABC's, I know you all would die for 50 cent SURE DOES LOOK LIKE IT, BUT WOULD HE DIE FOR YOU? NO YOU STUPID FUCKS SO GET A LIFE, fucking Idol worshipers... the idiots we have in our society Today, I COULD MAKE BETTER MUSIC THAN 50 CENT USING ONLY MY PENIS... Go kill your selves it would make our world a better place, faggots, keep off the crack too...

Posted by: Wiseman at September 2, 2005 04:28 AM

For example Look at Olli's Post " I think people who hate emenim and 50 cent are idiots 8 mile was the coolest movie ever, i am a 50 cent and emenim fan (YEA NO SHIT DUMB ASS)" Clearly Oli you represent what every fool here that admires idiots like fiddy cent and emenim are like, 8 mile was the stupidest shit i have ever seen I had a more Intresting life Than that stupid kid, Dumb asses... Go Back to the barn and Milk the cows while you listin to your Walkmans you fake ass net bangers, thats why you idiots admire people like 50 BECAUSE YOU WANT A LIFE LIKE HIM, ITS BECAUSE YOU HAVE NO LIVES...

Posted by: Wiseman at September 2, 2005 04:36 AM

I MET MATT NOT OLI, OLI's a pimp but matts an idiot, and for the rest Posting of the rappers you think are cool and shit I COULD CARE LESS YOU STUPID FUCKS!!!

Posted by: Wisman at September 2, 2005 04:39 AM

i think everyone shud lay off "fiddy" hes makin money who can blame him if e wants 2 make more id probly try it if i was a famous rapper or music artist! dont get so angry about what hes doin concentrate on what you lot are gona do with the rest of your lifes dats to who evas angry bout 50 makin a film! and 4 the record il probly go and spend my money on seeing it, oh and il probly go 2 a concert while im at it!

Posted by: cozzy! at September 16, 2005 08:08 AM

50 Cent Sucks balls and his music is shit.Jeez i wish i was black and came from a really shit neighborhood, i could achieve overnight stardom by simply mumbling semi-literate guff over the top of jamaican steel drums and a roland tr808 drummachine. Commercial rap music is fucking awful.Homogonised and generic, identikit muscle bound tattooed men bitching about how much money and women they have,most of the video's are nothing more than softporn, dont get me wrong i have nothing against legal porn but a vast majority of Rap has its Parallels with porn, i suppose they both serve a purpose, but ultimately they are both devoid of merit or any artistic worth. Apart from that the majority of modern Commercial rap is so fucking dull, painfully dull and Unimaginative, the complete opposite of what it used to be.

Posted by: Robert Goldie at September 18, 2005 11:04 AM

right for 1 the gang bit is bollocks , at a concert in england he got a bottle of piss thrown up him , where was his gang then and i would fink gettin piss thrown up ya would be alot worse than some1 cussin him lol

and for 2 no1 deserves to die so dont be sayin why cudnt 1 of them 9 bullets hit his brain , and if you had any sense what so ever you would kno that only 7 of them bullets hit him

im done lol R.I.P TuPac

Posted by: bristo at September 23, 2005 08:22 AM

eya a don't care what any1 says, 50 cent is the best rapper ever 2 live and would be a wkd actor.

Posted by: sunderland till i die at September 23, 2005 12:02 PM

oh god..i think ppl should stop making these kinda forums...they only lead to bickering...and neither side comez out winning.
Why dont we all just wait for the fucking movie.
All people who defend 50cent..thatz cool n all
All people who attack ppl cuz of wut they like...dat aint cool...and for some of u who (u kno who u r) who mentioned "not caring if u like 50 or not" ....simply by posting that u dont care...just showz how much u do


Posted by: kim at September 25, 2005 12:58 AM

Half of you goddamn losers who say "OMG dawg I love fiddy cent he is the man you can ask all my homies" are usally all white which is one of the reasons Why I hate this g-g-g-g-g-g unOT bastard he started something up for white people to try and act black for that he should be shot now we have only imposters to turn to 20 years from now there will be only 1 black rapper and 300 white people "Acting like gangstas and calling them self a baller and hustler"

Posted by: Matt at October 12, 2005 06:54 PM

angry suburban whites

nothing a white actor makes is original

whats the difference?

eminem makes a movie, white boys around the world jump for joy!

black rapper makes a movie it's "fuck that rap crap"

what a bunch of worthless, pale ass, jealousy laced, no girl having, undercover & some not so undercover racist like the writer of this article who mentions another black movie to refrence when talking about awful movies that fans will love.

white music entertainers have been going to the screen for years without all the hating & theyre the stiffest no charisma having, worst actors alive.

Also no one would WANT to see your favorite artists on the big screen. But I bet you if they were ASKED, they'd do it in a heartbeat.

But why not mention 8 mile, the britney spears movie, the mandy moore movie, vanilla ice's movies, marky mark movies,...ect... when you want to clown bad musicians who make movies? Why only point out the black ones that actually make money? Is this just another excuse to exercise your bigotry?

sad ass clowns, I truly hate white people, white suburban teens with computers are at the top of that list.

Posted by: xpillz dillz nillz at October 18, 2005 02:37 AM

MAN you guyz can diss any rap but eminem 8 mile was fukin awsome but man 50 cents new movie well suck im going to have to agree with most people there doing it for the money man i wish one of thoes nine bullets killed him. and the people stickin up for 50 cent fuck all of you comin in here writeing shit like your some famuse raper or you know all this shit man you guys no shit!!

Posted by: Some white kid at October 19, 2005 06:06 PM

If u got beef with 8 mile u have beef with me and id like to take it up so add [email protected] if u wanna talk beef and 50 cent sux balls

Posted by: some kid at October 19, 2005 06:19 PM

fuck u all bitchz 50 da shii u prob juz some nerdz sittin at home talkin about ppl cuz u have no life u faggotz GET A LIGE NIGGUH!!!

Posted by: Lakotah at October 23, 2005 02:18 AM

OK, 50 cent cant rap, he says he smokes weed he doesnt, id like to see him take on nas in a freestyle, i mean one that he actually thought of himself, which isnt normal for him cause he sucks. I mean fuck if he is famous why doesnt everyone just shoot themselves in the face and try to sign to a major record company. I mean i have some respect to people like eminem who are good just sold out. Its rare to see any true talent in mainstream rap because it isnt music its all about this THUG LIFE IMAGE that people think is popular. But is it really music if he doesnt write it? Or if all it means is "i roll on dubs, and i got fly bitches" i mean wow original think of everyone else whose done a song like that, i mean look at 50's lyrics name one HARD WORD TO RAP WITH IN IT, there isnt one, UNDERGROUND is where the talent is at== ZION I, Heiroglyphics, Gangstarr, Souls of mischeif, tonedeff, cunnin lynguist, akrobatik, swollen members, OLD OUTKAST OLD dilated peoples, OLD roots, J5, Nas, Outerspace, JEDI mind tricks, SPOOKS,ATMOSPHERE, IMMORTAL TEchnique, people under the stairs, I MEAN LISTEN to music that has a meaning and is creative and ACTUALLY IS WRITTEN BY THE ARTIST

Posted by: 50 cent is a homo, with no talent, if you dont write ur shit ur not a rapper--UNderground is where i at October 25, 2005 01:54 AM

i think the idea of rappers, singers, athletes (or whoever outside of the acting community) making movies is RIDICULOUS. it destroys the integrity of film as an art form -- although, in all fairness, many hollywood big industry film practices do that too. i DON'T think 50cent should make this movie -- not because i don't like him that much (i don't), or because i don't think that his music has any real content (it doesn't), but because acting is a CRAFT. and like many actors have said, time and time again, they had to really WORK at it. even if you take a counterexample to all of this, like tupac shakur who actually was a talented and insightful rapper, it turns out that he went to a performing arts high school and performed in serious theatrical productions (i.e., shakespeare). now every once and a while a "natural" comes along who has an inherent feel for displaying the human psyche. i DOUBT 50cent is that deep and sensitive -- his music suggests otherwise. matter of fact, the title to the movie itself suggests otherwise!! however, having said all that, i would like to say that some of the comments about him are a bit unwarranted and borderline racist -- for example, "tyrone, tyrone clean up on aisle 5" and "the correct way to pronounce it on the streets," etc. etc. i think we can all make significant points without resorting to racial stereotypes. after all, what was the majority opinion here when eminmen made a movie? even if you disagreed with it, i'm sure you didn't resort to that sort of base commentary.

Posted by: mike at October 26, 2005 03:21 PM