August 20, 2004

Yen? Hung? Yes.

shapo.jpgAh, now there's a picture sure to warm the cockles of any kung fu fan's heart. Why's that? The man on the right is Donnie Yen, on the left Sammo Hung. And, yes, that IS a camera rig right behind them. The film is called Sha Po Lang and, according to Yen, will feature no CGI and as little wire work as possible with actual fights between the actual performers. Golly ... sounds like someone out there in Hong Kong finally decided to make a good, old school Hong Kong movie. Yen and Simon Lam will star as cops on the trail of gangster boss Sammo Hung, with Wu Jing also starring as one of Hung's lead assassins. Principal photography is due to wrap up in September. Nice.

Information (and the picture) here lifted shamelessly from a few different threads over on the KFC boards ...

Posted by John Campea at August 20, 2004 10:20 PM


Awww! That *does* warm the cockles of my heart! And Simon Lam's not so bad, either. Pretty much anything Donnie Yen does, even if it sucks, I end up loving. I can't help it.

Posted by: tracy at August 21, 2004 10:32 AM

All kudos to those at and for the info on this movie. Especially for those photos everyone is posting. This movie is wrapped and Donnie's now working on The Seven Swords with Tsui Hark.

I can't wait to see Sha Po Lang, proof that not everything out of Hong Kong must star those Twins or Pop-fu-er's!

Posted by: Nightbird at September 19, 2004 06:01 PM

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74 Kofi Anan Street - Teshie-Nungua, Accra-Ghana ;
office:Tel/Fax: +2 3 3 (0) 2 4 3 1 3 1 9 8
E-mail:[email protected]
Dear sir,

It impresses me a lot to write you this letter, Mr.
Samuel A. Kafu is my name, the personal Attorney to
Late Mr. William K.Cosmos
president of Diamond Safari’s
Company Ltd., Accra-Ghana who is a national of your
On the 25th of July 2000, my client was involved in a
major catastrophe that took place in Paris (Killing
113 Passengers) Unfortunately, Air France supersonic
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take-off in Paris and crashed minutes later killing my
client, since then I have made several enquiries to
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has also proved unsuccessful. After these several
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I contacted you to assist in repatriating the money
left behind by my deceased client before they get
confiscated or declared unserviceable by the
International Commercial Bank where these huge
deposits were lodged. Consequently the bank has issued
me a notice to provide the next of kin or have the
deposits confiscated within a short time.
Since I have been unsuccessful in locating the
relatives for over four four years now, I seek your
consent to present you as the next of kin of the
deceased since you share the same name in common so
that the proceeds of this deposits valued at $152
Million United States Dollars can be claimed to you
for both of us to share the money. I have all
necessary legal documentation that can be used to back
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All I require is your honest and kind cooperation to
enable us seeing this deal through. Please get in
touch to enable us relate further.
Stay fine and remain blessed.
Yours Faithful,Mr. Samuel A. Kafu (Esq.)

Posted by: samuel at May 24, 2005 03:42 AM