August 11, 2004

Wow. Who says movies don't influence people

So a guy who got off scott-free for killing his girlfriend saw "The Passion" and decided to confess. Ummm... wow.

A man who said Mel Gibson 's film "The Passion of The Christ" led him to confess that he murdered his girlfriend pleaded guilty to the crime in a Texas court on Wednesday.

"I assume full responsibility for my actions," Dan Leach told Judge Brady Elliott just as his trial on murder charges was set to start. "I plead guilty."

A jury which had been selected to hear the case now will decide his punishment, which could be up to life in prison. Leach, 21, said he killed girlfriend Ashley Nicole Wilson in January because she said she was pregnant and he wanted nothing more to do with her.

Leach set up the murder to look like a suicide by getting Wilson, 19, to write a list of all the things wrong in her life and place a pillowcase over her head as a "trust exercise."

When she could not see, he strangled her with a cord that was also tied around the headboard of her bed. An autopsy showed Wilson was not pregnant, officials said.

Police interpreted the list as a suicide note and ruled the death a suicide until March, when Leach saw Gibson's movie about the crucifixion of Christ and felt compelled to confess.

You can read the article here.

Posted by John Campea at August 11, 2004 05:56 PM


That's one strange movie-goer! Too bad it wasn't Scott Peterson or that bald-headed guy

Posted by: Cinesnob at August 11, 2004 07:39 PM

I was under the impression that movies didn't motivate people to do stupid things. I guess I was wrong.

Posted by: cybermike at August 12, 2004 04:36 AM

man even when he's being portrayed in a film jesus is still solving crimes. spiderman who?

Posted by: ni/ck at August 12, 2004 10:27 AM