August 07, 2004

Wow. A 'Theatre Friendly' Saw Trailer. And all the other ones.

Okay, so, it's easily the most screwed up pretense for a film in recent days/weeks/months. And unless the movie goes all David Fincher on us, the movie probably won't have anything overly interesting to say about our society's degradation either.

Who cares, it's spooky.

There have been 3 Trailers for this sucker, two of which you won't see in a theatre anywhere. - Now, all of these trailers were released at different times and it seems different people saw different ones first, so now, finding each trailer has been a solid hassle. They're spread out all over and you gotta know where to look if you want to find all of them - especially now that the "official" trailer is out.

No worries, we here at 'the blog' hear your plight as we too are sick of looking all over the place for the different trailers. So, here they are all scooped up into the same paragraph for you. There. No more looking, just straight nightmares for a week:

Theatre Friendly Version High-Band: Click Here (quicktime)
Theatre Friendly Version Med-Band: Click Here (quicktime)
Theatre Friendly Version Low-Band: Click Here (quicktime)

"Razor-Wire" Trailer High-Band: Click Here (Windows Media)
"Razor-Wire" Trailer Med-Band: Click Here (Windows Media)
"Razor-Wire" Trailer Low-Band: Click Here (Windows Media)

"Rip-Amanda's-Jaw-Open" Trailer High-Band: Click Here (Quicktime)
"Rip-Amanda's-Jaw-Open" Trailer Low-Band: Click Here (Quicktime)

Posted by John Campea at August 7, 2004 01:40 AM


Does anyone know the release date?

Posted by: jason at August 7, 2004 08:33 AM

The trailer just says "fall 2004"

Posted by: Day-vuh at August 7, 2004 02:49 PM

I'm looking forward to this one.....just hope the trailer isn't the best part.

Posted by: jason at August 7, 2004 03:15 PM

It comes out October 1st according to some sites

Posted by: Kris at August 10, 2004 07:07 PM

Came out 1st October in the UK, I think its 29th October for the US.

Posted by: Paul at October 7, 2004 09:29 PM

This film was AMAZING, one of the best most interesting films that i have watched yet!!!!!

Posted by: Kelly at October 8, 2004 09:45 AM

That clown is so fucked up!!!

Posted by: Bob at October 29, 2004 11:55 PM

Cool site...

Posted by: Mortgage loan, mortgage... at November 6, 2004 09:38 AM