August 13, 2004

Who's been a naughty boy? Tom Sizemore has!

sizemore2.jpgThere are certain guys that you can just always count on for certain roles. Tom Sizemore is one of these guys. However, at the same time, he doesn�t strike me as the kind of guy I'd ask to watch my kids (if I had any) while I went out for the evening.

Apparently Sizemore has been arrested again after police found drugs in his home. Add this latest incident to this:

Sizemore was sentenced to six months in jail and three years probation on misdemeanor abuse charges in October, over his volatile relationship with his ex-love, former madam Heidi Fleiss.
Come on! A wealthy Hollywood movie star who's only significant relationship is with a high priced hooker was found with drugs!?!? GASP! I'm sure his lawyer, who is claiming that Sizemore's recent positive testing for methamphetamine (a violation of his probation) was due to regular over the counter "medication", will find a way to explain that the drugs in Sizemore's house were accidentally dropped there by� ummm� his� uhhhhh�. Most recent hooker girlfriend� yes, that's it.

Don't get me wrong, Sizemore is a hell of an actor, and everyone deserves a second/third/fourth chance� but some people just need to go somewhere quiet and get their crap together. (Maybe I should join him there).

Posted by John Campea at August 13, 2004 07:51 AM


Sizemore - one hell of an actor?!
I wouldnt have said that. De Niro is one hell of an actor, Walken is one hell of an actor .. but Sizemore - he's 'good' at best.

Posted by: Chris at August 13, 2004 10:57 AM

I would like to send Tom S. a prayer that I have that has helped me alot. I can`t find an address for him. The prayer can`t hurt & might help, meanwhile I`ll say it for him. Could you get an address for me to send it? Thanks, VJ

Posted by: Vi Joy at December 8, 2004 12:56 PM

Tom Sizemore is a great actor and I love all of his work. I hope things work out for him. He's in my prayers and thoughts.

Posted by: Mary at March 25, 2005 08:26 PM