August 11, 2004

Whoopsie! Has Night Been a Naughty Boy?

village.jpgAlready embroiled in a lawsuit accusing him of stealing plot elements in Signs, M. Night Shyamalan may have some more trouble brewing ...

I first heard about the accusations that Shyamalan may have lifted the story of The Village thanks to this article posted on our discussion thread by Cat and though Shyamalan probably wishes this is a story that would just go away it doesn't look very likely to happen ...

According to Reuters the Simon & Schuster publishing house is prepping for a likely lawsuit against Shyamalan and Disney, accusing the director of stealing the basic story for The Village from the children's novel Running Out Of Time by Margaret Peterson Haddix. In the novel children are raised in what they believe is a 19th century town until an epidemic strikes and one of them has to strike out through the surrounding woods to get medicine. Yeah, I can see why they think Shyamalan may have borrowed a bit ...

Posted by John Campea at August 11, 2004 01:40 PM


First I hope everybody reading this has already seen the movie or don't plan too as you kind of give away the big twist at the end.

I don't know what is worse that fact that Night might have wrote that garbage or that he actually stole that garbage.

No offense to the book, which I have never read.

Posted by: Bombadil at August 12, 2004 08:37 AM

and starwars was written right after lucas read LOTR...

every stroy is a bit of a rip off of another. ITs called story telling. ITs all about $ and getting disney to cough up some of its evil empire.

Posted by: punkrock at August 12, 2004 08:24 PM

But as if those publishing people can produce such a beautiful film. Someone might as well sue all those horror flicks, or romantic comedies.

Posted by: Melly at September 6, 2004 06:29 AM