August 11, 2004

Whoo? Woo!

woo.jpgHurray! John Woo's making himself a good ol' fashioned Woo film again, and he's going back to China and reuniting with his biggest star to do it! CHUD is reporting that Woo is prepping War of Red Cliff, an epic historical film based on a now legendary naval battle. And how do we know that this won't just turn into another Windtalkers debacle? Well, he's going back to Hong Kong to make it with Hong Kong money and a cast led by Chow Yun Fat. Beyond Fat the only word is that it will include a current sampling of Korean and Japanese stars ...

Posted by John Campea at August 11, 2004 01:54 PM


That's the sort of news that warms my heart...

Posted by: opus at August 11, 2004 02:09 PM

Excellent news. China/Hong Kong really needs to bring it's talent back home to give it's industry a good shot in the arm and get it off it's ass!

Posted by: KungFuGuy at August 11, 2004 11:10 PM

I hope this means he's finally getting his carrier back on track. Though I wish he was making King's Ransom instead.

Posted by: DonWoo2 at August 12, 2004 08:40 AM