August 19, 2004

Website For Jackie Chan's New Police Story Online

police.jpgThis is the first film Chan's made back in his native Hong Kong in a while and it looks to be his best film in a good long time ... site includes the first teaser, a full trailer, and an English language version of the entire site so you can actually have some clue what's going on, though that stalled out when I tried to load it. So maybe Jackie's just taunting us whities. Check it out here.

Posted by John Campea at August 19, 2004 07:44 PM


I am really looking forward to another HK Jackie Chan movie! He gets to utilize himself so much more, and his US roles are often sillier than I like to see. His HK ones are silly, but not to the extent that it gets old. I think a lot of pressure must be put on him because until recently, there have only been a few good martial artist in hollywood that were recognized for their talent. Or maybe I'm just rambling. I'm not sure. I had too much coffee today.

Posted by: tracy at August 21, 2004 11:36 PM

this is going to be bigger then any jackie movie to date.hes hong kong movies are so much better then hes usa ones.

Posted by: stephen young at August 31, 2004 07:34 PM

Yeah his usa ones are not the real him.. so much computer stuff involed!! I liked the jackie stunts with cardboard boxes

Posted by: Eoj at September 19, 2004 04:21 PM

Went to see jacky's NPS just now. I think it is his best movie in recent years, worth 4 out of 5 stars. This movie combined actions and human emotion. This is his first movie which soaked my eye when he and his police fellow in trouble at one scene...

Posted by: rc at September 25, 2004 01:15 PM

amazing shiit. thou predictable.

Posted by: zhi yang at September 26, 2004 09:59 AM

really a nice movie

Posted by: hell at September 27, 2004 12:55 AM

Stunned by quite how wretched this film is. We all know Jackie Chan is good a fighting choreography, stunts and a bit of slapstick thrown in. This had about 10 minutes of Jackie doing his stuff and 2 hours of dire "acting". We had 20 minutes of Chan just staring mournfully into his whisky glass, acting drunk (exaggeratedly - he should take a lesson from Chaplin) and doing nothing. We had cartoon villains - totally unmenacing little boys. We had two simpering, appalling female leads. We had truly inance dialogues. Jackie to his men as they get murdered by the baddies ("Don't panic"). Jackie to his love interest sitting with a huge bomb on her lap ("Everything will be alright"). We had a truly ridiculous, absurd plot. The script was surely written in 10 minutes on the back of cigarette packet. So, big budget, big mess! Jackie, get back to kung-fu fighting and stop anyone urging you to 'broaden your range'. Acting does not consist of making gooey eyes at passive females and bursting into tears. You can't ham up the drama as in New Police Story and then fall back on the old slapstick comedy.

Posted by: Paul Fisher at September 27, 2004 06:16 AM

a really great movie!!!!!! think i watch it a few times...... i can't help it!!!!!! it's just such a great movie!!!!!!

Posted by: Ashley at October 13, 2004 02:42 AM

it really made me a cry baby

Posted by: edalyn lacsa at October 13, 2004 08:01 AM

I have seen this movie in Shanghai. The script is very good for an action movie, Jackie Chan is a good actor for drama and the action is really exciting. I have been Jackie's fan during many years, but I confess these last years I was a little dissapointed with his American movies. But Jackie comes back to Hong Kong cinema and he makes one of his best movies. This man is absolutely incredible, fifty years old and the things he can do almost nobody can do, never mind the age. Go to see New Police Story and you will enjoy with the good story and the top action, including some very dangerous moments for this great stuntman and artist.

Posted by: Jose at October 15, 2004 02:31 PM

Nicholas Tse is the BEST

Posted by: Oi Mei at November 22, 2004 04:59 PM

about this new jackie chan movie "new police story" will it be dubbed into english ever? cause it looks really good

Posted by: Adam at January 10, 2005 10:54 AM


Posted by: Daniel at January 26, 2005 05:11 PM

I haven't seen this movie yet, looks good though.
Hey Paul, why should Jackie not broaden his range? Don't forget that he went to school for theater too, not just Martial Arts.

Posted by: Tim at February 7, 2005 01:13 AM

Just wanted to add, it isn't so much Jackie is trying to broaden his range, I think he just wants to tell a believable story.

Posted by: Tim at February 7, 2005 01:55 AM

i am not sure if youre gonna get this. but i just want to say congrats on the new movie i love youre work.i am a great fan of you like many more. thank you for taking time to read this. if you do get it.

Posted by: abasin at May 18, 2005 04:10 PM

hi how r u?
i love film jacky chan
please download film

Posted by: mostafa at June 9, 2005 11:04 AM

hi jackie i like all your movies]

Posted by: conner at June 26, 2005 06:10 AM

total shit! 3rd rate movie! I am disappointed..

Posted by: dan at July 1, 2005 03:39 PM