August 17, 2004

Two Wonderful topics: 1) Corey Feldman and 2) Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go!

Allrighty! Here he is! The Frog Brother, the kid with the ear on Stand By Me, yes, that's right, it's Corey Feldman, and it's not a surreal reality show OR a Moby Video. Booya! ABC is bringing a new animated series to television and it's called, no kidding: "Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go!" I'm informing you that you love that title. Yes you do, it kicks you in the bunny spot in fact. is telling the world (a.k.a. Feldman's hip-happity fan club) that Corey has signed on to be the voice of the characted named "Sprx-77". (Article Here) Feldman says it's a culmination of a bunch of those funky, brassy cartoons... Transformers meets Ninja Turtles meets Powerpuff Girls...

Essentially it's about a Enforcement team made up of half-robot, half-monkeys -- Feldman's character monkey-robot has a magnetic hand with detachable parts!!! Apparently he's the Han Solo-ish/Smart-ass remarking character! This is the best thing you've read in a month.

Oh yes it is.
No sign of Mr. Haim yet.

Posted by John Campea at August 17, 2004 01:36 AM


I dont know. Admittedly I am a fan for the Tale of Two Corey's movies of the 80s, but then I grew up.

I saw Feldman on "Surreal Life" where we saw glimpses of the REAL Corey Feldman, and I just have to say that in a room full of forgotten celebs we realize we missed him less.

A voice in a cartoon. I guess thats fine. He was a ninja turtle voice (Donatello) which worked ok. As long as he doesn't sing.

Posted by: Rodney at August 17, 2004 01:08 PM

I dunno... 1) I really don't think film of someone who's in the same house with everyone from MC Hammer to Vince Neil, then having that video reel run through the ol' editing process is a good estimate of "what they're really like".

That and he's killed a vampire.

Posted by: Day-vuh at August 17, 2004 05:09 PM

True enough. I am sure they did their best to gather up the REALLY embarassing stuff for entertainment value.

But when the rest of them were doing Kazoo solos and dressing up goofy for a "talent show" he got on stage to sing a song from his most recent album. It really wasnt good.

That and I just really think he is a freak. I might be wrong. He did switch bodies with a 70 year old.

Posted by: Rodney at August 17, 2004 06:01 PM

well, after seeing a short minute of corey feldman getting down with mc hammer, I have to say I'm excited about this new project!!!


Posted by: tracy at August 17, 2004 11:20 PM

heehee! This show is the best in the world and Sparx is my fav char (except Chiro, he the best). Then again, I'm a rabid fangirl so...

Posted by: Raifiel at November 1, 2004 10:58 PM

i think corey's a real cool actor, who i really miss i wanna see more of him. i have never seen Surreal world because i live in england, but in his movies he is well fine.

Posted by: emma at December 24, 2004 09:36 AM